Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 3426

Chapter 3426: Prepare for war

"In that case, the hundred arks that came towards Doudi Continent did not come from the Alliance of Fighting Gods, but from these several worlds?" Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. Fear, because even if there are more bounding spaces in these surroundings, there is nothing terrifying about Xiao Yan in Doudi Continent now.

It's just that Xiao Yan was a little curious, why Doudi Continent was always the target of public criticism, and it was able to cause several common enemies of Jiekong. This was a clear way to eradicate Doudi Continent completely.

"Doudi Continent is developing rapidly now. Although the golden ocean has been looted a bit, in fact, after the blockade of the Three Thousand Avenue of Doudi Continent was re-opened, the golden ocean transformed by Origin Qi began to merge into the world at an extremely fast speed. , The Doudi Continent’s resources have doubled, and because of this, more and more people have broken through Douxian in the Doudi Continent with the passage of time.” Xiao Wutian said slowly, and his answer immediately explained Xiao Yan’s heart. Doubts.

"In other words, the development speed of Doudi Continent has threatened the survival of the surrounding inferior realms, or does the rapid development of Doudi Continent affect the competition between these inferior realms?" Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows and said.

"They are afraid of the development of Doudi Continent, so they attacked Doudi Continent ahead of time. They want to strangle Doudi Continent in the cradle?" Xiao Yan continued, Xiao Wutian nodded slightly. From the current point of view, it is exactly Analysis made by Xiao Yan.

"If it looks like this, even though the Blood God Realm did not attack Doudi Continent anymore, the attacker must be inseparable from this Blood God Realm. After all, the current situation in Doudi Continent, the Blood God Realm knows best, the Blood God Realm. I understand even more, what is a single tree difficult to support, and I also understand more what is a wall down and everyone pushes!" Xiao Yan continued to analyze, and everyone nodded slightly after hearing the words. This kind of guess is very likely.

"From the perspective of the timeline, it should be them." Xiao Yan said with a sigh of relief. Although now relying on Shijue Demon Flames to increase his strength to the Seven Star Fighting God, even so, now Doudi Continent If it really sent someone to defeat Xiao Yan, it would be the Second Highness and the Great Highness of the Battle God Alliance.

However, their strength is probably stronger than Xiao Yan imagined. With their current strength, if they had to face any of them, even if Xiao Yan possessed the Ten Demon Flames, it would be extremely difficult to deal with, and might even be crushed. situation.

"This time they dispatched a hundred arks. I am afraid that the number of enemies is quite large. We must also immediately prepare to fight!" Qian Lao, as the ancestor of Doudi Continent, is also extremely courageous, although he knows that the enemy is very strong. , But from the beginning to the end, he just didn't have any hint of retreat on his face. On the contrary, he looked like he was not afraid of life and death, and wanted to fight with him.

"It's a great blessing to have all the ancestors in Doudi Continent, so immediately notify that the enemy is about to commit a crime, and everyone in Doudi Continent... is ready to fight!" Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes and murmured.

"Yes! I'll use the greatest strength to inform the world immediately!" Qian Lao immediately clasped his fists and arched his hands, leading a crowd of people to start a battle between the worlds!

"Shaolong, mobilize all the resources of the Xiao Mansion. Once a war breaks out, the supply of resources must keep up, increase the supply of medicines and the manufacture of weapons and armors. People understand that Jie Kong needs everyone to guard!" Xiao Yan also immediately made arrangements for Le Shaolong, Le Shaolong focused his head, and after holding a fist and arching his hands at Xiao Yan, he went to make arrangements immediately.

"Ding Yue, how long will it be until they reach?" Xiao Yan looked at Ding Yue. At this moment, Ding Yue was closely watching the movements of the hundreds of arks. It was obvious that the speed of these arks could not be as fast as the Intrepid, even if they It was not far from Doudi Continent, but it could shuttle through the void sea. There was a gap of at least several decades between Jiekong and Jiekong at normal speed.

After all, now the Doudi Continent and Douqi Great Realm, the child-mother Jikong, looks at the entire three thousand worlds, and they are also very few that exist. The two worlds are actually connected. Perhaps long ago, the two were in a relationship between lips and teeth, protecting each other. At each other.

"From the current point of view, they will arrive at a part in 50 years at most. They will arrive at different speeds and will not arrive together, but will arrive one after another." Ding Yue said, she observed very carefully and made her own calculations and judgments.

"Fifty years... is enough." Xiao Yan murmured.

"Boy, do you need me to do something for the old man, although I am old, if you are willing to give me some Genesis Pills, maybe I can help a little too." Xiao Wutian said slowly from the side.

On the other hand, Xiao Yan smiled. When he raised his hand, he took out 50,000 God Origin Qi Pills to Xiao Wutian. For Xiao Wutian, 50,000 God Origin Qi Pills were not a lot, but they were not. Less, after all, Xiao Wutian was just a one-star battle god, and it was still in the early days, and his eternal Origin Qi foundation was only counted in thousands, unlike Xiao Yan, which had reached as many as a million.

"Senior, just look at it." Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"If that's the case, why do you want them to fight." Xiao Wutian said.

"This battle happens to happen, but what if I'm not here in the future? Everyone in Doudi Continent must learn to stand up and fight the enemy together, because maybe in the near future... will face a real battle, and it will be difficult for even me to take care of it all." Xiao Yan said slowly, Xiao Wutian also immediately understood Xiao Yan's intentions. This time he wanted to make everyone in Doudi Continent nervous, but in fact, the strength of the people in Doudi Continent could not help much at all. , Xiao Yan finally shot.

But even so, Xiao Yan had to let everyone understand that when facing the void of the world, everyone must unite, forget their grievances, and protect their homeland. This is the real way to survive.

There is no way everyone can make a small home.

"Haha, it seems that you already have a plan in your heart, but if you are really a Five-Star Fighting God, these inferior realms, not to mention a hundred arks, even a thousand arks, your strength can fully cope with it." Xiao Wutian understood Xiao Yan's plan. He did this only to make the people in Doudi Continent nervous, so that he would be able to respond on his own when encountering such a situation in the future.

Xiao Yan also worked hard for Doudi Continent. After all, Doudi Continent was also Xiao Yan's homeland, so he would naturally protect it at all costs.

"Senior has nothing to do. Why don't you ask me for a cup of tea? If you are boring playing chess alone, let's play a game of chess for fifty years." Xiao Yan said with a smile, Xiao Wutian also laughed when he heard the words. NS.

Pay attention to the official account, the night rain hears the bell 0, two updates a day, dozens of chapters ahead of the website, and it's refreshing to read in one breath.

"The old man has this intention, but your kid is busy practicing. Don't cry if you lose in chess." Xiao Wutian said that he didn't forget to give Xiao Yan a prestige, and the two disappeared in Xiao Mansion. middle.josei

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