Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 563 f0rced to Use Her Special Power

Ashley’s POV:

“What?” I looked at Layla in surprise, wondering if I had heard her wrong. How could someone make such a strange request?

“I said, use your special power on me.” Layla stared at me intently.

I was at a loss. Nervous, I wiped my sweaty palms on my trousers. “I… I have nothing against you, so I don’t want to attack you. I hope you can let me go.”

Honestly, what I really meant was that I hoped she wouldn’t make things difficult for me. It was the first time in my life that someone had asked me to use my special power on them.

Layla suddenly stood up and looked at me coldly. “I’ll say it one more time. Use your special power on me.”

This sent a shiver down my spine. As fear started to overtake me, I took a step back and stammered, “Please… Please just let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone about what happened.”

Layla blew a fuse in that moment. “Are you stupid? Either do as I say or d*ie!”

As she spoke, she waved her hand and I felt indescribable pain on my face. I screamed and instinctively reached up to cover my face. “My nose… It’s broken!”

With a sinister smile, Layla’s beautiful lips parted and she chanted an incantation.

I didn’t think it was possible but now my face hurt even more. Blood spilled from my nose and my mouth was filled with the metallic taste of blood, making me unable to speak.

“Please… Don’t do this…” I fell to my knees and begged her for mercy.

“Use your special power on me.” Layla repeated herself and looked at me with disgust.

This time, I immediately agreed. As soon as I nodded, my face stopped hurting and the blood disappeared from my mouth, but the taste still lingered, i

“Do it now.” Layla sat back down, crossed her arms over her chest, and stared at me coldly.

I clambered to my feet, smoothed my hair, and tried to calm myself down. If this was what she wanted, then this was what she was going to get.

It’d be a good thing if I could control her. By then, I could f0rce her to give Sylvia back to me.

And now, I was certain that Layla was in fact Noreen. I also intended to ask her for the antidote to the black death curse. Just wait and see. I would exact my revenge on those who had hurt me.

Hiding my pent-up rage, I f0rced a calm expression and used my special power on Layla. This required concentration. I closed my eyes to clear my mind, and then opened my eyes to stare straight at Layla.

In the blink of an eye, I was on it.

But Layla didn’t even bat an eyelash. She still stared back at me coldly. I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. I didn’t know whom Layla was seeing right now, nor did I know if my special power was working on her.

So, I took a deep breath and tried to smile brightly. “Layla, long time no see—”

However, before I could even finish my sentence, Layla interrupted me coldly. “Shut the f*ck up. That person would never talk like that.”

My smile froze on my face and I felt a little embarrassed. “Did my special power work?”

“What do you think?” Layla snorted impatiently.

Since she didn’t give me a straight answer, I still was not sure. I swallowed and didn’t dare to ask her any more questions. I was afraid that one wrong move would urge her to break my face again.

But she kept staring at my face. Although her attitude was still very cold, I noticed there was a very subtle change in her expression.

So, did that mean my special power had taken effect? And she just didn’t want to admit it? Plus, I had no idea who Layla was seeing—a male or a female?


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