Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 660

Chapter 660: Full moon (eight thousand words)

"Can't go on like this anymore! They all treat us as rookies and think we are bullying. Anyone dare to provoke us is really annoying!" Long Yan squinted and glanced at the two men who were immersed in leaf curls and chats. Reminding, complaining, "It's also very dangerous. What if we're struggling, some more terrible things will happen? That will cause big trouble!"

"Oh, our little fart has grown up and knows to think about it." The reminder from Long Yan made Jing Wuchen feel as if he had discovered a new continent, and looked at Long Yan strangely.


Upon hearing the words "Little Fart Boy", Long Yan immediately stared at the clean room with an angry look.

"Don't make trouble! I think Long Yan is right."

The thought of being pinched by people as a soft persimmon was very upset, Xiao Yan could not help rolling his eyes, interrupting the duo's mouth with a loud voice.

"What to do?" Jing Wuchen's left index finger and **** curled leaves, his thumb rested on his chin, his eyes blinked and thought.

It seemed that there was a countermeasure. Jing Wuchen took a bite of cigarette, and then proposed, "Otherwise, if we take the initiative to kill all the way and kill the mark on our foreheads, naturally there are not so many fools to entangle us. . "

"It seems to be a good way. If you are fierce, they will be afraid." Long Yan agreed with excitement and threw the dissatisfaction with the clean and dustlessness out of the clouds.

"Well, maybe it needs to be appropriately high-profile and high-profile." Xiao Yan also nodded in agreement. "However, we must pay attention to it. Otherwise, it is not a joke to cause too many siege."

"It makes sense." Jing Dust nodded his appreciation.

The three made a decision and soon realized that it was too necessary.

Because they found someone rushing over again.

"Is it for us again? Mom's frequency is too fast now." Jing Wuchen screamed, straightened, ready to fight.

"A beggar-like guy, a young man who looks harmless to humans and animals, plus a child, this is how they look at us." Xiao Yan shook his head and sighed, he began to feel the people on this mountain road. There is no reason not to shoot at the three of them.

"Grandma, although it is human nature to bully and fear, but there are more people coming this time, and they are too deserving of us." Seeing more than twenty people rushing over, Xiao Yan was defamation in his heart, but his eyes looked Towards the back of the crowd.

In the distance behind these two dozen people, there are still many shadowy figures hiding in the shadows of the cliffs, waiting for the opportunity to beat the water dog.

"Come on, let's use them to make a fate. What's more, the purpose of the fantasy is to experience life and death." Xiao Yan's blood began to heat up. "Can't use weapons without weapons. When every part of your body can When you become the sharpest weapon, reusing it is even more powerful. "

Take a deep breath, the body sinks along with the bending of the thigh, and then kicks abruptly. Xiao Yan's body has rushed out, and the outbreak of fighting has stirred the yellow mud on the ground and scattered, and a good flower blooms behind him. Big lotus.

Xiao Yan took the lead, and the three shot into the crowd like arrows off the string.

I do n’t know what is dead or alive, but dare not take the initiative to attack? It's just a greasy taste! Twenty people's blood-red eyes showed cruel ridicule. Twenty handles or knives or axes or swords rushed towards Xiao Yan, who rushed to the front, and gave out a harsh whistling. Qilang.

Faced with such a mighty power, in the face of such a disparate number of people, in the face of life and death that may only be in one thought, how can we even say that we do not need weapons? Long Yan's face immediately behind Xiao Yan had no fear, but his feet and belly began to tremble. Seeing that Xiao Yan was about to be drowned in the shadow of the sword of the crowd, he couldn't help worrying about Xiao Yan. The idea of ​​flying each other flashed in my head.

But in the moment of hesitation, Xiao Yan snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with the fierce power that had passed through life and death, and he retreated in the crowd, with a beast-like roar in his mouth, using his hand instead Ruler, wielding the momentum of being a man and being a millionaire, in the clean and unbelievable eyes, he blocked two dozen people with his bravery.

Xiao Yan's arm turned into a dozen afterimages. Vertical cut, horizontal cut, oblique slant, each palm split out a tragic scream; straight fist, uppercut, swinging fist, as fast as a thunder, each punch brought a spurt of blood; poke, point, Each finger was so wonderful that it avoided the sharpness of the blade and hit the side of the blade, which made the opponent's mouth numb. With a subtle body and a reinforced iron bone, Xiao Yan hardly killed a clearing in the crowd with his physical body.

