Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 546

Chapter 546: Power rose (1)

Chapter 98: Power Soars (1)

Xiao Yao moved out of clan rules, the most anxious are Xiao Qi and Xiao Li. If Xiao Yan was really expelled from Xiao, wouldn't Xiao Qi be a living widow? That was absolutely impossible. But the patriarch is showing his might. Who dares to go up and look for mold? I had to ask God to worship the Buddha in my heart and pray to Xiao Yan not to disobey Xiao Yao's will.

Alas, ancestor, you are forcing me. "

Xiao Yan looked around, but found that no one can help in this matter, even avoiding his eyes, let alone be sullen.

Is there no other way to choose? Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Yao and asked again.

No! Definitely Xiao Yao rejected Xiao Yan's fluke with a sip.

But I'm not good at management. Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Qi with a pale face, and he couldn't bear it. He moved out the last reason to get a handle.

Xiao Fu, don't you manage well? Xiao Yao looked at Xiao Yan with a smile.

That's all thanks to Zhen Ni and Le Shaolong. I'm just a shopkeeper. Xiao Yan was quite frank.

The power of Xiao Fu can be kept under the management of Zhen Ni and Le Shaolong, and I believe it is not difficult to add a Xiao people. Xiao Yao saw that Xiao Yan was a little loose and calmed down slowly. You can still continue to be your shopkeeper. How about that? "

Even if I am willing to take over, all members of the tribe must agree. Xiao Yan spread his arms, looking a bit helpless. Now it seems that the only way to hope that everyone will not forget the meritorious deeds of the ancestors, to lift their feet and hands against their own patriarchship, can go.

Hello kid, Xiao Yaohu stared, saw Xiao Yan's thoughts, sneered, and swept across the field with a magnificent look, and shouted with a gesture of disapproval: the old man decided to patriarch The biography and Xiao Yan can stand out now if there is any objection, but everyone must think twice, don't go against your heart, otherwise the old man will not spare him! "

Is there such a naked threat? Everyone has a sweat, this is too much .....

However, seeing that Xiao Yao's intentions had been decided, and Xiao Yan was indeed excellent. At this moment, there would be no opponents of the Xiao people, and the audience was silent for a while.

Is it just silence? Xiao Yao's old face was iron and blue, he stomped his feet fiercely, his eyes fell on Xiao Li and Xiao Long.

Where is Xiao Li and Xiao Long not clear about Xiao Yao's meaning? It is nothing more than letting the two of them take the lead, but the two feet are too obvious.

Looking up at Xiao Yan, Xiao Li and Xiao Long smiled bitterly, suppressed their dissatisfaction with the old patriarch, finally made up their minds, walked slowly, and raised their arms and shouted: I will wait for Xiao Yan as the new patriarch, but Xiao Yan's fate is from. "

I am willing to serve Xiao Yan as the new patriarch, but Xiao Yan's life is obedient. The minds of all people are the same as Xiao Li and Xiao Long. Considering the feelings of the old patriarchs, they have never dared to express their opinions. Now when they see Xiao Li and Xiao Long take the lead, the depressive enthusiasm in their hearts suddenly bursts out, wave after wave.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Xiao Yan, who had no choice but to sigh, sighed: Since the ancestors insisted that I take over the post of patriarch, I can only respect him better. "

I, Xiao Yan, hereby assure all ethnic groups that they will definitely lead the Xiao ethnic group to become the first-class force on the mainland! Xiao Yan was so good at floating hair that he managed to talk about the messy clothes in the battle. Now the merger of Xiaofu and the Xiao people already has the foundation for winning first-class forces, and it is not far from our goals. Together, we will create a new future for the Xiao people. "

Chapter 98: Power Soars (2)

Xiao Yan's words rolled across the valley like a thunderbolt, and everyone felt a new round of shock.

The merger of the Xiao House and the Xiao People has already provided the foundation for the first-class forces in the mainland. What is this concept? This means that the strength of the Xiao House is already on the verge of first-class forces, and the Xiao people are just giving face to everyone. It turned out that this is the true essence of Xiao Yan's forces. Everyone was exclaimed in his heart, and he couldn't stop thinking.

