Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 609

Chapter 609

Chapter 609

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight novelbin

Chapter 609 Are You Angry

Sylvia’s POV:

Harry and Joanna were whispering to each other in the corner.

A couple of minutes ago, the two were quarreling. I thought they would get into a fight again, and I had to mediate and solve the dispute. However, the tension between the two miraculously eased and they now looked harmonious.

I couldn’t figure out what had happened, so I didn’t bother paying attention. I simply looked out of the window and watched the scenery.

The car quickly drove into the border of the pack. About five or six minutes later, it stopped at the military camp. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw Rufus waiting for me on the stone steps. Although his face bore no expression, I could tell he was furious.

I immediately guessed who must have told him about it, so I turned and glared at Harry.

Harry looked at me apologetically and waved his mobile phone. ‘I had no choice. Prince Rufus called me. I dared not lie to him,’ he mouthed, silently begging for mercy.

I was so angry that I almost raised my hand to punch him. However, Joanna stepped forward and protectively stood in front of him. I was taken aback for a moment. It looked like she was trying to protect him.

While we were silently talking, Rufus walked up to me. Harry didn’t dare to stay any longer. He grabbed Joanna’s hand and ran away.

Before Rufus misunderstood me, I took his hand and explained, “I still haven’t fully figured out the details about your curse and we will go back to the imperial palace soon. If I don’t go back to Noreen’s domain and learn more about the curse, I’m afraid I will never have a chance to find out about it.”

My voice broke with guilt as I spoke. Rufus stared at me grimly without uttering a word. I stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips. “Please don’t be mad at me. I know I was wrong,” I said pitifully.

Rufus held my waist and looked down at me without uttering a word.

“I promise this will never happen. I won’t risk my life again. I won’t hide anything from you,” I swore sincerely. But Rufus didn’t respond.

His silence frightened me. I hugged him desperately. “Please say something. Don’t ignore me. I know I made a mistake. Please forgive me.”

Rufus unclasped my hands that were hugging him and pulled back. I looked up at him in rapture, thinking he was going to say something.

But he just turned around and left. I hurriedly ran after him and grabbed his hand. “Where are you going?”

He looked down at my hand and then my eyes, his face taut with anger. I pouted and slowly loosened my grip. Unexpectedly, he grabbed my hand.

‘What’s going on?’ I looked up at Rufus; his face had darkened with rage. He held my hand tightly and turned to the temporary residence for sold*iers.

“Why don’t we go to your place?” I asked in a low voice. Rufus didn’t answer my question. Instead, he led me to my residence. It looked like he was at the peak of his rage. Otherwise, Rufus would never act like this.

“I guess going to your place will be a better idea. You carry on with your work. I’ll wait for you to come back.” I held his arm obed*iently.

However, Rufus was so angry that he didn’t utter a word regardless of how much I tried. I followed him in despair, thinking about how to cheer him up. Rufus had lost his temper with me for the first time. I was filled with regret. If I had anticipated such a thing, I would have told him. But if I did, he would have protested and offered to accompany me.

I sighed as we walked to my place.

Rufus wanted to let go of me when we arrived, but I grasped his hand with all my strength. “Are you leaving?” Rufus examined my face and finally said, “Go back and think about what you did. I have to go back to work.”

“Fine…” I pouted and slowly let go of his hand. I wanted to stick to him and didn’t want to leave his side. After all, he was still angry.

Rufus didn’t say anything. I took a deep breath and kissed his cheek. “All right, go ahead. I will miss you.”

Rufus paused for a moment. It looked like he wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. Finally, he left without saying a word.


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