Femdom Island

Chapter 192 Clown

Chapter 192 Clown

The atmosphere in the heavenly realm was tense. Mother Superior, a powerful and wise goddess, stood alone, facing the Supreme Deity and the other titan gods. Their eyes blazed with fury and their weapons glinted ominously in the light.

The millenniums of peace and frustrations that all the gods and goddesses accumulated blew up in this war, and their hatred was renewed seeing the figure of Mother Superior and they had to remind everyone that, they are the superior gods.

"Why are you trying to break the peace in heaven?" Mother Superior demanded, her voice ringing out with authority.

The Supreme Deity snarled, "Peace? What peace? We are simply reclaiming what is rightfully ours."

Mother Superior shook her head in disbelief. "You cannot be serious. We have enjoyed a lifetime of harmony and cooperation. What has changed? What are you dissatisfied with? I don't have time for this drama, go back to your side of heaven,"

One of the titan gods stepped forward, his massive frame dwarfing Mother Superior's tall and regal figure. "You would not understand, Mother Superior. Our power has been suppressed for too long. It is time for us to take our rightful place as rulers of the heavens. Besides, it's not losers that write the history, when we win this war, your legacy will die along with it,"

Mother Superior's eyes flickered with anger. "Your arrogance is blinding you to the truth. The balance must be maintained, or chaos will reign."

The other gods closed in around her, their weapons at the ready. Mother Superior stood firm, her own staff held high in her hand, which was the weapon she used. Originally her power wasn't suitable for fights because its purpose was building and managing things. Even though one could say she managed the reality itself, it wasn't the truth since she couldn't manage life.

If she asks someone to die, they won't die. But if she uses her reality manipulation to build something to attack them with the idea of killing them, they will die. Since incantations take a lot of time, Edona used a staff to speed up her magic for the purpose of attacking.

"If it is a fight you want, then a fight you shall have," she declared, her voice ringing out across the sky and raising her staff, but nothing happened.

The battle began in earnest, with Mother Superior dodging and parrying the gods' attacks. Despite being outnumbered, she fought with a fierce determination, refusing to give up even as she was battered and bruised. It was absurd to see her dealing with more than ten or twenty people at the same time, but that's the same reason why Supreme Deity feared her.

"You cannot win, Edona!" the Supreme Deity roared. "We are too powerful for you! With my army, you will have no option but to lower your head in front of me, and don't forget our trump card! "

But Mother Superior did not falter. "It is not the size of the army that counts, but the strength of the will," she replied, her eyes blazing with conviction. She didn't know what this trump card, they were talking about but she knew it had something to do with Apollo and Artemis.

While she was following, she got attacked by Supreme Deity's lackeys and she missed Fenrir, she was still worried that he might do something unwanted, so she had to retreat or quickly finish everything. Edona didn't have time to deal with everyone one by one, so with a wave of her staff, she summoned two massive golems made entirely of mana. The golems towered over her, their eyes glowing with a fierce blue light.

There were equally tall and wide as the titan gods, which were at least 150 feet tall.

The gods and the Supreme Deity looked on in surprise and anger, realizing that they had underestimated Edona's power. But they were not ones to back down, and they charged forward, their weapons at the ready.

Why would they even need to be afraid of these golems? They were just puppets, as long as they can beat Edona, they can easily kill these puppets so none of them had anything to fear about.

Edona remained calm and focused as the golems engaged the gods in battle. The golems were swift and powerful, their massive fists smashing into the gods with incredible force and their defensive power was really remarkable.

But the gods were not easily defeated, and they fought back with equal ferocity. The battlefield erupted with the clash of steel and the roar of magic.

Edona stood back, her eyes fixed on the battle but her mind was running everywhere hoping Apollo wouldn't get killed by Fenrir. She knew that her mana reserves were finite, and that she could not sustain the golems indefinitely. But she also knew that she had to hold out long enough for her allies to arrive.

As the battle raged on, Edona began to feel the strain of the immense power she was channelling. Her body trembled with effort, and sweat poured down her face.

But she refused to give up. She knew that the fate of the heavens depended on her, and she would not falter.

As the battle between Edona, her golems, and the gods raged on, a sudden, earth-shattering sound echoed across the heavens. All of them paused, momentarily stunned by the sheer force of the noise.josei

"What in the name of the gods was that?" the Supreme Deity demanded, his voice ringing out over the battlefield.

Edona and her allies exchanged worried glances, unsure of what could have caused such a powerful sound.

"No way! It's Fenrir, why is it free? why is it coming in this direction? What the hell is that cockroach doing without keeping him on a leash?" Supreme Deity questioned with an angered look, but Edona who heard this couldn't help but feel her blood rushing to her brain in anger.

"Control? That monster? Don't tell me, Just because Apollo had the title of gods of wolves, he attempted to tame him, Are you people stupid?" She shouted in anger.

To some extent, Edona understood what they were planning.

"What?" Supreme Deity questioned.

Since they didn't have any literature related to Apocalypse beings, they didn't know anything about them. Supreme Deity thought that Apocalypse beings were just slightly stronger than them, and he didn't even know why they were called Apocalypse in the first place.

"Idiots! You had to go and play around with him," Frustrated Edona shouted, while she got ready to deal with it before something bad happens, but she couldn't even finish thinking because suddenly she realized that her children were not far behind.


A few moments before Edona saw Fenrir charging toward them, Fenrir was lying on the ground with chains around its body with a little grin spread throughout his face. He saw Apollo using some kind of spell on him.

'So that's why this idiot summoned me here, to use me as a tool to kill everyone, what a greedy bastard'

Fenrir thought as he saw Apollo muttering some kind of a chant, while slowly getting close to him.

The servant of the Supreme Deity, who noticed this behaviour of his quickly decided to kill him so they won't have to suffer any consequences later, but Fenrir didn't want anyone else killing Apollo. Fenrir wanted to humiliate him and kill him, while he despair about what he did so he let out a small growl which caused the god who was trying to attack Apollo to freeze on the spot with pure mana leaking from all the holes in his body.

"Tsk, last whimper of obedience? Useless, useless, is this the power of dangerous Fenrir?" Almost like he was mocking Fenrir, Apollo said without noticing what his real objective was.

But Artemis and others who were holding her clearly saw what happened and wanted to warn Apollo, but before he could do that, Apollo finished his spell and decided to use it.

"Everything is done, you're mine now Fenrir, get up and show your strength," Apollo shouted almost like he was proud of himself.

Fenrir slowly got up, pretending to be under Apollo's control, but his mind was racing with thoughts of revenge. He knew he had to bide his time and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike back so he can humiliate Apollo even further. He let out a low growl, trying to keep his anger in check as he turned towards Artemis and her captors.

The goddess and her companions could see the anger in Fenrir's eyes and were taken aback by the intensity of his gaze. They knew that he was not truly under Apollo's control, but they were powerless to stop him.

Fenrir approached them slowly, his eyes fixed on Artemis. He could see the fear in her eyes and relished in it, knowing that he held the power of life and death over her.

But just as he was about to strike, a sudden surge of power surged through his body.

"Oh, so his spell wasn't totally ineffective," He felt a little shock which cannot even be compared to a mosquito bite.

"Kill them all," Apollo commanded, his voice cold and emotionless and waiting to see a bloody mess.

While watching this Artemis could only think about one thing, as she looked at Fenrir's real appearance with fear in her eyes.

"How did I believe this clown's words? Damn it, I might as well die without living in this embarrassment," She thought and got ready for a painful feeling, but it never came instead she felt a wet feeling on her face.

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