Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 700 Feeding The Black Thorn

Sylvia’s POV:

Edwin’s face flashed in my mind subconsciously. I frowned and said coldly, “I already know who he is, and he’s actually not that important to me.”

Noreen’s eyebrow shot up in surprise. “Is that so? He’s your biological father. Why don’t you care about him?”

“Why should I care? I’ve lived without a father since I was little, so it doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t want to disturb his peaceful life.”

Noreen smiled and looked at me in amusement. “I didn’t think you’d be so open-minded. But having an Alpha as your father will be good for you. Although you’re already Rufus’ mate, having a noble family background will still be beneficial for you. How could you give that up so easily?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I furrowed my eyebrows, squinting at her in confusion. Since when did Edwin become an Alpha?

Noreen looked at me in surprise. “Your father, silly— Leonard Quinn, the legendary God of War of the werewolves. If you two recognize each other as family before you marry Rufus, you’ll marry him as a lady and be blessed with even better fortune.”

After saying that, she smacked her lips and nodded, feeling that what she said was reasonable. “The daughter of the God of War is about to marry the currently strongest werewolf in the empire. That is indeed a good thing!”

But I didn’t hear anything else she said. I felt as if the cogs in my brain were going haywire, and the buzz rendered me unable to think straight.

What the hell was Noreen talking about?

How could Leonard be my biological father? Wasn’t Edwin my father?

Noticing my visible confusion, Noreen smiled smugly while waving her hand before me. “Hey, why are you so shocked? Did you think your father was someone else? Ha-ha-ha! You are so stupid!”

I swatted her hand away in a panic. “I don’t believe you! How could Leonard be my father? Edwin’s my father, not Leonard!”

Hearing this, Noreen burst into peals of laughter. It was as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world. Her cheeks turned red and tears welled up in her eyes. When she finally calmed down, she said, “I doubt Leonard expected that his own daughter would think that someone else was her father. How interesting!”

I pursed my lips unhappily and watched as the woman burst into another round of crazed laughter.

What a lunatic! novelbin

It took her a long time to calm down this time. She then smiled at me and said, “I found Olivia after the famous battle between the vampires and the werewolves. Together, she and Leonard were a fierce couple to be reckoned with on the battlefield. I didn’t find her until news about them spread. When I finally did find her, she not only had a mate, but was also pregnant—with you!”

I felt as though my soul had left my b*ody, yet at the same time, overwhelming emotions surged in my chest. I couldn’t breathe properly, and my whole b*ody started to tremble.

Noreen glanced at me and shook her head. “They were very happy at first. Naturally, they didn’t expect that fate would be so cruel to them. Because of you, the black witch bloodline in your mother was awakened.”

“So, my mother left my father?” I asked through gritted teeth. This piece of news was even more shocking than when I thought Edwin was my father.

I didn’t know whether I should burst into tears or laughter. My complex emotions were so overwhelming that I couldn’t calm down.

“Yes. Black witches are destined to have bad luck with love, because people who fall in love with them become the nourishment of the black thorn. The deeper he loved her, the faster the thorny flowers on his back would grow. When the flowers matured completely, they’d reach its victims neck and its thorns would pierce the man’s whole b*ody, completely absorbing his energy and vitality.” Noreen looked at me and explained everything calmly, as though my world wasn’t crumbling before her very eyes.


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