Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 525 Escape from The Orphanage

Geoffrey’s POV:

Seeing all those children from the orphanage, I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. “What’s going on? Who let these kids out?”

A swarm of sold*iers were chasing after the children. It was utter chaos.

Children’s shouts echoed across the air as dust flew every which way. They were like cubs that had broken out of a cage, howling excitedly.

What a chaotic scene!

I didn’t have time for this nonsense. I tried to swat the dust away from me and shouted angrily, “Who’s in charge here?”

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a burst of amused laughter amidst the clouds of dust. It was Flora, who was gloating. I didn’t have time the time to deal with her. Turning to my men, I barked orders at them to find out what happened.


Just then, a sold*ier rushed to me, panting and out of breath.

“What the hell is going on?” I demanded.

“A child led all the children in the orphanage escape through somewhere. We were caught completely off guard and these children took it as an opportunity to flee,” the sold*ier trembled and stammered.

I was so angry that I nearly beat the sold*ier on the spot. Squeezing my eyes shut and taking a deep breath, I asked through gritted teeth, “Who let the children out?”

“I… I don’t know… There are too many of them, I wouldn’t be able to recognize which—”

“You f*cking idiot!” I lost my patience and kicked him aside. “Everyone, catch all the children immediately!”

The sold*iers tried to regroup, but the children were like fish, slipping out of our grasp no matter how hard we tried. The sold*iers obviously had no idea where to start.

I even caught a glimpse of a sold*ier trying to grab a boy, but the boy scratched the sold*ier’s armpit and cunningly twisted his b*ody to escape.

The place was a complete mess.

Some naughty children even had the gall to bite the sold*iers, who screamed in pain. From the corner of my eye, I could see that some private guards of Prince Rufus also joined the battle secretly and helped the children escape from my sold*iers.

I was so anxious that I nearly sprang into action myself. But when I felt how tight my suit was, I decided to let it go.

Just then, I realized that the werewolves from the other side of the wall had gathered again. They stared at the children on the other side of the wall with awe, hot tears in their eyes. I vaguely heard them muttering their own children’s names.

Suddenly, a shrill cry drew everyone’s attention. A sold*ier had yanked a child’s arm rudely, dragging him across the ground like a sack of garbage.novelbin

Damn it! That idiot!

As expected, werewolves outside the wall began to stir. The parents roared and were about to rush past the gate to save their kids.

More and more werewolves followed suit. The anger that had accumulated in them for a long time finally burst out at this moment. The children also cried and shouted. They twisted and squirmed, breaking away from the shackles of the sold*iers and rushing to their family.

I cursed under my breath. Things were about to lose control.

Flora suddenly ordered Prince Rufus’s men loudly, “Stop those bad sold*iers and get the children to their parents.”

The three f0rces collided in a hot mess. Damn it! It was the first time that such an uncontrollable riot had happened during my rule as Alpha.

Damn it all to hell!

When I caught the one who had released the children without my permission, I would definitely let them d*ie.


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