Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 632

Chapter 632: Take a half step (1)

Chapter 103: Taking a Half Step (1)

Just when Xiao Yan thought he could break through to the level of consciousness with the help of Can Soul, Can Soul looked at Xiao Yan and slowly shook his head and said, "I can't help you break through the realm directly."

This sentence was like a pot of cold water dripping down, and instantly extinguished the heat in Xiao Yan's eyes.

Isn't this playing with me? Xiao Yan's backlog of fire rose up in a huff: "Senior, you just said that you want to help improve the power of the soul. Now it is the peak of the imperial realm. If you ca n’t break through to the level of intention, how can you call it ascension? ? "

"When have you heard that the power of the soul can be achieved directly by borrowing the hands of others without relying on your own understanding?" Guzhen Remnant asked without answering, "So when you just came in, the old man reached the peak of your emperor's realm. Began wondering when full of soul power. "

"Once the power of the soul is full in a realm, you must break through to a higher realm to improve, otherwise, even if there is more soul power to absorb it for you, it is wasteful, but you rushed in so rashly, nothing at all The income is still being tested at the risk of nine deaths. I really want to ask, who is an idiot? "

"This?" Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment. I didn't expect the word "idiot" to be returned to myself so quickly. "Grandma, I really lost money now."

I originally thought that I could get the help of world-class soul power to directly break through the realm, and then get the gift of world-class soul power. This is a great opportunity to hold ten suns that cannot be found by the sun. The huge drop made Xiao Yan cover her head a little, and she stayed in the sea so stupidly.

For a short while, Xiao Yan looked at the remnant spirit and looked weakly and asked, "What should I do?"

"Hehe, you have solved the old man's confusion. Of course the old man will not let you lose nothing. Although it won't help you too much, it will be no problem to show you the mystery of the realm above the imperial realm."

"Oh? Wait. You are in the realm of the world. If I keep watching your demonstration here, it ’s not easy to break through to the world of order?" Xiao Yan was ecstatic and thought of a good way.

"It ’s still a very mysterious realm for you now. It not only requires you to perceive it with your heart, but also requires your level of vindictiveness, otherwise you ca n’t afford it. With your current strength of four stars, At best, I can only see the doorway of the realm of realm, which is what we call taking a half step. "Residual soul glanced at Xiao Yan, who was immediately annoyed, and continued," Don't underestimate this half step, it The gate of the realm above the realm of emperor can be presented to your eyes, which can help you greatly shorten the time of understanding and breakthrough. "

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yan immediately cheered up from confessing his low level of Emperor Fighting, his eyes brightened. Although it is not possible to break through to the realm of intention, if someone helps open the door for himself, no, even if there is only a gap, it can be of great help to his own understanding and future breakthroughs. You have to know how many people are stuck at the cross-border threshold and will not be able to improve their lives, often because they can't.

Xiao Yan, who came to Mingwu, remembered his attitude just now, and couldn't help but cheeks red, but at this moment, a bit of confusion appeared in his heart. Why had he never heard of such a method in Zhan Lao and Shizu? They should not know. Definitely not because of favoritism, there must be something inexplicable.

Xiao Yan couldn't help asking: "Is this method very difficult? Or are there any harsh requirements?"

I heard Xiao Yan asked this question, and the residual soul was a little stunned, his eyes were a little dim, but he was relieved soon. He stared at Xiao Yan for a while before answering, "Boy, you have a good heart, but you are also a kind-hearted person. That said, I'm afraid you have a psychological burden, but since you asked, the old man will tell you. "

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed abruptly, and sure enough, to take this half-step would have to pay a high price.

I glanced at the floating white paper with nostalgia, as if to remember this moment in my mind forever, Can Soul said, "The power of the soul is not the same as the fighting spirit, and the ascension of the realm is extremely difficult. Too. "

Chapter 103: Taking a Half Step (2)

"In order to break through the realm, in addition to the power of the soul must be full, you also need to comprehend, and this understanding can only be understood unspeakably. In theory, others can not help, but in fact there are ways to help cross Take a half step. "

"It's just that this method places high demands on the soul accomplishment of the director, and it is quite detrimental, that is, to consume the soul origin of the director." The eyes glanced over Xiao Yan, the residual soul thoughtfully, and his face became dignified. "" Guide with your own soul source to let the latecomers see some of the mysteries of higher realms. The soul origin is easily damaged. The young can hardly recover after a long period of time, and the heavy one may directly downgrade the soul realm. "

"Therefore, almost no one wants to use this method, and it has slowly passed away. I, my master, also used it once before I broke through the level of intention, and I knew that there was such a method. Fortunately, the source of the master ’s soul was unaffected. What a hit ... "

Xiao Yan was shocked when he heard what he said. Although he tried to think of the damage in this area as far as possible, he still underestimated the seriousness of the consequences.

Just think, whoever breaks through this realm is not a person with great talents or great opportunities, how can such a brilliant person take such a great risk to make such a huge sacrifice for a rising star? The gains and losses are clear at a glance, no wonder this method will be lost.

Silent and dignified, under the gaze of the remnant soul, Xiao Yan seemed very embarrassed in the face of this huge temptation that one cannot resist.

Although entering the third floor of the Questioning Heart Hall is to seek the power of the soul to break through to the level of intention, and Xiao Yan is not the kind of pedantic person, but this story of the residual soul moved him a lot, so he had some hesitation .

