Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight novelbin

Chapter 646 An Epic Howl

Rufus’ POV:

Instantly, I had a bad feeling about this. I quickly turned into my human form and pounced on Sylvia. “What’re you up to?”

Sylvia held her phone away from me complacently. “I’m shooting a blockbuster.”

“Let me see.” I reached out to grab the phone.

But Sylvia refused to give it to me. “The director worked so hard to get this shot!”

Without hesitation, I started to tickle her. She burst into laughter and finally caved. “All right, all right! I’ll show you.”

She unlocked her phone and tapped on the video. A huge silver wolf was howling at the moon. The howl was… shocking, for a lack of better terms. I had no idea that my voice was so unpleasant to hear. When I listened to it now, I couldn’t help but frown.

“Oh, my God! Look at it go! What a stupid wolf!” Sylvia burst into laughter, her b*ody shaking violently from the effort.

I snorted angrily and pinned her down on the grass. “You’re the one who started it.”

Sylvia tilted her head slightly, looking at me provocatively. “Do you have proof, sir?”

Then she replayed the video. The terrible wolf howl almost made me lose my mind. Damn it! She wasn’t wrong. I really was a stupid wolf.

“Who are you calling stupid? You’re the stupid one for obeying her!” Omar snorted defensively.

Ignoring him, I pressed Sylvia against the gr@ssand bit her earlobe, trying to grab her phone. Sylvia was out of breath. While hiding her phone, she smiled at me mischievously and then poked me in the waist.

“Hey!” I instantly let go of her. Damn it. She really knew how to deal with me now.

Sylvia quickly freed herself from her shackles and announced that she was going to play the video at our wedding ceremony.

“It’ll be epic. I know everyone will go crazy when they see this video!”

Hearing this, I couldn’t stand the humiliation any longer. No one else could know about this. It was too embarrassing!

I tried to catch up to her, but Sylvia dodged my advances nimbly. Soon, I threw my arms around her successfully.

After playing and laughing for a while, we rolled on the grass, out of breath, enjoying the peaceful moment that followed.

This had been the first time that I dared to look straight at the full moon ever since I could remember. The summer breeze and crickets chirping made me feel even more at ease.

I never would’ve imagined that my dream would come true one day.

I had a loving mate, a career, a healthy b*ody, and would have a cute child in the future. And all these things were made possible thanks to the girl beside me. God, how lucky I was to have met her!

I turned my head to look at Sylvia, who was resting with her eyes closed. I leaned over and kissed her. “Thank you, Sylvia.”

Sylvia giggled and her eyes popped open. “Why are you so sentimental all of a sudden?”

“Nothing. I just feel happy.” I rubbed her nose and looked at her affectionately.

Without her, perhaps I never would’ve left that swamp of despair. My life was nothing but bitter until she came into my life. I had once thought that I would never make it through, but fortunately, I didn’t give up.

“I’m happy too, Rufus. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.” Sylvia planted kisses on my eyelids and then my lips. Looking up, I could see the sparks in hers bright eyes, full of tenderness.

I used to think that love was nothing more than a routine. However, at this moment, I understood that love was a connection of two souls.

“Rufus, how about we have a child?” Sylvia smiled brightly.


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