Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 694

Chapter 694

Chapter 694

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 694 Collusion With Evil f0rce

Sylvia’s POV:

It was none other than Noreen!

Immediately, I shouted at Rufus outside the door. However, to my surprise, no one responded. Alina sneered and said, “Just give up, Sylvia. No one can hear you. This place is isolated from the outside world.”

I was shocked when I heard her words. It turned out that Alina had colluded with Noreen! Seeing Alina walking towards Noreen with ease, my blood boiled. It seemed that Alina brought me here today to K*ll me.

“Don’t go there, Alina. Noreen is an extremely dangerous black witch. Be careful or you will be the next one to d*ie. Don’t dig your own grave, Alina. It is not going to end well siding with the black witches.”

I tried my best to stop Alina, but to no avail. At that time, Alina stood beside Noreen and handed the pendant to her.

Noreen was wearing a black cloak and her whole b*ody shrouded in darkness. She reached out her pale hand to take the pendant and laughed in a low voice, “You believe me now, don’t you?”

Alina didn’t say anything. Her face was incredibly pale as she looked at me with burning hatred. “Sylvia, I won’t let you go this time.”

I couldn’t understand what they were talking about at all.

When Noreen raised her hand, the pendant in her hand instantly turned into ashes and disappeared in the air. Then, she waved her sleeve and the scene around us changed into the grand banquet hall. But now there were only three people, Alina, Noreen and me, confronting each other.

This was probably an illusion created by Noreen’s magic. Taking a step back, I shouted Rufus’ name again, but it didn’t work.

“I thought you wanted to meet me.” Noreen said in a calm voice with a trace of confusion. She acted as if she was innocent even though she was the one who ran away from the responsibility.

I was a little speechless to see her this way. Nonetheless, I tried my best to keep calm and find a way out.

Noreen seemed to have guessed what I was thinking because she smiled disapprovingly and said, “Don’t bother. It is hard for normal people to break my spells unless I’m dead.”

I pursed my lips as I looked at her vigilantly and said, “Why did you go through a lot of trouble just to bring me here?”

Without answering my question, Noreen approached me slowly and reached out her hand. “Come with me then. I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

Hearing this, I sneered. I didn’t believe her at all. If she really wanted to tell me, she didn’t need to beat around the bush like this. I turned to look at Alina and said coldly, “That black witch is just using you. Hurry up and contact the outside world if you don’t want to d*ie.”

Alina raised her chin proudly and said calmly, “As long as I can get rid of you, it doesn’t matter even if I’m used by Noreen.”

“Idiot!” Alina was willing to risk everything just to achieve her goal, even if she had to collude with the evil! At this rate, she would d*ie one day before she knew what K*lled her.

Leonard asked me to take care of her. As much as I wanted to, I was afraid that there was nothing I could do to this stupid girl.

“Do you think you are smart? You get fooled around every time. I can’t believe you share the same bloodline with me!” Alina spats angrily with a disgusted look.

“What do you mean?” I was immediately distracted by her words. No matter how much I thought about it, I just couldn’t understand what she meant.

“You are going to d*ie yet you still dare to play dumb.” Alina’s eyes were burning with hatred as she looked at me.

Although I wanted to ask more, I couldn’t as Noreen got closer to me. I tried my best to struggle, but the fragrance of Noreen’s black cloak made me dizzy.

“Just sleep. The truth will come to light when you wake up,” Noreen said softly, soothing me to sleep.


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