Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 637 Destroy All Hope

Sylvia’s POV:

Sure enough, by the time Rufus and I burst into his room, our worst fears were confirmed. The potted plant on the bedside table had been smashed, and the blooming flower had been trampled into pieces.

I held the remnants of the flower in my hands carefully and felt my heart shatter. Now that the flower was gone, the curse on Rufus couldn’t be removed. My brain was a mess. I had no idea what to do.

Just then, Rufus’ men had captured someone and brought her to us. It was the she-wolf who had deceived me earlier. I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her angrily. “Why?! Why would you do such a thing?”

The she-wolf was no longer as timid and shy as before. She smiled complacently and said with disdain, “Rufus is a monster. He doesn’t deserve to be a prince, let alone a king.”

After saying that, she pushed me away and tried to K*ll herself, but Rufus quickly stopped her.

Soon, Rufus’ men subdued her and she couldn’t move. “Take her away and interrogate her. Find out who’s behind this.” Rufus also ordered his men to investigate the she-wolf s close connections in the army.

I watched from aside and felt guilt and despair. If it weren’t for me, Rufus wouldn’t have been lured out of his room.

Anger, shame, and regret occupied my heart. I was so stupid! How could I have fallen for such a dumb trick? “Sylvia, find a clean pot and replant the flower. Maybe it can still live. I doubt Noreen’s things are

that fragile,” Yana suggested.

I sniffed and snapped back to reality. Following Yana’s instructions, I found a clean pot, tid*ied up the soil and the flower, but the flower was too withered.

There was no way to fix it. I dug my bare hands into the soil and tears welled up in my eyes. Our last glimmer of hope was snuffed in the blink of an eye.

“Don’t cry, Sylvia. The soil was nourished with Noreen’s blood. Perhaps it has other uses.” Yana refused to give up and asked me to dig the soil up and seal it away, i

But as soon as I found a plastic bag and was about to pack the soil in it, I found that the color of the soil had changed from red to normal. Now, I was certain that it was completely useless.

Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Rufus came back in after he instructed his people to deal with the she-wolf. He was startled when he heard me crying. He knelt down next to me and asked, “Honey, what’s wrong?”

“It was all my fault. I was so easily fooled…” I cried so hard that I couldn’t catch my breath. I wiped my tears away with my filthy hands. As a result, my face was covered with mud, and I felt even more dejected.

This made Rufus burst into laughter.

I stopped crying and looked at him in confusion. How could he still laugh like this? novelbin

Rufus stretched out his fingers to wipe the mud off my face and coaxed me softly, “It wasn’t your fault, honey. That she-wolf was a spy who has been lurking around for some time now. No one could’ve seen it coming.”

“But… But the flower is gone. The curse…” Speaking of that, I couldn’t help but burst into tears again. I felt like I was drowning in a pool of despair.

I had already started to picture a life with Rufus and our children, but now I felt hopeless and angry.

Rufus held me in his arms and comforted me. “Honey, don’t cry. Things aren’t as bad as you think. There’s still hope.”

“How? It’s not like we can just bring Noreen here,” I said tearfully.

Rufus simply smiled and pecked me on the forehead. He then said in a meaningful tone, “Calm down. Let’s wait and see.”


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