Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 532 Who Built the Wall

Rufus’ POV:

I was shocked to hear that witch’s name come from Geoffrey’s mouth.

Indeed, my men had reported to me that they had found traces of Noreen at the border. Maybe Geoffrey had something to do with her sudden appearance.

But why would Noreen tell Geoffrey about the curse? At the time, Geoffrey and I weren’t involved in each other’s business. The only possibility was that Noreen had approached him after I had come to the border.

“Where is Noreen now?” I stared into Geoffrey’s eyes unflinchingly and asked him.

Not to be outdone, Geoffrey stared back at me steadily. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly burst into laughter. “You look anxious, Prince Rufus. It seems to me that you care a lot about Noreen’s existence, so it’s true that you’re cursed! Such being the case, I’m curious why today is an exception.”

I grabbed his neck and growled impatiently, “Tell me where Noreen is.”

Geoffrey was f0rced to raise his head and laugh like a broken accordion. He said in a hoarse voice, “The more you ask, the less I will tell you. If you insist on going against me, then I’m afraid you’re going to have to go down with me.”

I tried my best to restrain my impulse to K*ll him on the spot, blue veins standing out on my hands. “Do you really think that I won’t K*ll you?”

“Try me. I’m in charge of the three packs here. As long as I give the order, reinf0rcements will come storming in from the other packs. The troops you brought are no match for me at all.” novelbin

As Geoffrey spoke, he winked at an injured subordinate nearby. The sold*ier immediately took out a signal flare gun from his pocket and intended to fire it.

“Damn it!” Harry rushed to the sold*ier and tried to grab the flare gun from him, but it was too late. A violent sound shook the earth and bluish, purple smoke soared into the sky.

Geoffrey chuckled complacently. “Just wait. My men will be here soon.”

I took a deep breath and reluctantly let go of Geoffrey’s neck.

Flora, on the other hand, was so angry that she picked up a stray brick from the ground and threw it at Geoffrey. “You bastard! You’re so annoying!”

Geoffrey awkwardly dodged the flying brick and almost stumbled to the ground. Seeing him fumble, the crowd burst into laughter.

This obviously angered him, but there was nothing he could do but wait for his reinf0rcements. I cast a cold glance at him whilst racking my brain to come up with a solution.

The situation was getting worse. Once Geoffrey’s reinf0rcements came, the tables would turn in his favor.

“Why are you so damn stubborn? Why do you cling to this wall of sin?” Warren asked with disdain.

After hearing that, Geoffrey suddenly burst into laughter. With a mocking expression on his face, he looked around us one by one and asked, “You actually call it ‘the wall of sin’? That’s hilarious! Do you think I was the one who built this wall?”

“Who else? Wasn’t this wall built to satisfy your ambitions?” Flora pursed her lips and looked at Geoffrey with disgust. “We have seen through your tricks. Drop the act. Nothing you say can offset what you’ve done. Although it was vampires who K*lled those werewolves, their blood is on your hands.”

“Yes, I might be guilty of that!” Geoffrey’s eyes turned red and he grew very agitated. “But it wasn’t just me. You should look more at the werewolves standing in front of you. I couldn’t have built this wall alone. It was built by all the werewolves here, and it took more than a hundred days and nights. You know nothing.”


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