Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 2990

Chapter 2990: Is there any benefit?

"Xiao Feng, no matter what, you don't want to retreat all over the body today. I tell you it's impossible, but if you have some value in the fortune, I can consider keeping your whole body." Bao Zuo Leng snorted and looked at Xiao Yan in front of him was like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Never mind, since it's all death if I don't say it, then I don't have to say it." Xiao Yan shrugged, it didn't matter.

Bao Zuo immediately snorted, his palm protruded forward, turned into a light in the air, and turned into a long gun, which was dragged into the hand with five fingers, and the body of the gun turned, making a screaming sound like a dragon. , Stabbing fiercely towards Xiao Yan!josei

Xiao Yan's figure was also backwards at a rapid speed, with a blank mouth, and the shuttle of the void turned into a beam of white light that directly collided with the gunpoint of the storm left.

With a bang, both sides were shocked in the future. The shuttle of the void was also a treasure. Xiao Yan even had poor strength, but after breaking through to the peak of the two-star fighting god, the stars in the Xinghai skyrocketed to 45,000 stars. And Xiao Yan's stars are double that of ordinary fighting gods.

Forty-five thousand stars are enough to compare to the ordinary fighting god's ninety thousand stars, and such improvement is already quite good.

Bao Zuo discovered this too. After the retreat, his expression slightly sagged, and his lips raised: "It seems that you are really made on the bottom of the sea, but you still have nothing in this history!"

As soon as the voice of the storm left, the star sea spread out directly. Although the surroundings are all source gas, the star sea of ​​the storm left is completely different, and the huge extent of his star sea directly covers the surroundings.

Chad looks at it, there are millions of stars!

The quantity is extremely shocking, and Xiao Yan is also struck by his eyes. Although he can’t determine what the strength of Baozuo is, it seems that his strength is above Tu Xiuyuan, that is to say, it is very likely to be a five-star fight. God.

There is a five-star fighting **** here, the strength is naturally crushing, no one will be his opponent, even Xiao Yan can not be his opponent.

The peak of Xiaoyan's two-star fighting **** is only 45,000 stars, which is 5,000 stars away from Samsung's fighting god. Xiao Yan's strength should be comparable to that of Samsung's early fighting god.

But there is a gap between two big realms, one million, one... But not even one hundred thousand is broken, it really does not even have a fraction of the other party.

The difference in this background is so different, how could Xiao Yan be a rival to the left, if it were not for the golden thread killed by Liu'er and the fierce Xuanwu shell and the shuttle of the void given to him by master brother Yun Yun, and There is real martial arts pressure to limit it, and Xiao Yan may have been killed directly by him before.

And even though Xiao Yan has improved in strength now, after all, the gap between the two is really like a chasm, which cannot be bridged by so-called weapons or combat skills.

Even today's Xiao Yan can't avoid the ending of being killed by the violent left.

The Shuttle of the Void has appeared twice, and Bao Zuo also understood Xiao Yan's method. Xiao Yan, the Shuttle of the Void, can only be used as a means of assassination today, and it can only be effective if it is unexpected in combat, because there is no way Full control and development of its use method, so the current method is still naive and tasteless.

So the next use of the shuttle of the void is undoubtedly self-defeating.

"Strength is crushed, it seems a little unfair to fight." Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"Fair? Huh, you are dead. Let's ask below, where is fairness in this world!" Bao Zuo listened to Xiao Yan's slightly naive words, and regarded Xiao Yan as a fool.

"You know this truth, then it's easy to handle. I mean, you are too weak and unfair to you. Since you have such consciousness, I am also relieved. Don't become a ghost to haunt me after death. "Xiao Yan wiped his nose and said slowly.

Bao Zuowen stunned for a moment, and after a stunned face, he gradually became crazy, and then laughed: "Haha! Xiao Feng, are you delaying time? I really want to kill you, even the time for Yixiang Nope."

"Speak well, you really have this ability, I have already become a corpse." Xiao Yan replied faintly, without any panic, in the face of the starry sea of ​​millions of tyrants, Xiao Yan did not release even the starry sea, and his performance was extremely plain. .

It seems that she is not panicking at all. Xiao Yan's attitude is to make Bao Zuo's eyes narrow. Xiao Yan's calmness is too abnormal. Bao Zuo looked carefully. Both his body and his expressions are in a relaxed state, which is not like a strong dress at all. from.

"Pretend to be a ghost, let's die!" Bao Zuo swept out again, Xiao Yan suspended in place, this time without giving in.

With a long rifle in his left hand, the surrounding atmosphere poured into the spear madly. The body of the gun roared, engulfing the sensation of coldness, and he was bound to kill with a single blow and kill Xiao Yan directly!

Bao Zuo and the spear zoom in at the speed of Xiao Yan's eyes, reflecting the figure of Bao Zuo, even though the difference in strength is too great, but behind Xiao Yan... is the existence that Bao Zuo didn't dare to imagine.

The lance was getting closer and closer, and within a blink of an eye, it was less than ten feet from Xiao arm...half arm to two fingers.

It was then that the left figure and the spear suddenly stopped. Xiao Yan looked at the tip of the gun, his eyes became cross-eyed, the surface was calm, but in fact a group of panic!

Almost... almost, Xiao Yan scolded in his heart, want to play stimulation, but this is too exciting!

"The power of the soul?!!!" The unmovable storm left eyes were bloodshot and his body was stiff, he could not control his body at this moment.

"Don't worry, ask you a few questions, you answer me truthfully, I can spare you not to die." Xiao Yan looked at Baozuo, and Baozuo's face turned red, exhausted, and still unable to recover.

"Xiao... Xiao Feng, don't be complacent, a two-star fighting god, no matter how powerful your soul is, it will be your dog's life when I get rid of it!" Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and Xiao Yan shook with a wry smile. Shaking his head, it seems that Bao Zuo has not realized the seriousness of the matter.

The light flashed in Xiao Yan's hand, and the long knife "Shi Ming" given to him by Zhong Bo was held in his hand, looking at the unmovable Storm Left. His palm shook and pierced his thigh directly.

However, Bao Zuo was a ruthless person, even so, he was clenching his teeth and said nothing!

"You? Lao Tzu is going to kill you!!" Bao Zuo roared, his face flushed red, showing how hard he now wants to break away from the control of the soul.

"Kill me, what good can you do? Jin Wuye rewards you? Or can you sit in a higher position?" Xiao Yan asked, without guessing, Bao Zuo appeared here, either arranged by Jin Wuye, or just It was really like Zuo Zuo said that there was really his brother who died in the Heavenly Army of the Chaos Tomb.

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