In the world where the Emperor's Continent is weak and strong, he has always worshipped heroes the most. Xiao Yan's previous performance in battle and the details revealed at this time immediately made him obtain the supreme loyalty of all peoples, and even this loyalty began to transform Faith in Xiao Yan's fanaticism, at this time, perhaps as long as Xiao Yan ordered to jump over the cliff collectively, they would never frown. Soon, under the leadership of Xiao Zhan and others, all people of the Xiao ethnic group held up their weapons and issued a burst of waves towards Xiao Yan: Long live Xiao Yan! Long live the patriarch! "

Feeling the enthusiasm of everyone, Xiao Yan smiled slightly, pressed his hands, and the shout below stopped immediately.

Xiao Yan's complexion gradually became solemn, the coercion of the superiors began to show on his body, and he said: The Xiao can support the crisis to the end, thanks to the dedication of our good brothers and allies Tianminggu and the Phantom Clan. Helping each other, let us pay them our highest respect. "

This battle, Tianminggu and the Phantom Clan can be said to have contributed, and they won valuable time for the arrival of Xiao Yan. The Xiao people all had no objection, turned around neatly under the leadership of Xiao Yan and bowed deeply towards the two races.

Oh, you're welcome, you and I are brothers alliance, it should be. Now that the ancestors of the Xiao nationality are returning, the new patriarch is young and promising. It is also my good fortune to be able to witness the rise of the Xiao nationality here. Emperor Ming was very pleased and laughed again and again.

Demon World congratulates Xiao Yan. When the demon world saw Xiao Yan, he only remembered his kindness. He closed his mouth and did not mention his own grievances with the Yijiao religion. At first, he was still a little bit embarrassed, but he felt ashamed to accept the Xiao's gift and hurried forward to congratulate Xiao Yan.

The grace of the Tianming Valley and the Magic Demon Clan is remembered by Xiao people, and Xiao Yan will have a good report in the future. "

Xiao Yan returned his fists to Ming Emperor and Yao Shi with a bunch of fists. A black belt around his waist fluttered in the wind, and he looked very chic, but his sincere words made the hearts of the two bewildering.

With Xiao Yan's net worth, he will definitely benefit the two races in one shot. How can he not be happy?

Xiao Li looked at the Emperor Ming who had been on an equal footing with the old patriarch and the demon world, respecting Xiao Yan with all respects, and couldn't help feeling sorrowful, and laughed: Xiao Yan, no, no, it should be the patriarch. You read that right, hahahaha. "

It didn't matter his excitement, the laughter didn't stop, the unrecovered injury caused a cough, and a paleness appeared on his cheeks.

Why, Xiao Qi, didn't you send the elixir I gave you? Xiao Yan was frightened when he saw this, and he didn't care about the other, so he asked Xiao Qi next to him.

Already given. Are you okay, grandpa? Xiao Qi hurried forward to help Xiao Li.

Regardless of Xiao Qi's business, the elder husband of the old medicine took it. The effect is really good. It is more than ten times better than the elixir that the old man took before. The old man's injury has recovered 50%, but the palm of the black robe is too hard. Xiao Li waved his hands and signaled everyone not to be nervous.

Wait, this is unlikely. With the efficacy of this elixir, the effect will never be so bad. Xiao Yan listened, and suddenly felt something was wrong. He glanced at everyone and asked, how did other people taking the elixir feel? "

Chapter 98: Power Soars (3)

The patriarch's elixir is really amazing, and I've recovered completely. The crowd responded one by one, only Xiao Long's face was a little dark, and the situation was the same as Xiao Li's.

It may be that elixir has weakened the efficacy of Samsung Dou Di. Xiao Li laughed, disapproving, he didn't believe that there was really elixir in the world that could allow Samsung's fighting emperor to recover quickly.

But Xiao Li, even the injuries of the old husband and Xiao Qi have recovered ... Ming Emperor was puzzled.

Qier, the elixir I gave you is graded. Are you sure you made no mistake? Xiao Yan was puzzled and could only ask Xiao Qi if he had given the wrong elixir when dispensing.

That's right, it's all given by the husband. Xiao Qi is very sure.