Long Yan, who was behind Xiao Yan, had all sorts of learning, and repeatedly drank in his mouth, referring to the gun, and twirled with thunder and lightning. All the close-up glaives, without exception, were shaken by the dragon's guard's body lightning; all those who were stunned by the glaive or the body of the dragon's blade were all twitched by the innate lightning force.

Xiao Yan naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately waved his arms, pointing at the same point with each arm of the sword with Long Yan's fingers.

Rao is the tough blade of these two dozen people, but was hit by the power of the abnormal body of Xiao Yan and Long Mao and the power of thunder and lightning in the same part. Come on.

Broken swords and swords flew in the air, and immediately disrupted the queue of more than 20 people.

When the queue is chaotic, it is difficult to exchange strength, and more than 20 people immediately have no group advantage.

As the saying goes, husbands are fighting, courage is also a matter of courage, and then declines, and three exhausts. Such a good opportunity, Xiao Yan and Long Yan will not let go? Taking advantage of the immediate panic of the enemy when the weapon broke, the two fisted to the flesh and broke their bones. They were ruthlessly harvesting the enemy's life in the sound of the fracture of the bones and the screams of sternness.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen people were killed and injured nearly half, and they were horrified and frightened in the outer circle, and their hair was upright. The previous arrogance was gone.

The clean dust that walked on the edge of the battlefield quietly wiped the necks of the two enemies, and also shouted in their hearts that Xiao Yan and Long Yan were simply not human!

Just by freehand, Xiao Yan and Long Yan fell down a group of four-star fighters, what is the concept? If it ’s you, it ’s just bare-handed, one-on-two, or even three, and there ’s no problem with clean self-confidence, but a couple of dozens or even two dozens is completely beyond his ability to try, even if you are fully armed to use all He also felt that it was a luxury.

But now, this completely impossible scene is happening in front of his eyes, how can he not be stunned? I feel that even if the strengths of Xiao Yan and Long Yan are already overestimated, it still seems to be underestimating: "Who are these two guys? I am afraid that only super geniuses have such strength?"

At this time, Xiao Yan and Long Yan have completely entered the killing state. The two roared loudly and broke out with great lethality, just like the werewolf on a full moon night, no longer suppressing the restlessness in the heart, regardless of the rest The enemy has already shown the color of terror, letting go of the bloodiest side of humanity, watching the bravery of the two, watching the blood splashing in the air, watching each life falling, fighting or fleeing? This idea began to spread among the remaining enemies.

However, although more than two dozen people have been wounded and wounded, and although Xiao Yan and Long Yan are fighting more and more bravely, a few good people are still not willing to try to find opportunities in the chaos to attack and reverse the defeat.

A tall and strong man strode out, smashing the shield to Xiao Yan in one hand, and holding a blood-red sharp blade in the other hand, and stabbed silently under the cover of the shield.

The eyes of the two fighters around him passed by, suddenly a joy, and the dark arrows were difficult to prevent in the melee. If this attack succeeded, the situation would be reversed immediately.

Sharp Blade stabbed Xiao Yan in the eyes of the two emperors' more and more joy, and the sneaky tall man even felt the slight undulations of the skin under Xiao Yan's black clothes. If there was no accident, the next moment should be to open the bowel, Bloody pictures, this tall and strong man could not help but a hint of pleasure.

Unfortunately, before the corner of his mouth had time to grin, he felt that his hand holding the blade had been firmly grasped by Xiao Yan's left hand and could not move, and Xiao Yan's right fist had blasted his shield to his chest. before.

"How did he find out?"

The tall and powerful Emperor has not yet responded, Xiao Yan's heavy punch has sturdyly banged on his chest, blasted down the valley, and scared the two who wanted to take advantage of the cheaper Emperor's valiant and broke their legs. Just run.

"In front of the power of my half-order soul, how can I succeed in playing these small moves?" Xiao Yan glanced at the splendid fireworks that burst from the valley, and a sneer evoked in the corners of his lips.

On the side of Xiao Yan, Long Yan's performance was not bad. He was flying an iron bucket of an emperor, and at the same time he lifted up with one foot, hitting the open middle door with the force of splitting Huashan. Immediately afterwards, Long Yan's eyes flashed, revealing scornful disdain, and turning around was a boxing punch, smashing a fighter emperor behind him in the chest.

The blows of Xiao Yan and Long Yan directly destroyed the remaining fighting spirit of the dozen or so individuals. Looking at the crescent moon marks on the foreheads of Xiao Yan and Long Yan, everyone suddenly felt that the shadow of death seemed to be covering themselves in the next moment. I don't know who got the head, and a dozen people flew away immediately, fleeing in horror, only hating their parents for not giving themselves four legs.