"You don't have to worry about the old man. The old man is just a remnant soul. Now that the old man has solved his heart, he doesn't want to stay in this dark ghost place anymore. Let the soul return." He whispered, "Actually, when you came in, the old man used Guzheng to give you a little demonstration, but unfortunately you regarded it as pure silk music."

"Ah?" Xiao Yan was completely dumbfounded. No wonder his soul was touched by the sea at that time. No wonder his whole body was in a comfortable state at the time. It turned out to be a huge gift.

"You didn't say it earlier." Xiao Yan complained, thinking that he had passed by this great opportunity, and regretted death.

"Hahahaha, you don't have to look at me with such grudges, it's just a small test of a bullsword. It doesn't use much soul origin, which is far worse than the mystery I will show you next."

Xiao Yan licked her dry lips, but still felt a bit unbearable.

"It's just a pity that I have the power of my soul." Cani Sigh sighed, but suddenly looked up at Xiao Yan and asked, "Huh? What's going on in your body?"

"Ah!" Xiao Yan shuddered a little, and did not expect that this residual soul could feel the sudden shaking of the faint ghosts faster than himself, which is the power of the world's soul.

"This ... is actually a ghost!" Residual soul took a cold breath, feeling the familiarity in that ancient memory, but not quite sure, "This ghost is so strong, it seems to be the demon emperor The spirit of that ghost, but the ghost of the demon emperor should not be so weak! "

"You can feel it?" Xiao Yan looked at the residual soul in wonder, marveling at the overpowering soul power of the residual soul.

Chapter 103: Taking a Half Step (3)

"Seniors are familiar with Lao Mo Huang?" Xiao Yan asked curiously.

"Oh, it's okay. The power of the old man's soul was also in the Dou Continent's continent at that time, so he was able to enter the magic eye of the Emperor and interact with him somewhat." Residual soul said lightly, "What, don't want Tell me what's going on with your ghost? "

Xiao Yan then suddenly said how to get the gift of the old demon emperor and the Wraith Wraith absorbed part of himself and downgraded.

"Oh, it turns out that you are from the Devil." Residual soul frowned like a sword, staring at this guy who couldn't find the feeling of the Devil, all over and slightly confused.

"Shouldn't count it. Actually, I'm a human race. How can I explain this to you ..." Xiao Yan scratched his head, really wondering how to explain this extremely difficult to explain phenomenon.

"Oh, it seems I still underestimated you, little guy." Cani Hun didn't continue to question, his face slowly became wonderful, staring at Xiao Yan with a deep meaning, "Don't be nervous, I don't want to know Your secret, even though this secret may set off a mighty wave on the Continent's mainland, what does this have to do with the old man? However, the existence of this ghost in your body has brought you a great blessing. "

"Oh?" Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"After demonstrating the mystery of the realm above the realm of the emperor, I can pass the power of the soul in my residual soul to your ghost, and help it restore its strength, which is equivalent to letting it exist for you first." The words were light and light, but Xiao Yan was touched.

This is selfless dedication, Xiao Yan was trying to say something, but was gently stopped by the residual soul.

Silently glanced at Xiao Yan for a while, the residual soul burst into laughter, his mood seemed very happy.

Residual soul's accomplishments in the soul are extremely profound, even a trace of soul fluctuations can not escape its feelings. Through Xiao Yan's eyes before, he has learned that Xiao Yan is not pretentious and lying.

The eyes are a window reflecting people's psychology. Xiao Yan had hesitated to pay for the huge temptation. This is enough.

"Boy, swearing idiots with you today is also a great joy in life. In this ghost place, the old man will soon be suffocated, and he can finally be relieved today. The old man is very happy. Boy, come on, man Mother-in-law, are you ready? "

The words fell, the residual soul pointed a little, and Xiao Yan's soul was pulled up and fell in front of Guzheng. At this time, countless runes appeared on the side of the residual soul, but his figure quickly dimmed. .josei

"Is the predecessor determined?" Xiao Yan stared silently at the residual soul, his nose a bit sour.

"Hahaha, aren't you nonsense? It's all started. If you don't hurry up and perceive time, it will be a waste." The residual smile on his face grew brighter, and the flashing runes on his side became brighter, just like the brightest in the sky. The stars, and the power of countless souls, were poured directly into the runes from him.

"It's a powerful soul." Xiao Yan was shocked and knew the other's determination, and he no longer sullen. He opened his eyes and looked at the remnant soul. The emotion in his eyes quickly turned to fortitude.

It seems that I have spoken too much, and the remnant soul is no longer talking nonsense with Xiao Yan. The big sleeve is a volume. The star of the eight-star peak is full of momentum. The waves of the sea are rising. The sound of gurgling sounded.

The cohesion of the power of the soul can reach such a strong point. Xiao Yan who saw this scene was extremely shocked. He stared at the astonishing momentum of the residual soul for a moment, and was a little lost.

"This function can't be stopped until now. See Xiao Yan's disappointment, and the residual soul frowns slightly. The condensed voice reminds that for every point of the tall body, the rune will increase by one. There have been as many as 999 articles.

If the runes are substantive, they are made of silver, circling up and down around the remnants of souls, and they are implicated by countless threads to form a mysterious array.

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