Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 396 The End of The Day

Sylvia’s POV:

I gave Rufus a meaningful look. “Now you know how I feel, right? So, you should also take care of yourself. Don’t think for a second that I don’t know what kind of a man I fell in love with.”

After all, Rufus shouldered way more responsibilities than I did. Also, I had heard of his fighting style. He was known to be crazy on the battlefield.

It was said that in order to get to the enemy’s leader, he’d break into their camp—alone.

As crazy as it sounded, the story was true. When he came back, he was so seriously injured that he had blacked out into a coma for three whole days. He almost didn’t survive that ordeal.

Even back when I was still with my pack, I had heard of his crazy deeds. And at the time, I didn’t have any feelings for him. I just saw the infamous Prince Rufus as a crazy man, like how the rumors painted him to be.

But things were different now. I loved him. Whenever I thought about his wild escapades from before, I couldn’t help but feel worried and scared.

Rufus seemed to read my mind and smiled helplessly. “Don’t worry. I’ve changed.”

“Good boy,” I patted his head the way he usually did with me. “Although we’re bound to d*ie sooner or later, I’m not scared, knowing that I’ll be reunited with you after death.”

Rufus opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he only sighed.

I stroked his eyebrows and said gently, “Stop frowning. It’s a good thing if we d*ie together, isn’t it?”

“Then I won’t allow you to d*ie so easily. Otherwise, you won’t be qualified to be buried in this cemetery.” Rufus wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at me with a helpless smile.

I nodded seriously. “You don’t have to worry about that. I will cherish my life!”

Rufus chuckled and finally compromised. “Fine. I’ll register a spot for you later.”

“Thank you, sir!” I saluted him playfully with a twinkle in my eye.

After that, Rufus took me back to my dormitory.

Since it was getting late, Rufus didn’t return to the training ground. Instead, he headed back to the imperial palace to deal with other government affairs.

As soon as he left, Flora came back. I didn’t know where she had been to. Her face was all black and covered in dirt.

“Sylvia! You’re here!” She was very happy to see me and broke into a big, toothy smile. Her pearly whites were a stark contrast to her dirty face.

“Where’d you run off to all day? Were you training?”

Flora wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. “I went to dig up mines.”

“Mines?” Wasn’t that dangerous? Why was she so excited over something like that?

“Yup! Jerome wanted us to have mine clearance training in the afternoon. It was so exciting. I felt like we were digging for treasure.” Flora held my arm and squeezed it, immersed in retelling the tale of how

they spent their afternoon. “Jerome tasked us to eliminate the fake mines they planted, but I accidentally dug up all the real ones. The instructor praised me for doing such a good job.”

“Are you sure he was praising you?” Squinting, I couldn’t help but interrupt her.

Flora nodded her head adamantly. “A hundred percent sure. He also said that I had permed his hair into a fashionable curly hairstyle.”

“Haha!” I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. I could imagine just how angry Jerome was at Flora.

“Anyway, let’s get something to eat, or else I’m going to d*ie from starvation!”

Flora dragged me to the canteen, her face still as dirty as the floor beneath us. Along the way, many werewolves looked at Flora curiously. But obviously my friend was blissfully unaware of their gazes and enjoyed her meal in ignorant bliss. She had a big appetite these days because of the hard training. Sometimes she had more than three meals a day.

But she was also gaining weight because of this. Her little double chin made her look even younger and cuter than usual.

After eating, Flora and I chatted about our days.

As we were on our way back to the dormitory building, we found Harry squatting at the door with a quilt wrapped around him. He looked like a homeless beggar.


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