Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 733

Chapter 733

Chapter 733

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 733 The Flamboyant Blair

Sylvia’s POV:

I felt a little relieved when Flora told me that she was staying back with Warren. It looked like their relationship was growing stronger every day.

I gladly extended my support to her and told her that I would come and visit her in the future.

Flora chatted with me for a while before reluctantly hanging up. It looked like all our business in the Silver Moon Pack had come to an end.

The next day, Rufus and I began our journey back to the capital city. I had arrived at the Silver Moon Pack in happy anticipation, but I was going back with a big hole in my life.

My spirits were low through the entire trip. The symptoms of early-stage pregnancy left me exhausted. I didn’t have any appetite. I had lost a lot of weight in just two days.

Rufus was concerned about me. We stopped to rest whenever I was feeling sick and he had been trying to figure out a way to make me eat more. A journey that generally took one and a half day lasted four days this time.

Like the last time, Ethan greeted us at the palace gate.

The only difference was that he looked significantly worse than the last time we met. The hair at his temples had also turned slightly grey.

Obviously, Leonard’s sudden death also left him depressed. After all, Leonard was one of his closest childhood friends. I sighed inwardly. No matter how powerful a person became, they would always have a soft spot for some people in their heart.

Ethan and Rufus were no exception.

“I’ve officially issued a country-wide arrest warrant for Noreen. I won’t spare her this time.”

This was the first sentence Ethan said when he met us. He was visibly furious and wanted to skin this murderer alive.

Rufus didn’t reply to this. Instead, he asked Ethan to go with him to the city hall to discuss the investigation results of Leonard’s death and other government affairs. I went to Rufus’ palace to get some rest.

I hadn’t had a full night’s sleep since Leonard’s death. Every time I closed my eyes, I was attacked with nightmares, which only worsened my condition. Now that I had returned to the capital city, I had to f0rce myself to temporarily snap out of this depression. If not for myself, then for the baby I was carrying.

Maya was ecstatic to see me back. She greeted me happily and immediately left to ask the cook to make a variety of dishes for me.

She scurried away before I could stop her.

I sighed and went to my room to shower and sleep. But I still couldn’t fall asleep. I tossed and turned in vain. Numerous thoughts intertwined in my mind, forming a huge maze that left me feeling dizzy.

I was so annoyed that I kicked the quilt away in a rage. I missed those days when I could fall asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

“Help! Let me sleep, please,”

I screamed into the empty room. My eyes were ringed with huge dark circles. As soon as I stopped screaming, I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was Maya. So, I lay back down on the bed, closed my eyes, and called her in.

In reply, there was another knock on the door. The person outside knocked thrice in a regular rhythm. They paused for two seconds and repeated this knocking pattern.

Wasn’t it Maya?

I stepped out of the bed groggily, smoothed my disheveled hair, and went to open the door.

When I pulled the door open, I saw Blair. He was dressed in a pink shirt and black suit pants. His short grey hair with blue highlights barely reached the top of his ears. Diamond ear studs that looked like two grains of rice were visible on his ears. A gentle smile graced his handsome face, and he appeared like a hero of a comic book.

I scratched my nose as I wondered how much this guy had changed. After he had woken from his coma, his style had undergone a drastic change. He was now a flamboyant man. If the girls who used to be obsessed with him saw him now, they would probably swoon with excitement again.

“Why are you here all of a sudden? Are you looking for Rufus?” I eyed him curiously.

That was only logical because he was Rufus’ friend. I didn’t think he was here for me, since we really didn’t have much in common.

Blair smiled for a second before frowning with worry. “I heard about what happened. I was concerned about you, so I came to check on you.” Although I was a little surprised, I still let him in.novelbin

“Come in.” I turned sideways to let him in, but my head suddenly started spinning. I lost my balance and began falling down. Blair caught me in time. He wrapped one hand around my waist and gripped my wrist tightly with the other.

It was not until the surge of dizziness was gone that I realized how intimate our posture was. As I was about to push Blair away, Maya, who had come to serve tea, saw us.


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