Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 672

Chapter 672

Chapter 672

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 672 A Ghost

Alina’s POV:

After I sent the maid away, I was all alone in the room. Several guards had been posted outside to prevent me from escaping.

I sat in front of the dressing table and stud*ied myself in the mirror. There was no color in my cheeks and my eyes shone with unconcealed anxiety.

I was such a loser.

My relationship had failed, and now my father had locked me in this room so he could marry me off for his own benefit.

The people I’d thought would always be by my side had all let me down in the end.

I was alright with Rufus abandoning me, but how could Warren also leave me behind? He had betrayed me a long time ago, but still pretended to be heartbroken, making me believe that he had lived a life of agony without me. novelbin

But he was, in fact, very happy.

I used to enjoy fairy tales; princess and her knight in shining armor. Now I finally realized fairy tales were only for kids; they would never bring solace to adults struggling in real life!

I finally saw through these hypocritical people.

Whether it was my father or Warren, they all treated me like a hindrance and wanted to toss me away to one side. I didn’t want them to succeed, but there was nothing I could do.

My father had confined me to this room and I couldn’t go anywhere. I didn’t understand how things had turned out like this. Everything was fine before, but had changed after Sylvia had appeared.

“Do you want Sylvia to d*ie?”

At this time, I suddenly heard a hoarse female voice behind me, talking as if she was reading my mind.

“Oh, you do want Sylvia to d*ie. Not just her, but that b*tch Flora should also d*ie.”

I spun around. “Who are you?”

There was no one behind me, but the voice was still speaking. I could hear the woman smile with a hint of bewitchment in her voice. “Do you want to destroy them all, Alina? I can fulfill your wish.”

“Who the hell are you? How dare you scare me like this?” I felt goosebumps erupt all over my b*ody.

I had never believed in ghosts before, but I was terrified right now.

I stumbled in the direction of the door, wanting to call for help. But when I turned around, I bumped into a woman dressed in a black cloak. The black cloak was very long and covered her whole b*ody, obscuring her face from my view.

I staggered back, fear flowing through my veins and infiltrating every part of my b*ody. This was so horrifying. How had this woman entered so quietly?

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.” The woman in the black cloak slowly approached me. It wasn’t just her voice that was cold. Her temperament was also dark and forbidding.

I had only ever felt this kind of immense intimidation and imposing aura in the presence of Rufus.

I didn’t give her a chance to get close to me. I picked up a vase and threw it at her feet. Then I filled my lungs with air and shouted with all my might, “Guards! Assassin!”

The woman laughed coolly, as if chuckling at my ignorance. “Stop screaming. No one is going to come.”

“What… What do you mean?” I was so frightened. I didn’t remember when I had offended this person.

The woman in the black cloak sighed as she explained, “Don’t you think it’s eerily quiet around? Even if you yell at the top of your lungs, they won’t be able to hear you.” I bit my lower lip as it dawned on me that she was not a woman to be trifled with. So, I swallowed the fear and asked, “Who are you? What do you want?”

But to my surprise, the woman abruptly appeared right in front of me like a ghost. I was so terrified that I slammed my eyes shut and let out a shriek.

The woman snorted and cupped my face with her cold hands. Her hoarse voice rang in my ears. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I’m just here to tell you the truth. But if you keep shouting, I can’t guarantee how things will pan out.”


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