Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 3084

Chapter 3084: Calling Yueli

Amidst the emptiness of the West Sea, at some point, a large ark gradually slowed down, and finally basically stopped in this emptiness.

"found it!"

At the far end, the Ark with the word "Battle God" drove up quickly, and the moment they found the Ark, all the hundreds of people breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that their little fortune was saved.

"Go!" The ark of the Battle God Alliance approached, and dozens of people rushed to the large ark, but after searching, no trace of anyone was found.

"There is no one on the ark."


Suddenly, the faces of hundreds of people became frightened again, and they hurriedly explained.

"Impossible, we were robbed by a man. The strength is very strong. None of us are his opponents. He must have ran away!!"

On the Ark of the Fighting God Alliance, several people looked at each other, killing these hundreds of people would be of no avail, and then raised their hands to signal to let go of these people.

"Look for it on the Ark by yourself, and see if there are any clues, where the Ark appears, and search for the nearest boundaries around you. You must find him!"


Replied in unison, and they started to act.


While this group of people was still searching for Xiao Yan in the West Sea Void, they did not know that Xiao Yan had already arrived at the Mausoleum of Chaos Demon through the Wandering Teleportation Array.

After Xiao Yan appeared, Wangcai and the Black Mulberry Tree both looked at Xiao Yan excitedly.

"Sir, have you found the material?" The black mulberry tree stared at Xiao Yan, the branches swayed, and Wangcai became a little dog running around under Xiao Yan's feet.

Speaking of materials, Xiao Yan directly took out all the fifty steel thunder trees harvested in the miracle.

It is neat and tidy, occupies a large area, and the black mulberry tree is also shocked.

"The finest Thunder Tree of Steel Ze, not bad!"

"Oh? Can it be used for anything?" Xiao Yan asked.

"The Thunder Tree of Steel Zee can increase the strength of weapons, but the strength of the weapons does not need to be increased anymore." The Black Mulberry Tree replied.

"Oh? Doesn't it mean that these trees are useless?!" Xiao Yan asked in confusion.

"Of course not. The armor can also be strengthened. If you take out the armor, I can help strengthen its strength with the steel thunder tree. Moreover, the steel thunder tree is a superior fuel and is also an excellent material for casting." The sacred tree answered Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan looked at the black mulberry sacred tree.

"The same are all trees, aren't you the first-class fuel?" Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes with the black mulberry tree.

"Um... Your honor, you can't be so unrighteous." The Hei Mulberry Tree was frightened.

Xiao Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Just kidding, if someone wants to burn you, I will be the first to disagree, don't worry."

"Your honor, do you think you are humorous?" The black mulberry tree has no expression, but it can feel that it is depressed now.

"Ahem... Do you know how far is it from the Burial of the Gods?" Xiao Yan laughed dryly, his own joke was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"The chaos burial? What do you do there? It's not a peaceful place." Hei Sang Shenshu said, while Wangcai kept barking and talking dog language Xiao Yan could not understand.

"I'm going to save people." Xiao Yan knelt down and touched the dog's head. Wangcai showed a comfortable and enjoyable appearance.

"Many battle gods have died there, and even immortal, and this chaotic **** burial has no specific location. It moves at any time, but it also has a pattern of appearance. The black mulberry tree replied to Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan frowned slightly when he heard this, so finding the chaotic burial was still a difficult problem.

"Is there any way?" Xiao Yan asked, the black mulberry tree was silent, and Wangcai on the side kept barking.

"What does it say?" Xiao Yan puzzled.

"It said it could find it." The black mulberry tree once again acted as a translator.

"Oh?!" Xiao Yan looked at Wangcai suspiciously.

"This is true, because Chaos God Burial is its hometown, where it is most familiar, but it can't leave here, and it's useless to find it." This is the reason why the black mulberry tree did not say.

"Is there a way to take it out temporarily, or a way to unblock it?" Xiao Yan asked, and the black mulberry tree shook his head.

"This prohibition was placed by Pluto. No one except Pluto unlocked it. The nobles are here, why not go to Pluto?" Hei Sang Shen Shu said here, suddenly remembering something.

"Pluto?" Although it was not the first time that Xiao Yan heard this name, he did not know who Pluto was.

"Isn't the Pluto honoring your daughter?" Hei Sang Shenshu looked at Xiao Yan with a puzzled face. It was also full of doubts. It wondered Xiao Yan.josei

"Are you talking about Yueli? If you are looking for her, you have to go to the underworld, but how to get to the underworld...I don't know..." Xiao Yan said with a bitter smile. When it comes to the underworld, the black mulberry tree has more confidence. .

"Entering the nihility of the North Ming is equivalent to entering the realm of the underworld. You can enter the underworld from anywhere. Of course, the premise is the qualification to enter the underworld." The black mulberry tree answered Xiao Yan.

"Qualification? How to get it?" Xiao Yan wondered.

"Your Excellency, isn't your status a qualification? If you don't do it well, if your Excellency calls here, Pluto can also perceive you." The Black Mulberry Tree said again.

"Really?" Xiao Yan didn't believe it, although he didn't believe it very much, but in his heart he began to call Xiao Yueli's name.


In the underworld, the boring Xiao Yueli was looking for the happiness of King Heaven, but at this moment, King Heaven and Xiao Yueli raised their heads at the same time.

"It looks like your father is here." The King of Heaven took the wine gourd.

"Daddy is looking for me!!" Xiao Yueli became excited, and then looked at the King of Heaven.

"Go, you can only move in the Beiming Void, and you can't get out of the realm." The Heavenly Zang King did not stop, and with the permission of the Heavenly Zang King, Xiao Yueli's figure suddenly disappeared into the underworld.


"Daddy!!" After a while, Xiao Yan actually heard Xiao Yueli's voice.

"Yueli!!!" Xiao Yan was also shocked.

"Daddy waits for me, I'll be here right away." Xiao Yueli's voice came again, and Xiao Yan smiled. He never thought that the method mentioned by the Hei Sang Shen Tree at random was really successful.

In a day's time, Xiao Yueli came to the Mausoleum of Chaos Demon through the wasted teleportation array. After seeing Xiao Yan, she jumped into Xiao Yan's arms like a little girl.

"Daddy...Well, how did Daddy become ugly?!" Xiao Yueli found Xiao Yan's appearance changed only after he threw himself into Xiao Yan's arms. Even so, Xiao Yueli still recognized Xiao Yan at a glance.

In fact, it is not surprising, because Xiao Yueli can directly see Xiao Yan's soul, so any cover-up does not exist here.

The reason is simple, because she is Pluto!

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