And those who were far away from the shadows disappeared without a trace.

"Do not chase!" Xiao Yan drink stopped the body of Long Yan and Jing clean pursuit. It's not that he's afraid, but that he has no intention of chasing it, even if he doesn't perform any of them, he won't be able to run one of them. Because he would keep these people to pass on the war, so that would save himself a lot of entanglement and trouble.

Immediately understood Xiao Yan's intentions, he gave Thumbs up to Xiao Yan, and then looked at the corpse on the ground, and could not help but sigh: "You two of you, with bare hands, will have more than twenty hands holding the magic weapon. It ’s not a normal pervert to be killed by half the level and scared off half. ”

"It's okay." Xiao Yan touched his nose in disapproval, and signaled Long Ling to put away all the appetites.

"Let's divide the loot again when we get to the bottom?" Xiao Yan looked at each of them, and his brows finally stretched out, thinking that it must be full.

"It's all your credit, don't share it with me. If it weren't for you, I would have been in the position just now. I'm afraid I can only escape." Jing Wuchen shook his head and didn't accept Xiao Yan's proposal.

"That's all right? Otherwise, we'll settle at the end, and we'll take what we need." Xiao Yan smiled.

Clean and a little hesitant. He knew very well that if he could go out alive, the relics of these thousands of emperors would be an astronomical number even if they were converted into dragon-shaped coins. But I didn't do much, how could I feel comfortable sharing it?

Xiao Yan seemed to be very clear about what Jing Jingchen thought about, and asked amusedly: "When you decided to take us two towing oil bottles, did you think about how to divide the loot?"

"Thinked. But now it seems that I have become your towing oil bottle." Jing Wuchen said bitterly.

"Yo, it's rare to see you so humble." Xiao Yan pretended to look at Jingdu Chen in surprise, but with a smile on his eyebrows, and waiting for Jingducheng to have a straight neck, he asked, "Then you were in my heart How are you going to divide it? "

Looking at Xiao Yan's natural sincerity on his face, there was a warm current in the clean and clean heart, "Okay. Anyway, I'm in love with the two of you guys, I might as well owe a little more! I remember this love! If I can go out alive, I will repay you, Master. "

"The previous sentence sounded like your style, and the latter sentence was too outrageous. Hehe." Xiao Yan didn't take the promise of cleanliness to heart, but didn't expect to use points after cleanliness went out. "Dirty" speeded up the expansion of his own power, and it really helped him a long time later.

"That's what you said, then I'm not polite. Otherwise, let's kill all the way?" The two towing oil bottles became two protectors in a blink of an eye, not to mention the pride of cleanliness, hippie smile Said quietly.

"Oh, to reach the inner perimeter, do we have any other way than to continue to kill?" Xiao Yan said with a touch of green in the distance. "It's just that the road behind is definitely not so good, and our opponents will Increasingly stronger. Fortunately, after this war, ordinary people did not dare to mess with us easily. "

Xiao Yan looked up at the blood moon hanging in the sky and continued: "The blood moon is not yet full, but once the moon is full, it will have a greater impact on the human nature. It will also indulge in the killings. After a long period of slaughter, the bloodthirsty seeping out of the bones will gradually ignore the shock of our battle. "

"That makes sense." Jing nodded and nodded, then sighed, "Well, I didn't think I would become your tow bottle instead."

"Don't say that, we are partners now. As long as you don't want to fly separately, the three of us will live and die together." Xiao Yan said seriously to Jing Wuchen.

Jing Wuchen cast a grateful look on Xiao Yan: "I won't say thank you, but I'm telling the truth. As long as I don't meet the large scale just now, I'm not afraid. Now, I can only pick small shrimps. It's a shame. "

"It's good if you pay attention to your safety, and leave everything else to us." Sniffing the growing smell in the valley, looking at the broken limbs around the ground, Xiao Yan knew that the next battle would be very fierce.

"If before, I would definitely say that you are too arrogant." Jing Wuchen's mind flashed the scene just now, "But now the young man has to admit that you are indeed qualified to say this."

Then he looked at Xiao Yan with a strange look and asked, "With the strength of both of you, you should not be a member of an unknown family. Why don't I have heard of you?

"That's because your magical powers are not wide enough." Xiao Yan evasively questioned cleanliness.

"You ..." Jing Wuchen rolled his eyes, too lazy to ignore Xiao Yan, walked to the side and pumped up the leaves, narrowed his eyes and enjoyed this rare peace.


