Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2855 Fortune Treasure Palace's Special Honor Guest!

Chapter 2855 Fortune Treasure Palace's Special Honor Guest!

Chapter 2855  Fortune Treasure Palace's Special Honor Guest!

If Yu Run wanted to solve the problem, he could only persuade their leader to take the initiative to seek protection from Lin Yuan. However, did the Purple Feather Rain Pigeons really have a bargaining chip that could sway Lin Yuan?

Thinking of this, Yu Run felt a heavy weight in his heart.

When that time arrived, he would leave these matters to the leader to consider. For now, he only needed to put his focus on entertaining Lin Yuan and his companions.

"Lord, to be honest, those powerful factions will choose to stay in Fortune Treasure Palace when they enter Treasure City. Fortune Treasure Palace is the largest private faction in Treasure City. It's mainly responsible for receiving guests from all over the island.

"However, if you want to stay in Fortune Treasure Palace, the requirements are a little harsh. You need to purchase at least three items from Fortune Treasure Palace's exhibition hall.

"Fortune Treasure Palace doesn't accept Honor Absent dollars and demands that only items of a level sufficient to exchange for chips can be used for transactions.

"The items sold in Fortune Treasure Palace are top-notch, but the price tags are quite exorbitant, with at least a 20% markup. Therefore, if you want to stay in Fortune Treasure Palace, you have to pay a huge price.

"If not for the purpose of flaunting their status, I doubt that those factions would be willing to let Fortune Treasure Palace earn these resources."

Fortune Treasure Palace had the capability to accommodate powerful factions that came to Treasure City and make them willing to purchase exorbitant items from them. Lin Yuan inwardly acknowledged that Fortune Treasure Palace must have a powerful background and backing from powerful species or factions.

Fortune Treasure Palace's reception of various factions and their willingness to purchase exorbitant items indicated that they must provide extremely high-quality services.

If Lin Yuan wanted some ordinary resources, the Purple Feather Rain Pigeons could provide him with help. Nevertheless, if Lin Yuan wanted rare resources, it would be too difficult for the Purple Feather Rain Pigeons as the latter did not possess such ability.

Lin Yuan believed that staying in Fortune Treasure Palace was a good thing. He could take this opportunity to cooperate with some factions that were residing there.

Fortune Treasure Palace had amassed so many powerful species, forming a large-scale fame and fortune fair. The factions must more or less have the purpose of socializing in mind.

"In that case, bring us to the Fortune Treasure Palace! When you return to report, I will book a room for you in Fortune Treasure Palace so it will be easier for us to communicate later."

Lin Yuan raised his brows and looked into the distance, signaling Yu Run to lead the merchant groups forward.

Yu Run led the way while digesting Lin Yuan's words.

Lin Yuan was fully aware of how much it cost to book a room in Fortune Treasure Palace, yet he would book a room just for the sake of convenience in communication.

It was worth noting that booking a room in Fortune Treasure Palace cost resources that could easily be exchanged for chips. The Purple Feather Rain Pigeons would struggle to acquire such high-level resources, yet Lin Yuan didn't appear to care about them at all. How audacious!

Neither Yu Run nor the leader of the Purple Feather Rain Pigeons had experienced this kind of treatment before.

There were more than 46,000 chambers of commerce in Treasure City, but less than 200 of them had the capability to stay in Fortune Treasure Palace!

Rather than saying that those 200 chambers of commerce could not afford to purchase the items displayed in Fortune Treasure Palace, it was more accurate to say that apart from those 200 chambers of commerce, the rest were unwilling to invest resources at such a high level.

… josei

The closer they got to Treasure City, the more merchant groups Lin Yuan saw. He could tell how prosperous Treasure City was just by looking at those merchant groups.

Lin Yuan communicated with Yu Run quite a bit along the way. He learned that there were more than 7 trillion people in Treasure City, and this was the number of officially certified members.

Fortune Treasure Palace's guards were exceptionally thorough in their treatment of guests. Two guards walked forward, and one of them welcomed Lin Yuan and his companions.

