Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight novelbin

Chapter 391 Visiting

Rufus’ POV:

I looked at these newbies gloomily. They were all young werewolves who had just been recruited. At a glance, I knew that they were all still very stubborn and disobed*ient.

Originally, Blair was supposed to train them, but now that Blair was in a coma, I needed to step in for him.

“How many left? Did I tell you to stop counting?” I shouted coldly.

“F… four hundred… fifty… No, thirty left…” a sold*ier answered breathlessly, his face red from the effort. I had punished him by making him do push-ups.

The rest of them didn’t dare to make a sound, for fear of being implicated.

My cold gaze swept across them and I warned, “This is what happens when you’re lazy. If any of you dare to slack off again, don’t bother to come back.”

A short sold*ier raised a hand falteringly. “Sir,” he squeaked nervously, “could you please let us rest for a second? Captain Blair didn’t train us as hard as this…”

“And that’s why you all are so damn lazy.” I glanced at him indifferently, my voice as cold as ice. “You haven’t learned anything other than to slack off.”

The sold*ier’s mouth immediately snapped shut, his little b*ody shaking like a leaf.

“I don’t care how Blair trained you before. That’s all in the past now.” I looked at them expressionlessly. “While he’s still on leave, I’m going to be the one training you. Got it?” None of the sold*iers before me dared to so much as nod. The only sound that could be heard was from the panting from sold*ier behind me who was still counting push-ups.

“F… four hundred… sixty-seven…”

“Alright. You’re done here,” I said to him flatly.

The punished sold*ier nearly cried out in relief. Without so much as wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead, he immediately got to his feet and rushed back to his teammates, as though he was scared I would change my mind.

“Your team is going to carry out a mission at the border soon, so you can’t slack off —not even for a minute. I’ll train you doubly as hard today.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the sold*iers couldn’t help but b*tch and M0@n all over the place.

Just then, a sold*ier standing at the edge suddenly got excited, his eyes flashing cunningly. He pointed at the periphery of the training ground and said loudly, “Sir, look! Isn’t that your mate over there? She must’ve wanted to visit you!”

Sure enough, when I turned to look in the direction he was pointing, I saw Sylvia standing there. She was standing on tiptoe, waving at me happily with a bright smile on her face.

Her warm smile was infectious. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. The sold*iers cheered happily, urging me to go see her.

I looked at them helplessly, knowing exactly what was on their minds. I decided on a compromise. “Rest here for fifteen minutes. If I’m not back by then, ask Deputy Captain Tori to supervise your

training in my place.”

“Take your time, sir. You need to focus on your mate.”

“He’s right! You’ll see us every day, but not your mate. Take your time!”

“Go on! I’m sure your mate is anxious to see you!” The sold*iers all chimed in, cheering at me to go see Sylvia.

“Be quiet!” Only then did they all fall silent.

I snorted with satisfaction. Before leaving, I said, “Train hard. If I catch you slacking off again…” I let my voice trail off ominously. They got the message.

Then I strode to Sylvia and pecked her on the forehead. “What brings you here, honey?” I asked smilingly.

Sylvia was still smiling, but it looked f0rced. She took my hand and didn’t say anything. She just let her gaze fall to the floor pitifully.

I immediately sensed that something was wrong. “What’s the matter?”

Sylvia shook her head and stuck out her lower lip, looking like an aggrieved child. “I just want a hug.”

Hearing this, my heart skipped a beat. I instinctively looked around and found that everyone in the area was secretly looking at us, watching our every move.

Holding back the impulse to kiss her right then and there, I coughed dryly then scooped her up onto my shoulders. With Sylvia in tow, I trotted towards the dormitory hurriedly.


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