Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 602

Chapter 602

Chapter 602

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 602 The Task

Harry’s POV:

After a discussion, the three of us finally came to the decision for one of us to go out first and create a disturbance to distract the vampires. The other two would escape in the ensuing chaos. They would then make a commotion as well so that the first one could also get away.

“Who will go first?” Sylvia asked.

I was going to recommend myself, but Joanna spoke first. “I’ll go.”

Sylvia and I exchanged a glance filled with tacit understanding and said in unison, “Okay.”

It was obvious that Joanna was strong. Although her strength did not match up with mine, she was still the most suitable candidate. After all, her ability to hide and evade was superior to Sylvia’s and mine. She would be able to fool those vampires outside.

“Be careful,” I said in an earnest voice as I patted her shoulder.

Joanna didn’t respond. She gave a nod to Sylvia, and then spun around and rushed out of the cave.

The cave became a little quieter with her departure. Sylvia and I were left behind here and would have to wait for Joanna’s signal.

The signal was a chirp. Joanna’s imitation of a bird chirping sounded almost real. I had discovered this by accident and had f0rced her to perform it several times for me.

“John is so agile. His ability to move stealthily and his sense of perception is incredibly exceptional. He seems to be very experienced,” Sylvia sighed.

My lips curled to one side. Sylvia was right. How else could Joanna be a professional K*ller? These were requisite sK*lls for an assassin. If she hadn’t been strong enough, she would have d*ied a long time ago.

“You have been stuck with John every day, haven’t you? You must have learned something about him, right?” Sylvia watched me curiously and said in a teasing voice. “No, we haven’t spent time together every day!” I protested. I had been coerced into doing that. I had no interest in eating and sleeping with a female K*ller who dressed as a man. And I had to keep her secrets! This was mad! At the mention of this topic, my mind flashed back to how she had threatened me with my life that night. I was worried that everyone would pity me if they heard my story. *

“You have. Flora and I barely see you now. You are either on your way to dinner with John or en route to some mission with him. You are so busy, Harry.” Sylvia shot me a wink and burst into laughter.

I coughed awkwardly and said, “It’s just a coincidence that John and I had been assigned the same missions these past few days. Once we return to the capital, we can eat and train together again.”

“I was just joking. John is also one of us. If there is an event, we can invite him to join us,” Sylvia said gently.

I scratched my nose and stayed quiet. I had already decided to keep a constant eye on Joanna. I wouldn’t let her hurt Sylvia and Flora.

As this thought ran through my mind, my eyes suddenly fell on a phone on the ground. It was Joanna’s.

“She’s so careless that she didn’t even realize she has left her phone behind,” I murmured as I picked it up. Something abruptly struck me. Perhaps there was information about her mission on the phone?

I really wanted to look through her phone, but I was afraid Sylvia would accuse me of invading others privacy. So, I pretended to keep it safe for John and slipped it into my pocket.

A little while later, curiosity about the phone was burning me up from inside. I quickly made up an excuse to get away from Sylvia. “Sylvia, I’m going to pee. Please wait here for a bit.”

“Okay. Go ahead.” Sylvia didn’t suspect me of anything nefarious. She was sitting on a stone, her chin propped up by her hand, staring blankly at the wall.

I went to the innermost corner of the cave. After ensuring that Sylvia was paying no heed to me, I took out Joanna’s phone from my pocket.

Unfortunately, it needed a password to unlock it.

I bit my lower lip in distress. Damn it! Why had she set a password?

I randomly typed in some numbers on the screen. My first try was 1234, and the next one was 6666. Finally, I tried Joanna’s birthday, and it surprisingly worked.


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