Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Too Weak, right?

"Boss, are you sure?" Gen Niu was shocked after hearing this, but he was still hesitant so he couldn't help but ask again.

"Of course, you may not be strongest but you are no less weak than Low-level genius. You just need to put everything you have on each strike." Fei nodded his head, with a smile. Only then, Gen Niu was a little confident but hearing Fei, the other's mood gets down. They also wanted to help but they know the gap between them. They also envy people like Xiao Zhen and Zhang Chen because these guys are very talented.

Fei looked at others, seeing them mood down he clapped his palm, gaining everyone's attention. Then he starts explaining his thoughts with a smile on his face "Hey, you guys don't need to be down for this matter. You should know, no-one equal. So, if you can't be good at one thing, and then just chose another thing where you can be better at. It's not like our legion only needs a fighter."

"We get here to get your talent to the top. We aren't here for fun and all of you know that. Yeah, I can be a little biased towards someone, and but that doesn't mean I'll treat others with no relationship. You all have to understand, no matter who wins, everything will be used to increase your talent. So, you just need to focus on things you are better at."

Finally, everyone slowly began to understand his meaning. They laughed while keeping their heads down, and shouted "Thank you, boss"

"Alright, we can start the trial" Fei loudly shouted

And the next moment, a figure appeared in front of them. They found they were inside some kind of barrier, and only Gen Niu could go out, more like an only chosen person. After Gen Niu walked out, he was straight in front of the figure. This figure was a youth at his age and with a cultivation base higher than him.

This youth was wearing a white and blue dress with long hair in his back. He was hanging a sword at his waist. From the back, Fei cheered up him with one sentence "Gen Niu, use your full strength!"

"Alright, boss" Gen Niu nodded his head and clenched his fist. He was at the True Essence Third Layer, and in fact, Lei Gang and Yan ChuFen had the cultivation of True Essence Fifth Layer. His true energy drowned inside his body. It swept throughout his body, enhancing his blood.

"Ahhhhhh" Gen Niu stomped on the ground, creating a crater below, roaring like a mag demon. His true energy surges in his arms. His arms muscles, bones, blood cells were enhanced to the optimum strength. His arm was ready in punching straight position, as true energy flooded into his arm, creating a phantom above his arm.

The image of the bull was formed above his arm, though this bull only had one leg. Gen Niu roared once again, but this time he roared like a human instead of an animal "One-Leg Demon Bull's Thrust"

"Bang" Everything happened in the flash before the opponent could even react. Gen Niu's speed was very fast, while his punch was not something that, his opponent could defend even with his sword.

Gen Niu looked at his opponent whose figure was slowly disappearing. His face turned white as he looked at Fei and others.

Fei was a little embarrassed, he didn't think Gen Niu's strength would be so good, or is it a weak opponent. But no matter what? Gen Niu wins. This was enough for him, so he couldn't help but cheers Gen Niu "Gen Niu, you are strong, see? You just defeated him with one strike. Give us another; defeat another one with a single strike. We are cheering for you."

Everyone looked at Fei with was a strange face, only then they realized Fei was actually embarrassed when he motivated Gen Niu and them so hard. But now, the opponent was defeated in a single strike.

"Boss, don't be embarrassed" Zhao San who was near him patted his shoulderjosei

"I'm not embarrassed" Fei shouted loudly,

"Yes, you are. It is displayed all over your face." Zhan San once again patted his shoulder.

���It's not!" Fei rebuke, but soon gave up. His gaze got stuck on Gen Niu. He was sure Gen Niu, Lei Gang, and Yan ChuFen are from a high family background. Just from their means, he can guess their origin a little.

More importantly, they all raised their cultivation so much within such a short time. Though they signed the contract with him, and their loyalty was also good but he could guess they must have some kind of ulterior motive to join him.

But since their loyalty is unquestionable, he can relax a little. Not to mention, he was currently watching Gen Niu beating the shit out of his opponent in a single strike once again.


Gen Niu punch broke the body of a phantom into pieces. He really couldn't believe he defeat his opponent in a single strike once again.

But this also made Fei shout in rage "Hey artifact spirit, didn't you say they were genius? Why the hell are they so weak?"

