Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 3828

Chapter 3828: The third thousand six hundred and eighty-fifth

If the deity is not strong enough, it is useless to have more powerful clones. If the gap is too large, I am afraid that even the life-shaping technique cannot be used.

With the use of the life-shaping technique, the powerful physical power of Yuanshen's avatar was used as a blessing. Although this pressure was powerful, it did not cause any harm to Xiao Yan.


But at this moment, the magic frog under him swelled rapidly. When Xiao Yan realized that he wanted to help it, it was too late.


The magic frog couldn't bear this powerful pressure, and after the whole body swelled to the limit, it exploded and died.

Xiao Yan's heart was shocked, and anger suddenly surged into his heart. He originally wanted to bring the magic frog out of here, at least temporarily becoming Xiao Yan's mount. Compared with the Bingyun rabbit who was full of resentment towards him, Xiao Yan preferred peace and quiet. And the faster magic frog.

But the magic frog was obliterated by the sudden pressure, Xiao Yan frowned suddenly, and looked around.

But at this moment, Xiao Yan only felt a shock in his heart, and when he raised his head suddenly, he saw a huge shadow shrouding him from the black fog.

And when Xiao Yan really saw what the shadow was, he felt even more shocked. It looked slow from a distance, but it was not. It was because of its size that it felt unpleasant, but when it was really close, he would find that its speed was not fast. Extremely fast!

Xiao Yan's figure shot backwards at a high speed, and there was a deep complex color in his eyes.

Because the huge black shadow that Xiao Yan saw in front of him was not any living creature, neither a human nor a beast... but a huge island that was moving at an astonishing speed.

"It shouldn't be, didn't Wu Zhan say that these islands are moving slowly, how can they be so fast." Xiao Yan was surprised, but in the next instant, Xiao Yan's pupils suddenly shrank again.

Because when Xiao Yan turned his head, he saw huge black shadows coming from all directions around him!


Immediately, Xiao Yan heard a violent crash and roar, and Xiao Yan quickly dodged, islands flew from all directions, and Xiao Yan immediately felt the strangeness.

The strange coercion just now also made Xiao Yan feel strange, as if the purpose was to kill the magic frog and cut off the way Xiao Yan left.

However, at this moment, a large black mass at the far end came towards Xiao Yan. After approaching, it was discovered that this mass of black mass was not fog, but was formed by countless soul-devouring corpses.

And there are more than one, it seems that all the surrounding islands are swept out, all of them are attacking Xiao Yan.

The number is huge. If you really want to add them all up, I am afraid that the total number can easily exceed one million. Such a number of Soul Eater, even the Immortal Emperor, may feel a headache. After all, most of these Soul Eater They all maintain the power they had before they were alive. After all, to be precise, they have not fallen, but their souls have been taken away.

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. Looking at so many Soul Eater corpses, Xiao Yan felt unhappy in his heart. If they could return their souls, they would be able to return to their original state, and Xiao Yan would also disperse the Soul Eater corpses without hesitation. Thousands of souls.

Xiao Yan is not a saint, but the power gained in this way makes Xiao Yan feel unhappy.

"Either the Soul Eater Clan or the Heaven and Earth Mansion, relying on stealing other people's souls for power, this kind of behavior is simply to be punished... At least the creatures of the same world, how can it be like this!" Xiao Yan murmured in a deep voice.

Of course, this is only for the creatures that belong to his own world, but if it is an intruder, then Xiao Yan will not hesitate to deprive them of their souls. After all, for the real enemy, Xiao Yan can be without any kindness at all.josei

"Forget it, it seems that the power of the stars of this Yuanshen corpse is destined to be lost." Xiao Yan said in his heart, more and more soul-devouring corpses gathered around, like locusts, and they were all gathering. The direction from which they came is even more consistent towards Xiao Yan.

"Let's leave first." Xiao Yan immediately moved, wanting to be here immediately.

However, just when Xiao Yan was about to leave, the pressure just now reappeared, this time it was even stronger and enveloped Xiao Yan, causing Xiao Yan to sink suddenly and his speed to drop sharply.

What's even more bizarre is that below that, the roaring islands collided together. When I looked down at this moment, the islands that were originally isolated and floating in the abyss and polar regions were actually collided and connected together. .

When dozens of islands of different sizes all collide together, it is no longer an island, but a vast continent!

Xiao Yan saw this scene, his eyes shrank suddenly, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

At this time, Xiao Yan looked down at the mainland, and immediately let out a cold hiss.

"What a big layout, these islands are not only a continent, but a large formation that has been conspiring for a long time and is carefully arranged!" Xiao Yan murmured in a low voice, feeling a little shocked in his heart.

The shrouded coercion also came from this continent composed of islands. I saw a black mist covering the continent, and in the black mist, there seemed to be a figure.

"Take my body... none of you want to run away!"

A gloomy and like the words formed by the interweaving of countless voices, spread out from the black mist at the far end, and I saw countless souls swarming towards him on the island. as many as ten million.

"This is... the Soul Eater Emperor who was squeezed out before?!" Xiao Yan could roughly distinguish from his voice. Although it sounded difficult to distinguish, Xiao Yan could still hear that this was the Soul Eater Emperor. The voice he had heard in the Soul Eater Emperor clones before, because it was soul transmission at that time, so the voice was more unique.

Apparently, after the Soul Eater Emperor slipped away, he seized a new body, and then launched the great formation he had been conspiring for a long time.

"Return the clone to this emperor, if it weren't for you, this emperor's plan would not be revealed so easily!"

"Dare to take this emperor's avatar, today this emperor wants you to wait for ten thousand pieces of corpse, and let your soul live forever and never be supernatural, become a part of this emperor!"

In the black fog, surrounded by countless souls, a powerful force erupted on his body. Suddenly, it was not weaker than the Soul Eater clone, and even the soul he possessed at the moment was even more majestic!

This is the real trump card of the Soul Eater Emperor!

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. Obviously, this Soul Eater Emperor is also a person with great ambition. If his body is not robbed by Xiao Yan and Chi Mi's soul, coupled with such formations, I am afraid his strength can reach an extremely terrifying level. level.

It has been preparing for this for a long time, but unfortunately it does not seem to be facing the enemy it wants to obliterate.

It was only out of desperation that he cast this great formation, intending to use it to kill Xiao Yan and Chi Mi's souls who had taken away their bodies.

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