So what's going on? Even Xiao Yao felt depressed this time. Xiaoli Xiaolong and Xiao Yan, the old masters of elixir, knew that they were immediate to the Samsung Emperor. Why was it wrong with you both? "

Well, you have to be old. Since this time, Xiao Long and I have felt that our strength is a bit unsatisfactory, but it's nothing, it's just a slower recovery, and it's not a big deal. Xiao Li is very open-minded.

In the past few years, have the two elders felt sluggish, and the fighting has not risen but decreased during all kinds of cultivation, and the process is not obvious, or even slow? Xiao Yan was not relaxed about Xiao Li's open-mindedness. Instead, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became, his face became more dignified.

how do you know? The cloudy eyes of Xiao Li and Xiao Long suddenly lighted up, and asked Xiao Yan in amazement.

Have the two of you been attacked or injured in their hands before by the black men? Xiao Yao jumped up and stared straight at the two, his breathing became a bit quicker.

When the old patriarch said so, we remembered it. Before Xiao Yan left, we did have a few palms. Xiao Li was asked by Xiao Yao and remembered, but what does this have to do with our physical condition? "

Xiao Yan hesitated for a while, and Xiao Yao understood each other's meaning.

You are not in trouble, nor is the elixir ineffective, but you are in the Soul Eater. Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Li and Xiao Long for a long time before slowly speaking, his tone was very heavy.

Soul Eater? What it is? Xiao Li couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw Xiao Yan as a joke.josei

Soul Eater is the evil technique that the old demons had ordered to ban ...

Xiao Yao took the mouth and spoke out all his experiences over the years.

After listening to Xiao Yao's account, everyone was frightened and could not imagine that there was such a treacherous method in the world.

After that, this function allows the old demon emperor to issue a ban. Doesn't that mean that the function is not solved? Xiao Qi was anxious, anxious, clutching Xiao Li's hand, almost crying.

Chapter 98: Power Soars (4)

Xiao Qi, do n’t worry, you ’re fine without seeing the old man, but have you made great progress? With your husband, there is nothing that cannot be resolved. Xiao Yao hurriedly comforted Xiao Qi.

Xiao Yan again? Everyone looked up, all staring at Xiao Yan.

You don't need to look at me like this, I do have the antidote for this mark, but I was lucky enough to get it from the relic of the old devil. Xiao Yan was a little embarrassed by everyone, smirked, and then flipped in his hands, two soul eater appeared in the hands.

You Xiao people have a Xiao Yan, which is simply God's care for the Xiao people. Ming Emperor saw Xiao Li and Xiao Longer taking the elixir, and his eyes showed an irresistible applause. However, even the small characters of the spirit demons practice this kind of exercises, I think this method must have been popularized . "

The courage of the spirit and spirit family, even if they practice such evil techniques, are they not afraid of being hunted down by the whole continent? Yao Shi said indignantly, looking at Xiao Li and Xiao Long's constantly emerging black line of heart, startled.

At present, the demons are divided and have not been unified. The spirit demons have practiced this skill in a comprehensive way. They are speculative and worrying. Xiao Yan was more and more frightened, but unfortunately, suffering from no conclusive evidence, otherwise he would surely cause public spirits to anger. Therefore, we must not act lightly now, we must wait for the right time before letting the soul-devil family die. "

At the time when Xiao Yan and Xiao Yao were worried about the spread of the soul-stealing Dafa, a hurricane-like noise came from the northeast side of the Xiao people ’s territory. Numerous people, like falling stars in the sky, descended on the Xiao people ’s territory. It was the returning patriarchs who brought the whole family to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan, I have ordered you to let the extermination of the tribe take you as the head. I also hope that you can abide by the promise and treat my tribe well. The extinct chief looked at Xiao Yan, and the cloudy old eyes suddenly burst into unprecedented sharp light at this moment. It seemed that as long as Xiao Yan repented, he would immediately order the extinct blood battle with the Xiao, and he did not want the extinction to follow a capricious one. Villain.