The three took a short break and went down the other way.

The cool breeze wafted through the valley with a sickening **** smell.

The three frowned and walked for a long distance without encountering any obstruction or assassination. If it weren't for the circular mountain road where the sword and sword swords across the street could be seen, the three would have thought they were walking in idle court.

"It seems absolutely wise and correct to have not chased and killed those people in the previous war." Praise cleanly, and then said sternly across the valley, "Kill, kill, you can kill with all your strength." Let ’s wait for you to kill enough, and the little guys will choose the forehead to mark the blood red kill! "

"So I have to enjoy your curls now, or I'm afraid that I won't have this idleness any longer."

Xiao Yan is not a drug addict, and he only smoked occasionally before crossing, but now he is in love with this taste. Perhaps, he is in love with nostalgia.josei

"Come." Give Xiao Yan a rolled leaf, and also hold one, stretch out your head and light it on the flame of Xiao Yan's fingertips, then tighten the clothes tightly in the cool wind, clean and comfortable. After taking a deep breath, he said to Long Yan, "Don't smoke, you don't bring much, so save us both."

I pretended not to see Long's pout, Jing Jing turned his head to Xiao Yan: "I have been wondering about two things for a long time, can I ask you?"

Xiao Yan smiled, "Is one of them curious about why I'm pumping leaves?"

"I'm okay, aren't you? You can't let me ask?" Jing Wuchen gave Xiao Yan a glance. "This little Ye Ye is absolutely exclusive on the mainland of Dou Di. I was like Long Yan when I started to smoke If it does n’t work, why do you just draw it? And it ’s more handsome than I am? ”

This question is really difficult to answer. I can't say that I have smoked in my last life, right? Xiao Yan spit out a ring of smoke and babbled: "Do you know what a genius is? A genius is one who learns, and he refines in a moment."

"Cut! Just blow!" Jing Wuchen expressed great disbelief.

This problem could not continue at all, Xiao Yan smiled sternly, and quickly switched off the topic: "What is another wonder?"

Seeing Xiao Yan avoid this topic, she was a little stingy, but she soon became curious again: "Another wonder is that when we were above, we thought that the road was a circle in the end, In fact, this road has one or two forks at each turn, and we have never missed it until now. How can you make an accurate judgment in such a dark day? When you opened it last time, you came?"

"Impossible!" As soon as the words came out, she was negated by herself. "You didn't know anything about the situation here before. How could you ever come!"

"I didn't expect you to still have such an idiot!" Xiao Yan glanced at Jing Wujing with a bit of scorn in his tone. "Have you heard of someone who has been to the Blood Cave several times in a row? If you were alive this time? Go out, will you come back again after three thousand years? Are you still eligible to come in? "

"This is also the case. All of them who came in were not the top of the four stars, or they died in it and were able to go out alive. They were either very talented or powerful, and after such a cruel experience, there was also a large amount obtained through killing. Fortune, three thousand years is enough for them to break through five stars, and they are not eligible to come in again. "

"Isn't that right?" Xiao Yan said angrily.

"That ...?" Jing Wuchen became more curious.

In the eyes of pure and dust-free expectation, Xiao Yan took a smoky **** of his cigarette sparingly, and slowly said, "In fact, those forks are dead ends, and you can't go far enough to end them. You didn't notice the sound of killing Does it send out the most from the fork? It is because the wrong person will turn around and meet the person who entered it. But I do n’t rely on this judgment. After all, there are many kills on the right road. I just See who is far away on which road, that road must not be a dead road, just go that way. "

"The darker you get below the valley, can you see it?" Jing Wuchen looked up and looked into the distance, but his vision was extremely limited, and he could not see anyone in the distance ahead.

Jing Wuchen turned his head to look at Xiao Yan, and then looked up into the distance, a big question mark in his eyes.

"What you can't do with sight, but also with the power of soul." Xiao Yan answered with a smile.

"No, right?" Jing Jing looked at Xiao Yan suspiciously. "Just now, I have sensed with the power of my soul, not much better than my sight. How strong is your power of soul?"

"Dijing?" Jing Wuchen asked tightly.

"Um." Xiao Yan nodded.

"I rely! So strong?" Jing Wuchen looked at Xiao Yan in surprise, couldn't help but swear, "Are you still a pharmacist?"

"Reluctant to be a pharmacist." Xiao Yan threw away his cigarette **** and said humblely, then stretched out his hand, "Another one."

