Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 3272

Chapter 3272: not enough

"What is enough?" Li Chu asked.

"Aren't you thirsty?" Xiao Yan asked, continuing to drink tea.

Lichu naturally understood Xiao Yan's meaning, so he stopped asking more questions, and sat down and had tea quietly with Xiao Yan face to face.

Ou Qi and Xie Kunjie also came and took out their best tea. Xiao Yan also tasted the tea from this world. It was still bitter, but it seemed harmonious with everything here.

A few days later, there was a roar from the Fallen God Star. Inside the closed city, Xiao Yan's teacup was shaking, but the water in the teacup was still calm. Even if the teacup was overturned, the water in the teacup remained unspattered.

"Is it here..." Xiao Yan straightened the teacup and muttered, Li Chu's expression became more embarrassed, while at the same time, the smile on Ran Tao's face outside the closed city became more and more prosperous.

The sky of the Fallen God Star is just a huge ark slowly emerging, and such a momentum immediately shocked the entire Fallen God Star. The Ark has the symbol of the God Punishment Alliance, and the Fallen God Star has never been too much in the God Punishment Alliance in the past. Jurisdiction, the Ark of the God Punishment Alliance appeared one after another, everyone had guessed that this Fallen God Star must have happened.

The people who knew that the situation was not good, some of the smart people, left the star at the fastest speed, but some rushed to find out what happened, and they would be so exciting.

Ran Tao, who had not dared to move before, rose directly into the air at this moment. He immediately clasped his fists and bowed his hands and bowed in midair.

"Congratulations to Jin Wuye's deputy leader!!" Ran Tao said with excitement, knowing that Jin Wuye was coming, he was naturally overjoyed. After all, being trapped here was also very aggrieved.

The ark came slowly and finally settled in the air. I saw a man wearing an imperial robe walked out slowly on the ark headed by him. The moment he appeared, an aura of no anger and self-prestige was It spread out, it seemed to be a bit imperial.

Seeing that it was Jin Wuye, Ran Tao was even more excited, like a dog that saw his master, wagging his tail desperately to please.

"Ran Tao, why are you here, why...not return to the Fighting God Alliance!!" A voice came out slowly, full of majesty in this voice, and an oppressive coercion spread.

"Report to the deputy leader that I am imprisoned by an immortal. If I leave him, I will not only obliterate me, but also everyone, and I am extremely disdainful. I don't put the God of War Alliance in my eyes at all, and I hope that the deputy leader will kill him. This person who dares to despise my Battle God Alliance!" Ran Tao said again with his hands clasped in his fists, Jin Wuye frowned slightly, and he was a little surprised to hear the word immortality.

"This place of divine punishment is indeed immortal, but they are all restricted by seals. They can't escape. Has anyone unlocked their seals?" Jin Wuye asked again.

"Report to the deputy leader. As far as I know, someone has indeed released their seal restrictions, and this person is the ninth heaven of our Fighting God Alliance, His Royal Highness Xiao Feng!" Ran Tao didn't have any doubts, he knew him. Speaking loudly, as for what Xiao Yan and him said, he naturally didn't believe it.

After all Jin Wuye's strength lies here, what Xiao Yan said sounds more like nonsense.

"Oh? Xiao Feng... I haven't heard this name for a long time." Jin Wuye murmured, as the voice fell, a voice came from a distance.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I saw you, Jin Wuye... deputy leader!"

The voice was flat, but Jin Wuye still raised their brows slightly. Following the voice, Xiao Yan sat calmly, holding a tea cup in his hand, tasting tea.

"Haha... It's really surprising, you are still alive." Jin Wuye smiled, and after seeing Xiao Feng, Jin Wuye's face showed a look of surprise.

"Sorry, I really disappointed the deputy leader. In addition to the lack of source energy, this place is also good to stay." Xiao Yan smiled, and his eyes met Jin Wuye hundreds of feet away.

"Really? You mean you don't want to return to the Fighting God Alliance anymore?" Jin Wuye's tone became weird.

"The deputy leader personally greeted me, how dare I not return." Xiao Yan replied.

"In that case, donate your soul blood, and you will be a member of the Celestial Army in the future. I can give you the highest general and the status is only below me. You can order the entire Celestial Army!" Jin Wuye looked at Xiao Yan, The tone became serious, not like joking.

Ran Tao was shocked when he heard the words. He looked at Jin Wuye in disbelief, and turned his head to look at Xiao Yan in disbelief. Can a four-star battle **** possess such a status?

Even if Xiao Yan is an inheritor, without the strength, it is absolutely impossible to have such a position, being able to command the heavenly army is even more terrifying than the imaginary title of His Highness!

Ran Tao felt even more unbalanced in his heart. He was the Eight-Star Fighting God. Although he also had absolute power in the heavenly army, he was not even worse than Jin Wuye’s position given to Xiao Yan. If Xiao Yan agreed, then Even he must absolutely obey Xiao Yan.

An eight-star fighting **** obeyed the instructions of a four-star fighting god, such things were still unheard of.

"Hey~ The conditions given by Jin Wuye's deputy leader are still so attractive, but what I want is not the heavenly army." Xiao Yan took a breath and pretended to care, and said slowly.

"Oh? Do you want the position of deputy leader?" Jin Wuye's eyes narrowed slightly, Xiao Yan was no longer the lion's big mouth, it was completely provoking him.

However, Xiao Yan shook his head, and then replied, "Not enough."

Jin Wuye looked at Xiao Yan, his slightly squinted eyes gradually filled with murderous aura, and the domineering coercion spread around him, like an invisible hurricane, sweeping the surroundings!

"Xiao Feng, I value your talent and I can focus on cultivating you, but it does not mean that your mind can be offside. What you say and think has touched my bottom line. I can kill you at any time. In my eyes, you are at this moment. Even ants are not counted as ants, you should be very clear about this!" Jin Wuye spoke again, he is still advising Xiao Yan, because he understands that no matter how strong Luo Tian is, there is little chance that he will succeed. He hopes Xiao Yan will be able to prepare for it. Choose one of the staff.

"Haha, you really treat yourself as a dish. At this moment, the place of God's punishment is in my control, then I will also take care of this Fighting God Alliance from now on!" Xiao Yan smiled softly, and the moment the teacup was put down, there was a complete domineering attitude. It also spreads from his body, has nothing to do with strength, this is self-confidence from the soul!josei

"It's a big tone. You have been in this place of punishment for a long time. You have been crazy, and dare to say such a rebellious statement. I want to see where a four-star battle **** comes from such an arrogant tone!" Jin Wuye's eyes suddenly became indifferent, and he said it all. If he couldn't force it, he could only destroy it!

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