Since the extermination of the tribe will be affiliated with my Xiao tribe, I will naturally not treat my tribe people. Xiao Yan nodded, and understood the worries of the patriarch of the extermination clan. Suddenly there was a bit of respect for the patriarch who had been persecuted and made a big mistake.

Seeing Xiao Yan nod, looking at himself with guaranteed eyes, the patriarch sighed a sigh of relief, hugged Xiao Yan, and then turned and walked out of the valley. The lonely back seemed to be getting old all of a sudden, even a little pace staggering.

Looking at the patriarch leaving sadly, all the annihilators clenched their teeth and watched with tears. For a time, the atmosphere in the valley was a little heavy.

Xiao Shao, wouldn't you just let him go like this? It seemed that there was no such promise. Xiao Xiao came together and asked in a low voice.

Now that he can bring all of the people, and let me assure him, he will definitely follow his promise. Xiao Yan continued with his hands on his back, but continued that, as the chief of a tribe, it was the belief of the entire tribe. He was unwilling to arbitrate in front of his tribe and ruin the image in their hearts. "

Chapter 98: Power Soars (5)

Xiao Xiao, go, invite the patriarch to come back, remember to be fast and live! Xiao Yan suddenly said to Xiao Zhan that a smile spread across his face.

Why? Xiao Xiao is puzzled, and I still wonder if he will rule himself. "

Please come back to know. Xiao Yan refused to solve the mystery, let's go, absolutely can not let him die, and you can not appear without my signal. "

Yes. "

When Xiao Zhan was half-trusted and ordered to chase the top of the mountain, the patriarch's figure just disappeared on the mountain that turned away, a strong wave of fighting spirit rose, but soon died in the air, what seemed to be interrupted by the general .

The genocide bowed down, and could not see the scenery on the mountain side, and their hearts were grieved because of the death of the patriarch. They looked at Xiao Yan with complex eyes, uneasy in their hearts, and did not know what their future fate would be.

If you become the king and lose, you should be clear, not to mention that all of this is caused by your spying on my Xiao people. If you wave your sword at the Xiao people, you must be prepared to fail and be destroyed. It can be said that Xiao Yan, even if you uproot your people, can't be overemphasized. Xiao Yan's tone was stunned, and the killing in his eyes was swept away. Suddenly, people who were dissatisfied and unwilling were weak in hands and feet, and almost collapsed to the ground, thinking that Xiao Yan was going to break his word.

However, Xiaoyan I am not a bloodthirsty person. Since your patriarch has not broken his faith for you, I naturally will not break my word. When Xiao Yan's tone changed, the killing intention disappeared immediately.

The people of the genocide reacted from the trembling, looking to Xiao Yan's eyes full of awe.

Now, I give you a chance to choose. Xiao Yan is still quite satisfied with the extermination of the tribe, and slowly spoke. The first is to voluntarily surrender to my Xiao tribe and become a branch of my Xiao tribe. I promise that I will never treat you in any way. Your treatment is no different from my Xiao tribe. Contributors to the Xiao people can also get advanced fighting skills. "

What, as an affiliate, can still have such good treatment? The genocide had a lot of discussions. Before the patriarch came, he had revealed a lot of the details of Xiao Yan, so they did not have much doubt about Xiao Yan's words.

However, although many people began to feel excited, the death of their patriarch still made many people have an instinct to resist joining the Xiao people.

If you don't want to join my Xiao people, you can leave. I Xiao Yan will never stop. However, those who leave must not reorganize the genocide. This is my greatest tolerance for Xiao Yan, who dares to disobey ... Xiao Yan waved his hand, and the sky ruled out the ancient ruler, which weighed thousands of pounds. In the hands of Xiao Yan, he flirted freely and fell heavily. The ground shook, and numerous cracks spread out in all directions centered on the heavy ruler, and extended to the feet of the genocide before stopping.

This scene scared everyone away and never dared to have any luck.

By the way, I forgot to remind you that now that you are on the way, there must be many of you who have offended the forces before you, and you are going to go down the rocks. I do n’t stop those who leave, but life and death are not related to me. Xiao Yan put aside such a faint remark and didn't speak again, waiting for the reply of the extermination people, but this invisible potential danger made many people who wanted to leave take their steps back.

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