Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 634 A Mysterious Text

Richard’s POV:

My first reaction was that of disbelief. Rufus had to be lying, right?

There was no way Noreen’s curse could be solved so easily. Besides, the black witch had vanished years ago. How could Rufus have found her all of a sudden?

The comments section shared the same sentiments.

I was a little speechless. The comments covered nearly the whole screen, so I couldn’t see Rufus’ face clearly.

After a pause, Rufus continued, “I believe everyone has read the post about the curse on me. It’s true that it attacks me every full moon night. The next full moon night is a week from now. I will do webcast the whole day to show all the citizens of the empire I’m no longer under the influence of the curse.”

Hearing this, the comments section went ballistic again. I got flustered as well as soon as I heard that. What was Rufus thinking? If he went berserk on camera for all of the empire to see, things would go completely out of control.

By then, he would definitely injure or even K*ll someone. If that was the case, then Rufus wouldn’t even be able to keep his status as prince anymore. The citizens would definitely rally, demanding that the lycan king Str!p Rufus of his power.

“I will be sure to stay transparent about this matter, and as for the mastermind behind the ruckus, I will not spare them.” Rufus was very calm. If my eyes weren’t deceiving me, there even seemed to be anovelbin

slight smile at the corners of his mouth. His sharp eyes looked straight into the camera, and it felt as though he was staring right at me.

Cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Rufus never said or did anything without absolute certainty. Since he dared make such a bold announcement in front of the whole empire, it meant that he was probably telling the truth and he had already had the curse removed.

And if Rufus could get rid of the curse, the lycan king would definitely treat him as the first heir to the throne again. By then, the child in Lucy’s belly would be worthless.

Which meant that I would have no chance to take the throne. I had planned to seize power after Lucy’s child was born and my father had d*ied. But now all my plans were being disrupted. Damn it! Why did Noreen have to show up now?

Looking around at my empty palace, I could already imagine how miserable my life would be once Rufus ascended to the throne. My brother would definitely kick me out of the imperial capital, u

And Laura would definitely be happy about that. She never liked me. Although we got along well with each other in public, Laura secretly hated me with a passion. After all, my existence always reminded her of her failure. A she-wolf that couldn’t keep the attention of her mate was pitiful.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Something felt off. If the curse on Rufus had been removed, then our father should’ve known about this already.

But when we found out about the post on the Internet, he didn’t show any emotions other than anger. Logically speaking, he should’ve been ecstatic after knowing that the curse was resolved.

How could a curse that hadn’t been lifted in years be solved so suddenly? Could Rufus just be making excuses to stabilize the public opinion? Or had he truly found a way to solve the problem?

Just as I was mulling over things, my phone suddenly buzzed. It was a message from an unknown source. Thinking it was spam, I tapped on it impatiently so that I could delete it right away.

However, I was directly attracted by the first sentence, which said that the curse on Rufus hadn’t been removed yet.

I was so excited that I read the whole text quickly. It said clearly that the thing that could remove the curse was a plant, which was now in Rufus’ room. As long as it was destroyed within three days, Rufus would not be able to remove his curse, ever.


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