Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 614

Chapter 614

Chapter 614

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 614 Back to The Capital City

Sylvia’s POV:

Last night, Rufus and I had a good time. He even convinced me to try different, unorthodox positions. We didn’t stop until dawn.

Because we slept so late, I didn’t wake up until it was almost noon. As soon as I opened my eyes, Rufus leaned over and kissed me.

“‘Morning, babe,” Rufus said gently, stroking my cheek gently.

“How long have you been awake?” I yawned and held his hand, still a little groggy.

“I just woke up actually.”

Rufus planted a kiss on my forehead and finally climbed out of bed to get dressed.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up, too. Just as I was about to follow Rufus into the bathroom to freshen up, my eyes fell on the “mole” on his back. It had grown even bigger.

In the blink of an eye, my good mood vanished. Pursing my lips unhappily, I tried to calm down by telling myself that everything was going to be fine.

The completed blackthorn pattern would be huge. With the current rate at which the pattern was growing on Rufus’ back, there was still a lot of time left to find a solution.

After getting dressed, Rufus went to the bathroom to run a bath for me. While doing so, he talked to me from time to time.

Although he seldom talked in front of others, when the two of us were alone in private, he not only talked a lot, but also acted like a spoiled child sometimes.

I got out of bed and followed him into the bathroom. There, I found Rufus shaving. He had carefully applied the white cream on his chin and was swiping at it with a sharp razor blade. Rufus preferred to shave like this over an electronic razor.

His movements were simple and efficient. In a matter of no time, he was done. Then he turned around, picked me up, and gently placed me in the tub, kissing me. “We’re going back this afternoon. The army from the capital will arrive later. After the transfer of power, we will take the military vehicles back directly.”

I was a little surprised to hear that. “Really? I haven’t even packed up yet.”

“The notice was issued only yesterday. But you slipped away by then…” Rufus snorted and squeezed out some toothpaste onto my toothbrush for me. “Go pack after you’ve freshened up. I’m going to turn over the subsequent work to the local councilors. Bring your phone and call me if anything happens.”

“Got it.” I took the toothbrush and nodded obed*iently. “And don’t run around this time,” Rufus flicked my forehead and pursed his lips reproachfully.

Embarrassed, I stuck out my tongue. “Fine. I promise I won’t do it again.”

Rufus looked me up and down before finally nodding with satisfaction. He pinched my cheek and said, “Okay. Finish up here. I’m going to work.”


After Rufus left, I did as I was told and quickly packed up my things. Just as I was about to finish, my eyes landed on the potted plant that I had left in Rufus’ room.

To my surprise, its flower had bloomed.

It was still a bud before I left yesterday morning. It bloomed so soon!

But this was a good thing. I could verify whether it was effective or not after we got back to the capital city.

This brightened up my mood. After collecting my stuff in Rufus’ room, I went back to the dorm I shared with Flora to continue packing.

That afternoon, we all piled into the military vehicles and headed back to the capital city.

We were all in a good mood. The series of terrible events had finally come to an end, and the werewolves from the border packs were gradually getting their lives back on track.

Overall, everything was getting better.

The trip back to the capital was as fast as the journey to the border. We arrived at the imperial palace after two days’ journey.

Ethan, the lycan king, personally welcomed us at the gate of the palace, but to my surprise, Richard was standing next to him.

Why the hell was that guy released from prison?! Worse yet, he looked glowing, with ruddy cheeks and an energetic demeanor. Those who didn’t know him might’ve thought that he had just returned from a vacation.

Damn it! My good mood was ruined in an instant.


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