The other guard asked in a clear and pleasant voice, "Would you like me to lead the way to the lounge area or the exhibition hall?

Under normal circumstances, guests visiting Fortune Treasure Palace were directly escorted to the exhibition hall. To qualify for Fortune Treasure Palace's services, they must purchase at least three items from the exhibition hall.

However, Fortune Treasure Palace did not do so. Considering that the guests had traveled a long way, they were allowed to rest first.

Most guests would head to the lounge area first to enjoy the Fortune Treasure Palace's services. All services and meals in the lounge area were free, but only if they proceeded to the exhibition hall later to complete the transaction. Otherwise, they would have to pay for the expenses in the lounge area.

It was worth noting that the expenses in the lounge area were astonishing. Previously, many factions had enjoyed their services in advance but failed to complete three transactions successfully in the exhibition hall, resulting in significant consequences.

Lin Yuan was not tired at all. There was no need for him to rest.

Lin Yuan said directly, "Please take us straight to the exhibition hall. I intend to purchase a total of six items and reserve two rooms."

The two attendants smiled when they heard that. It was because the attendants in Fortune Treasure Palace earned commissions from the guests.

The Fortune Treasure Palace's rooms were not cheap. There were very few wealthy guests like Lin Yuan who could afford to reserve two rooms at once. Hence, the two attendants served Lin Yuan and his companions with even more enthusiasm.

"Esteemed guests, if you're interested in reserving two rooms, you can secure the available rooms ahead of time. Would you be interested in doing so? This way, you can ensure that the room of your choice won't be taken by someone else."

Lin Yuan turned and told Kani, "Go ahead and pick two adjacent rooms. I'll be done choosing the items soon.

Lin Yuan looked up and told the attendant, "I've heard that the items in the exhibition hall need to be exchanged with chip-level resources at the Treasure Convention. I wonder how many chips can be exchanged for this crystal."

Another attendant had already brought Kani to select rooms.

When the other two attendants saw Lin Yuan take out the spirit qi crystal, they knew he had the means to book two rooms. The spirit qi content in that spirit qi crystal was extremely large and abnormally pure. Just a single crystal filled with spirit qi could be traded for resources in the exhibition hall.

"Hello, esteemed guest. I cannot confirm the number of chips this crystal of yours can be exchanged for at the Treasure Convention as the ratio of chips has yet to be confirmed. However, it should be able to exchange for more than 1,500 chips here! The specific amount will be decided by the manager in the exhibition hall."

In less than five minutes, the Fortune Treasure Palace's special fey carriage brought Lin Yuan to the main hall. The entire Fortune Treasure Palace was filled with items for sale.

The attendant brought Lin Yuan and his companions to the entrance of the exhibition hall, and a new attendant received Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan observed through Morbius and realized that these attendants were not from the same species. This meant that Fortune Treasure Palace was not like those chambers of commerce, which were made up of a single species.

The female attendant smiled and told Lin Yuan and his companions, "Hello, esteemed guests. I believe the attendant who received you just now has briefed you on the transaction rules. I wonder if you are regulars of our Fortune Treasure Palace, with chips already stored here, or would you like me to assist you in exchanging chips?"

Lin Yuan did not immediately respond. Instead, he asked, "I've heard that as a special honor guest, one can live here for free and only needs to pay a 3% markup price to find items through Fortune Treasure Palace. If that's true, I would like to know how I can become a special honor guest of Fortune Treasure Palace."

Lin Yuan had heard the attendant mention special honor guests and was very interested in becoming one.

Becoming a special honor guest was equivalent to obtaining the Fortune Treasure Palace's resources. Lin Yuan needed this channel.

If not for the female attendant exchanging glances with the male attendant and confirming that Lin Yuan had resources that could be exchanged for chips, she might have wondered if the youthful lifeform in front of her was crazy.

How could it be so easy to become a special honor guest of Fortune Treasure Palace?

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