Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 632

Chapter 632

Chapter 632

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 632 A Press Conference

Sylvia’s POV:

While I waited for Rufus, I sat in the lobby downstairs. The maid was just about to bring me my third cup of coffee when Rufus finally came.

I quickly stood up and trotted over to him. “How’s your mother? Was she able to calm down?”

“She took her medicine and fell asleep. And yes, she calmed down a lot.” Rufus took my hand and we headed out together.

Hearing this, I heaved a sigh of relief. “Where are we going now? Back?”

“No. Let’s see my father first.”

When we caught up to Ethan, distress was written all over his face because of the issue with the post on the Internet. The ministers standing in front of him all had their heads lowered in fear, and nobody dared to speak. When we came in, the ministers grabbed Rufus’ hands as if they had met their savior.

“Prince Rufus, please talk to the lycan king. He wants to cut off and reset the network of the empire, which means erasing all traces on the Internet today. Not only is it a huge project, but it’s also an invasion of the privacy of the public. It will inevitably cause adverse reactions.” The one speaking was probably the director of the network review and supervision bureau. He kept pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and sweat dripped from his forehead to his collar, making him look a little helpless.

Rufus patted him on the shoulder and said reassuringly, “You can all go now. I need to speak with my father alone.”

One by one, the ministers filed out of the room. Soon, only Ethan, Rufus, and I were left. Ethan put down his glasses, asked us to sit down, and waved at his attendants to serve tea.

“I’ve punished Richard by grounding him. I offer my apologies on his behalf,” Ethan said to Rufus and coughed awkwardly.

Rufus sat on the sofa leisurely, expressionless. “I don’t have the time and I don’t want to care about Richard. Now I just want to deal with the matter at hand.”

Ethan sat down next to Rufus with his laptop. He looked exhausted and stressed, rubbing the spot between his eyebrows intermittently. “This matter is explosive. The only solution is to f0rcefully suppress the public opinion and issue a statement denying the curse.”

Rufus shook his head immediately. “We can’t keep it a secret forever. It’s better not to respond than to deny, but neither is it a good idea to not respond. So, let’s hold a press conference and I’ll explain everything to the public myself.”

I instantly understood what Rufus was planning to do. I grabbed his hand nervously and asked, “Are you sure about this, Rufus? But we don’t know if—”

Rufus squeezed my hand comfortingly. “Blair is living proof that the plant works. Trust me, Sylvia. Don’t be afraid.”

“What are you two talking about?” Ethan looked at us questioningly.

Rufus hesitated for a while and finally told his father that we might’ve found a way to remove the curse on him.

Ethan was wild with joy. He grabbed Rufus’ shoulders excitedly and cried, “Don’t give me false hope, my son. Have you really found a way to remove the curse?”

Rufus shrugged helplessly. “Why do both you and Mother think that I’m lying?”

“Your mother knows about it?” Ethan frowned curiously. Rufus nodded. “Yes. Although theoretically the potted plant could remove all Noreen’s curses, it hasn’t been tested on me yet, so we can’t be 100% sure that it’ll work. Maybe we’ll just be disappointed in the end.”

“It’s okay. I believe it will work.” Ethan was very confident. His old, wrinkled face was full of light that hadn’t shone in a long time, but soon, the light flickered and d*ied. He shook his head and spoke his worries. “We can’t deceive the public. If we can’t remove the curse in the end, it will become the royal family’s fault.”

“The situation will only become worse whether we let the public opinion go or cut it off f0rcefully. We have no choice but to face the public and be honest. As for what will happen later, we’ll have to wait and see,” Rufus said calmly.

Ethan fell silent for a while, and then finally agreed, albeit reluctantly. He immediately ordered his men to prepare for an emergency press conference.


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