Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 3546

Chapter 3546: Contradict

"Do you know how to make alchemy?" Xiao Yan was a little surprised. Of course, as the heart of flame, not all the masters who followed were pharmacists. In fact, when the strength was raised to a level, the refining seemed to be gradually weakened, because of the high grade. The refining of the pill is too time-consuming.

"There are a lot of masters I have followed, so I have learned a little bit." Shi Jue Yaoyan replied.

Shijue Demon Flame is different from other flame hearts. It can be divided into ten flames, and ten flames can follow ten people. In other words, Shijue Demon Flame has the most masters among many flame hearts, and these people have He had ten demon flames, but he didn't fully possess it.

Of course, for other flame hearts, they won't have too many memory points. Even if the owner was a pharmacist, they did not deliberately remember them. After all, these memories are useless for them.

Therefore, Shi Jue Yaoyan suddenly spoke, which frightened Xiao Yan.

"Then do you know which pill that these medicinal materials are refined?" Xiao Yan asked again. While speaking, the memory of the three prescriptions flooded into Xiao Yan's memory. Of course, these prescriptions were not complete, there was only one. It's just the general direction.

"I can only help so much. As for which of the three medicines are, I don't know." Shijue Yaoyan's voice sounded again, although the three prescriptions are not complete, but This was already a great help to Xiao Yan who was helpless.

Xiao Yan began to analyze the memory of the prescriptions that Shi Jue Yaoyan gave him in his mind. They were three different medicinal pills, one was a detoxification pill, one was a poisonous pill, and the other was a healing pill.

Judging from the three prescriptions, they are almost all the same medicinal materials, but the refined pill can be completely contradictory to the three kinds of medicinal pill. Xiao Yan immediately understood why the more than 400 people present were present. The pharmacist, all fell into a long period of contemplation.josei

This kind of problem requires a great talent in refining medicine to understand it. Of course, unless these four hundred pharmacists have refined these medicines, and it happens to be that all three medicines have been refined, if so, maybe They will be able to know what kind of pill the medicine is really made from.

With the hint given by Shijue Yaoyan, although Xiao Yan didn't refining medicine, he had already started refining in his mind. It was just a simulated refining. Following the prescription in his memory, he found the right direction. That's it.

Another year has passed, and three years have passed since the start of refining medicine. Some pharmacists have become impatient and have begun to refining this pill. When they don’t know, they can only rely on themselves. The instinct of refining is better. As for whether it can be successful, it is better than not refining anything in the end.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes tightly, and the time left for him was running out. He deduced over and over again in his mind. From these medicinal materials, three kinds of pill can be refined in the exact order, but the medicinal materials will all have There are gains and losses, and not all the medicinal materials are used, which shows that Xiao Yan's inference is very likely to be wrong.

These medicinal materials should not be superfluous blindly. There must be one pill made from these medicinal materials that uses all of these medicinal materials, but Xiao Yan has deduced it hundreds of times and still has not successfully deduced it.

After all, the performance was successfully performed once, then it means that the correct answer to this pill was found. Xiao Yan was sweating cold on his forehead. He knew that the time for him was running out. Xiao Yan even had a thought, perhaps ten demon. In the memory of the prescription that Yan gave him, the three prescriptions were all in the wrong direction.

A few months later, Xiao Yan still couldn't completely succeed in the deduction, but at this time Xiao Yan had suddenly opened his eyes, his palms came out, and the flames burst out directly. Pay attention to the public number, Yeyu hears the bell 0 to watch more~

"There is no time. Since there is no right direction, I can only create one by myself!" These three prescriptions are not correct, but there is one thing that Xiao Yan believes very much in his own judgment. This pill will definitely use everything. No blind medicinal materials are superfluous. Therefore, Xiao Yan will not abandon any blind medicinal materials. He will use all the medicinal materials. As to whether the final refining is successful, what kind of medicinal pill will be refined. Xiao Yan didn't know either.

But time is running out, he must start refining the pill immediately, otherwise the time will be completely insufficient.

Sweeping around, half of the pharmacists started refining, but half of the pharmacists were still thinking about it, because they knew that a random refining must be a failed solution.

This point was completely confirmed by a violent explosion immediately.

Exploded the tripod!

On the platform, some pharmacists are accustomed to using medicine cauldrons for refining. Of course, there are also some pharmacists who did not choose medicine cauldrons, because for today’s level of pharmacists, unless extremely top medicine cauldrons or very special medicines are used. Cauldron, otherwise the effect of medicine cauldron for refining medicine is at best a little stabilizing effect, and its effect is not indispensable.

With a crash!

A small mushroom cloud is formed directly. Fortunately, the spiritual medicine Tiangong has rich experience. It has long been isolated in the area where each alchemist exists. The power of the explosion has not spread to the surroundings, and it will not affect the refining of other alchemists. system.

Although the deduction was not successful in the end, the prescription given to Xiao Yan by Shijue Yaoyan still played a vital role. At least Xiao Yan's refining and refining speed can be much faster. After all, most of the medicinal materials are integrated. There is no problem.

There were tens of thousands of medicinal materials, Xiao Yan refined and integrated them, and the refined essences were continuously blended together, and finally formed a fist-sized medicinal solution. As Xiao Yan refined, the unrefined medicinal materials in front of him gradually decreased, and finally There were the last hundred medicinal materials left in front of Xiao Yan, and these hundred medicinal materials were the real difficulty in refining this pill.

Their fusion direction will directly change the medicinal properties and direction of this pill. Therefore, whether the fusion of these medicinal materials can be successful will also directly affect whether Xiao Yan's pill can be successfully refined.

Xiao Yan looked at these medicinal materials cautiously and identified them one by one. He had to make a choice at this moment, because there was no detailed record of these medicinal materials in the prescription, which was a mystery.

"The hairy snake dragon grass is cold in nature and contains highly toxic. Yang Ligu is also a good detoxification medicine. It is completely contradictory. The remaining medicinal materials are either poison, detoxification, nourishing, or stigmatization, everything They are all on the contrary. According to normal inferences, they are inferred according to the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials, but this medicinal pill is on the contrary. Many medicinal materials do not need to be poisoned, nor do they need to be solved. What is needed is that they neutralize each other... …"

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