"They are not weak; it is just your people who are strong. They are Low-Level geniuses with the physical strength of ten million pounds at the peak of Foundation Realm while your friend has double of this strength in his current cultivation realm. His bloodline seems to be very powerful" Artifact's voice rang inside the room.

"Hey Gen Niu, what's your bloodline?" Fei shouted at Gen Niu

"B-Boss, its Demon God Ox Bloodline." Gen Niu answered with a shuttering voice, for some reason he seems to be afraid of his shouting.

"Elder Sister, do you know about Demon God Ox Bloodline." Fei didn't have a clue about this, so he asked Su Ling inside his mind. He didn't ask Linger because she was very corrupted with greed nowadays. Every time he asks her, she made him use his spiritual crystal for a least a task or even more.

"Demon God Ox was a very known entity in an ancient age. He was one of the top ten demon gods, and also in the top ten among the strongest physical strength deities. It is said, his descendants are born with inborn divine strength to rip the true dragon apart. But only a handful of them can awaken that inborn divine strength. He still hasn't awakened the inborn divine strength."

"According to the legend, he was a close friend with Ancient Thunder Dragon and Heavenly Fox. It is said, they died together on the battle field. Their friendship was very close. More ever, they seem to have treated Heavenly Fox as their sister rather than a loved one. It is said when they died, they were holding the Holy Seal of Reincarnation."

"Do you believe they are…" Su Ling suddenly stopped while she was asking him

"Previously, I believed they are related to each other in some way but now I am sure. It's just that I'm not sure why would they need to follow me." Su Ling's answer was completely against his thoughts. He knew they were together but he didn't think these three would be so close. But from these words, he was sure they are reincarnations.

But he didn't ask anything of them. He kept his mouth closed, and watched Gen Niu fight. But suddenly he shouted after thinking of something "Gen Niu, I want you to get a perfect score. Use your strongest move and defeat your opponent in a single strike."

"Alright boss" Gen Niu nodded his head, and then he clenched his fist. But this time, before he could take any action, his opponent took initiative.

His opponent moves his feet, and his speed soar rushing towards Gen Niu. Seeing him, Gen Niu gets himself in a fighting position, he clenched his fist. This time, a phantom of demon ox was formed above his body. He roared while slamming his fist towards his enemy.

"Earth-Shattering Demon Ox"

"Roar" The demon ox roared, and blast everything in front of it including his opponent.

Gen Niu sees no sign of his opponent in front of him. So he slowly walked away from his place. There were many craters around him due to the impact of his attacks. Only after he won, the green barrier disappeared.

"Congratulation on passing the first three stages of the trial. From the next stage, you'll face middle-level genius. Though they only have one stage gap, I don't think your friend here can defeat him, at least not with the strength he has shown. Since you cleared the first three stages of the trial, you shall get your rewards."

"Since you have cleared three Low-Level Geniuses, so you can get three Saint Level Rewards."

"Wait, let me tell something to my friends" Fei shouted raising his right hand, and then he turned back looking at everyone asking "Do you think you can't defeat them?"

His question arises many thoughts on them, finally, they shake their head. Then Fei once again asked "So, how long have you truly started cultivating the strength which you have now? Do you finally realize? You are already Low-Level Genius out of the whole universe; some are middle while some are high level. If you were still cultivating the same way you did before. Would you reach this point? I am talking to those who joined me from the start. Some of you might reach this point, but do you really need to look down on yourself just because you are equal to Low-Level Genius or Middle level. If you really think this way, then think what would you be if you hadn't met me?"

While everyone was silent, one person who was sitting down closing their eyes, holding a sword in his hand answered "We would never get a chance to chase our dreams." This guy was none other than Xiao Zhen.

"Yes, you would never get the chance to chase your dreams. Not mine, yours, so why do you want to sacrifice your dreams. Not all of you are born to be a fighter, so don't look down on yourself just because you can't fight. You guys just need to find another way to support me. Just like what Murong Cheng did in your last fight. Previously, we wouldn't even get earth-level treasures but now, look we are getting Saint Level Treasure. So from now on, don't look narrowly, look for the future. You may not be able to help me now, so work hard for helping me in the future."

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