Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 677 The Welcome Banquet

Sylvia’s POV:

Leonard took Rufus and I back to his residence, which was the castle area. Islands of large and small manors surrounded the castle. Leonard led us into the largest manor.

We were making our way when Edwin emerged from the heavy doors of the manor.

My hand holding Rufus’, along with my whole b*ody nailed to the ground, froze. I wanted to escape, but where to?

Rufus assured me that everything was fine by pinching my palm and smiling at me.

Contrary to how I reacted, Edwin trotted to us with a smile and told us that the banquet was ready, adding that Warren and Flora had fixed their wedding date.

My attention was stolen by his announcement. It was too fast. We just went out for a walk, but by the time we were back, Flora and Warren had met their parents and even decided to get married.

I remember Flora saying before that she wanted to end everything with Warren, but now she was even alright with marrying him. Everything happened in a flash.

Leonard was very happy with the news. “Warren is really different when he’s matched with his true love. He’s no longer an amateur lad when it comes to relationships.”

Despite everything, I would admit Warren was awesome. On the other hand, I wondered how Flora was doing. She must have been in a trance.

While everyone was immersed in joy, Rufus spoke in my ear in the faintest of whispers. “They’re going to get married.”

Confusion bordered my face as I met his gaze. What did he mean? Rufus sighed. “It’s time for us to start planning ours.”

I chortled and nudged him gently. “What are you talking about? You’re getting ahead of yourself.”

“Ahead of myself?” Rufus asked dejectedly. A frown started to crease on his forehead, and he seemed very dissatisfied with my response. “We can’t delay it any longer.”

Rufus pulled me in his arms and cupped my face before offering a kiss on my forehead. “Honey, do you really plan on making me wait? I’m getting old, and as you can see, a lot of my friends are already going to get married.” While Rufus was speaking, I caught a glimpse of Leonard from my periphery, looking at me with a cheeky smile spread across his face.

Blood rushed to my cheeks as I pushed him away. “Well, let’s talk about it when we get back.”

Rufus didn’t seem to care if the others would hear us. He didn’t let go of me and instead muttered in an aggrieved tone, “Then promise me that we will talk about our wedding when we go back.”

In order to make him drop the topic for now, I had to nod. “Okay, I promise.”

Although Rufus usually seemed cold, mature and steady, when it was just us two, he was like a spoiled child who would incessantly make a fuss about something until I gave in. It seemed that I was the only one to whom he showed his true self, and it warmed my heart to know so. Still I wondered, were men all the same when they were in love?

Our group was about to join the banquet inside once Edwin and Leonard finished talking, but a guard rushed to their side and reported that Alina also wanted to come to the party. Hesitation flashed in

Leonard’s countenance for a moment before he nodded and permitted her entrance.

After the guard left, he turned to us and helplessly informed us, “I am aware that Alina doesn’t want to be married off into another pack, not to mention she once thought of using Warren to get what she wanted. But since she wants to go to the party, I think it’s a good chance to let her learn her place.”

Rufus and I looked at each other, each mirroring the helplessness of the other. It would be best for Alina to give up on all her wishful thinking and started behaving herself, but the fear that Flora would be caught in the crossfire crept in our minds. novelbin

The only hopes I had for Alina were for her to stop causing troubles for everyone and find happiness by getting married in peace.

The party was being held in the castle. As soon as we arrived at the gate of the banquet hall, Flora and her parents, receiving congratulatory remarks, were surrounded by a handful of crowd.

Warren, who first noticed our presence, held Flora’s hand peremptorily and bent over to say something to her. Flora raised her head and searched for me behind the crowd. The moment her eyes met mine, they were lit up as if she had seen a savior. She shook off Warren’s hand and rushed towards where we were.

I ran to her and caught her halfway, scared that she might trip. She was pregnant, but it seemed that wasn’t enough to stop her from running recklessly like a school girl.

Flora flung her arms and wrapped them around me. She placed her head on my shoulder without saying anything. I let her be.

I was amused at the way she acted. A moment later, I held her hand. “Honey, I know you’re overwhelmed with churning emotions. But you should cheer up. You’re pregnant, and you know too

well that your mood will affect the baby.”

Flora nodded lazily and grunted. “I know. I’m very happy now.”

The smile that was wiped off my face with concern found its way back to my lips. I didn’t say anything. Anyway, I would talk to her later tonight, so I could forget about reprimanding her.

Leonard and Rufus walked ahead of us, while Flora and I were taking our time behind them. We whispered to each other as we entered the banquet hall.

The double doors leading to the hall were opened for us, and unexpectedly, Alina was sitting at the table, waiting for us.

I was startled. I quickly pulled Flora behind me and looked at Warren. What I felt at that moment was a mix of embarrassment and uneasiness.

When I was about to comfort Flora, I found that Alina was just staring at me as if she was ignoring the others on purpose. What was she planning this time?


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