Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2859 Lin Yuan's Sweep!

Chapter 2859 Lin Yuan's Sweep!

Chapter 2859  Lin Yuan's Sweep! 

Zhan Lu knew nothing about Lin Yuan and his group, but now he was certain that Lin Yuan's faction had an abundance of Creator resources!

This was the only way Lin Yuan could be so calm when spending Creator resources.

It was true that Creator resources could be exchanged for resources, but very few special honor guests would choose to do so.

The pure spirit qi concocted by Creators always existed in different forms.

Zhan Lu did not believe that these crystals filled with spirit qi were all created by one Creator.

If they were made by many Creators, Lin Yuan's faction had to have a unique method of creating spirit qi.

Zhan Lu felt that Lin Yuan's willingness to trade these spirit qi crystals for chips was a sign that he wanted to form a positive relationship with Fortune Treasure Palace.

Logically and for his personal sake, Zhan Lu should name a high price for Lin Yuan.

However, Zhan Lu was one of Fortune Treasure Palace's managers, and the highest price he was authorized to set was 1,650. This was insufficient to show his sincerity in offering Fortune Treasure Palace's alliance to Lin Yuan.

After thinking for a moment, Zhan Lu said, "I am limited in my authority to set a price. Can you give me some time so I can negotiate with the higher-ups? During this time, I will send someone to bring the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers to you."

Lin Yuan smiled before grabbing a handful of spirit qi crystals and tossing them to Zhan Lu.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhan! If you are able to give me a good price, I will give you 3,000 spirit qi crystals once the matter is set!"

3,000 spirit qi crystals would be worth at least 500,000 chips.

Zhan Lu was touched by this gesture but also realized how generous Lin Yuan was. This added another layer to his impression of Lin Yuan.

"Since I brought it up, I'll definitely do my best. You don't have to worry about that!" Zhan Lu left the room.

It did not take long for the female attendant who had received Lin Yuan's group to bring him the young Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers.

When the female attendant received Zhan Lu's instruction to retrieve the young Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers, she knew that one of the members of the group had become a special honor guest. josei

Now that a special honor guest had appeared in the group she led, she would definitely be awarded a reward.

The female attendant did not dare to stay for long after handing the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers to Lin Yuan.

There were many special honor guests with bad tempers. It would not do her any good if she angered them and caused them to become displeased!

There were a few attendants in the past who had sabotaged themselves in an effort to get on the good side of special honor guests. They either ended up killed by the special honor guests or were eliminated by Fortune Treasure Palace.

Lin Yuan observed the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers for a moment. With the help of True Data, he learned that he needed a large amount of wood-type energy to trigger the flowers and nurture them into ortets.

Subsequently, each time the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers transformed, they needed a large amount of pure spirit qi. When nurturing the young plants, they also needed to consume other young Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers.

However, it was easy to cultivate the young Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers. All he needed to do was split the flower into two before using wood-type energy and spirit qi to heal the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flowers' injuries. Two new young plants would grow from the wound point.

Lin Yuan understood why Zhan Lu had said that Fortune Treasure Palace's Creators were unwilling to nurture the flowers.

All the resources that went into nurturing them would be wasted, and this was far too much for anyone to afford. Furthermore, the flowers' practical functions did not have a value that matched this cost.

Hence, it was difficult to name a price for special honor guests.

Since Lin Yuan did not need him to make any introductions, Zhan Lu was happy to enjoy his free time and hang back.

Winter occasionally gave Lin Yuan reminders to help him fill gaps.

Lin Yuan's shocking manner of sweeping up resources was appalling. But he did not hold back at all.

This was firstly because Zhan Lu was the only one there, and now that he was a special honor guest, he and Zhan Lu were on the same side. Moreover, he could tell that Zhan Lu really wanted to be on good terms with him.

Additionally, holding back did not align with Lin Yuan's goal of replenishing his store of resources.

By the time Lin Yuan was done looking through the sixth level, he had chosen more than 100 items and spent close to 60,000,000.

The higher up they went, the more expensive the resources would be. Lin Yuan predicted that he would only be buying even more resources. Given this trajectory, his 1 billion chips were far from enough!

In truth, Lin Yuan had an extremely important goal for coming to Fortune Treasure Palace to select resources. He wanted to select new feys for Morbius to spirit lock. After all, Morbius could only evolve by spirit-locking new feey!

However, Lin Yuan was becoming increasingly picky when it came to selecting feys for Morbius to spirit lock. It was difficult for a fey to meet his expectations.

By now, Zhan Lu had followed Lin Yuan to the eighth floor. The longer he spent by Lin Yuan's side, the more shocked he became.

Lin Yuan was not there to buy resources. He was there to sweep up all the stock!

There were a total of 106 items on display on the seventh level, and Lin Yuan had selected 67 of them, spending 700,000,000 chips.

If Lin Yuan continued to be this unrestrained when they got to the eighth level, Lin Yuan would only have to pick a few more items before he used up all his chips.

Zhan Lu now needed to give Lin Yuan a reminder. "Young Master Lin, you have used up almost all your chips. Are you going to stop here, or should I continue browsing around with you?"

Lin Yuan asked, "You said that Fortune Treasure Palace has feys on display, but I haven't seen many feys in the few levels that you've taken me around."

When Lin Yuan did not respond to his question but asked him a new question instead, Zhan Lu hurriedly asked, "Young Master Lin, Fortune Treasure Palace has more spiritual ingredients than feys. You should be aware that spiritual ingredients are easier to manage than feys.

"We have a high standard for the feys we take in. We usually only take in feys that are Class 10 and above. If you continue browsing with me, you'll be able to see even more of our treasured feys!"

Lin Yuan nodded. "If that's the case, I'll ask Rising Spring to help me spend all the spirit qi crystals in the two chests! The remaining spirit qi crystals should be sufficient to trade for a few billion chips.

"You can continue browsing and shopping with me! People like you who are in charge of Fortune Treasure Palace's branches should be able to receive some commission when special honor guests like me make purchases, right? So you'll also be able to benefit significantly when I buy resources from Fortune Treasure Palace."

Zhan Lu was stunned when he heard what Lin Yuan said. He did not understand Lin Yuan's meaning.

Could it be that Lin Yuan was displeased because he felt that Zhan Lu had earned too much from him buying so much and spending so many resources?

It was true that he would earn some commission, but most of his earnings came in the form of points that he could use to trade for resources from Fortune Treasure Palace.

Zhan Lu could give the chips he earned to guests like Lin Yuan.

But if Lin Yuan had such intentions, it would be difficult for him to strike up a friendship with Lin Yuan! In the future, it was unlikely that Lin Yuan would share any benefits with him!

While these thoughts were running through Zhan Lu's head, Lin Yuan added, "I am sweeping up resources because I have just set up my faction and need to accumulate resources to build it up. Most of the resources I'm buying will be going into storage. I'm going to use them now. Mr. Zhan, I'm sure you understand my reason for telling you this."

When Zhan Lu heard that, he felt a sense of release, and all feelings of conflict disappeared from within him.

It turned out that Lin Yuan was not bothered by the benefits he was going to receive but was hinting that the resources on display in the hall were too sparse. He wanted to trade for as many resources as he could.

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