Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 430 The Female Vampire sl*ve

Sylvia’s POV:

After I reached an agreement with Flora and Harry regarding tonight’s operation, they gradually calmed down and waited patiently for the banquet to end. novelbin

When the banquet reached its climax, Geoffrey suddenly stood up and clapped his hands. “Bring her over.”

I glanced at Flora in confusion. “What’s happening?”

“A special program, perhaps?” Flora craned her head, trying to see what was going on outside.

I could hear the sound of iron chains being dragged across the floor.

Curiosity was eating away at me, so I turned to look at Rufus questioningly. He just shook his head.

Just then, Flora suddenly pulled my sleeve and said urgently, “Sylvia, look at the door!”

I turned to look in the direction she was pointing and saw a beautiful golden-haired sl*ve being escorted in by two guards. The metallic sounds were coming from the heavy shackles on her feet.

Not only was she shackled, she also wore an iron collar that must’ve weighed a ton around her neck. Her clothes barely covered her b*ody. Her n@ked thighs were exposed in front of everyone.

“Allow me to introduce Ashley to you, Prince Rufus. She’s a good dancer. She has prepared a special dance just for you,” Geoffrey announced happily.

“How the f*ck can she dance in that?” Harry frowned deeply.

Ashley wasn’t wearing any shoes, and we could clearly see that the soles of her feet were covered in scars. Although she walked very slowly, she wore a big smile on her face, as though she wasn’t in any pain.

When she made it to the center of the banquet hall, music started to play.

The Gothic-style music gave the hall a mysterious atmosphere.

Although Ashley was heavily chained, she still danced flexibly and lithely. Her slim waist swayed to the music, and her every step matched the beat of the song.

I watched Ashley’s dance quietly. She was gorgeous and looked mature, so I figured she must’ve been an adult already. But she didn’t smell like a werewolf… Judging from her appearance, it was very likely that this sl*ve was a vampire.

When this thought crossed my mind, I couldn’t help but frown. Although the relationship between the vampires and the werewolves had always been very strained, we had reached a temporary truce.

Where we stood right now was located on the border of werewolf territory, not far from the vampires. Yet Geoffrey had the audacity to publicly ensl*ve a vampire! My frown deepened the longer I looked at Ashley. Every exposed part of her b*ody was covered in scars or fresh wounds.

Anyone could tell that Ashley had a hard life here. It reminded me of the time I was a sl*ve.

Frowning deeply, I turned to a local sold*ier sitting opposite me. “What crime has this sl*ve committed?”

The sold*ier looked intoxicated. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from Ashley. When he heard my question, it took a while for him to answer. “Nothing. She didn’t commit any crime. But she’s still a

vampire. Moreover, her special power hasn’t been awakened yet, so she’s just a loser. As long as we don’t K*ll her, we can do anything to her.”

The sold*ier’s words made me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

I was right—Ashley was indeed a vampire. Although I didn’t necessarily like vampires, I couldn’t just sit and watch as these people deliberately humiliated and abused an innocent creature.

Just then, Ashley had finished her first dance. Another song started to play, and she began a new dance.

The sold*ier’s l*stful eyes lingered on Ashley’s b*ody. “She’s so hot, but unfortunately, it’s not yet my turn.”

“Your turn? What do you mean?” I pursed my lips and asked.

The sold*ier sighed with pity. “Such a beauty isn’t given to ordinary sold*iers like me until the superiors are tired of playing with her. She might be a dancer right now, but at night, she’s a s*x sl*ve.”

Then his peer next to him chimed in. “Yeah. I have a friend who’s one level higher than me and he’d f*cked her once. He said that her p*ssy’s damaged beyond repair. Poor girl. But she’s just getting what she deserves.” After saying that, the two sold*iers exchanged knowing glances. “It’ll be our turn soon.”

I didn’t want to listen to them anymore, so I turned away in disgust.

Geoffrey kept trying to b*tter up Rufus. Rufus ignored him. His face was cold as ice, and he looked like he didn’t even want to glance at Geoffrey.

As the banquet went on, the joyful music kept playing. I thought today’s show would consist of a few simple dances, but to my horror, a few sold*iers brought in a huge slab of charcoal stone. It glowed red,

as though it had been heated beforehand.

And it looked like Ashley was going to dance her last dance on it—barefoot.


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