"That's the case, it's no wonder." Jing Wuchen sighed as he pulled out the leaves, "But no matter how hard it is, he is also a pharmacist, and his identity is not comparable to that of ordinary people." Suddenly he thought something wrong and immediately turned his face away. Looking at Xiao Yan, "Cut! You are a refining pharmacist, you can change the medicine!"

"You haven't been injured, what elixir do you want?" Xiao Yan asked with a smile on Jing Wuchen.

In fact, Xiao Yan already had a plan to give Jingdu some elixir along the way. After all, the three of them are together now, and the next opponent will become stronger and stronger. Jingdu needs to strengthen their ability to protect themselves. Now when I see that Jing dust has taken the initiative to ask for it, Xiao Yan naturally will not give up, but I just want to tease Jing dust in this rare leisure time.

"You don't need elixir if you are not injured? You can be prepared if you are prepared. You are still a master, you do n’t even understand the reason." Jing Wuchen took the rolled leaf in his hand and shook it in front of Xiao Yan. Shake it, but just don't give it to Xiao Yan.

"Dare you come here if you don't have enough elixir?" Xiao Yan ignored the curled leaf and continued to tease Jingdu.

"Be prepared! But look at me like this, can you have money to prepare any good elixir?" Jing Duchen answered angrily, "Change it or not, in a word! If you don't change it, there will be no rolling leaves in the future. Now, you think about it. "

"Little stingy." Xiao Yan smiled at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly he took the ring, and for a while, a bunch of jade bottles appeared in front of him.

Of course, Xiao Yan only took out Sanwen Qingling Liquid and Erwen Blood Qi Dan, which are available in the Shangmeng League. As for other types of armillary dandelions and invisible dandelions, naturally they will not be taken out. Do not dare to be exposed easily.

"Wow, there are so many! Isn't it all **** elixir?" Jing Wuchen stared at the pile of jade bottles, swallowing saliva involuntarily.

"Garbage is not garbage, do you know if you open it and smell it?" Xiao Yan was very happy to see Jing Wuchen's face.

"Oh oh." Wake up and clean, quickly took a bottle of jade bottle and opened it, sniffed at the tip of the nose, "Blood Dan, two lines!" Then took a bottle of bottle slightly differently, I sniffed up my nose, "Wow, Qing Ling Ye, San Wen's!"

Then he looked at the pile on the ground, his eyes rounded, slowly turned to look at Xiao Yan, and suddenly scolded at Xiao Yan, "Do you know what you brought out? Sanwen Qinglingye Hey! How much is a bottle of Sanwen Qingling Liquid? Do you know how much it costs three thousand dragon coins! Three thousand bottles! How many are there? At least thirty bottles! Three dozen bottles, then How much did you get? Wait, wait, I'm counting ... three three nine, three five one fifteen, huh, more than 100,000! Damn, more than 100,000 you just throw it like that? Do you know You ’re very bad at doing this? Do you know that you have stimulated me like this? ”

The clean and clean saliva roared, Xiao Yan wiped the saliva splashing on her face with her hands, and looked at Jing cleanly quietly, blinking from time to time, seeming to listen very seriously, accepting with an open mind It looks like, but in my heart I praise the Shangmeng League is too powerful, the business is absolutely impossible, the cost of a bottle of Sanwen Qingling Liquid is about one hundred dragon pattern coins, and it was sold for three thousand!

When the clean, roaring sound in his ears subsided, Xiao Yan slowly asked, "Did you finish the roar? I think your scolding is very reasonable, and I accept your criticism." After speaking, with a wave of your hand, only the ground is left Two jade bottles, a bottle of blood gas Dan, a bottle of Qingling liquid.

Immediately stupid. Long Yan smiled secretly.

After stunning for a long time, I gave myself a mouth with a slam, "Ah, my stinky mouth, what are you talking about. Hey Brother Xiao, in fact, you really are not a loser at all, you take It ’s for me. We are friends. How can we say that we are prodigal, right? "

"Isn't it exciting to you? I really feel guilty about it." Xiao Yan said very "sincerely".

"Don't do it, don't feel guilty, the more this kind of stimulation, the better, really, the more the better." Jing Jing said nonchalantly, and then handed the rolled leaves to Xiao Yan's mouth, and then took out the fire. Give it to Xiao Yan, "Hey, look ... isn't it ..."

"Take the pile just now, right?" Xiao Yan swallowed and asked.

"Yes, yes, right." Jing Dust's head nodded to the chicken chopping rice.

"Okay, take all your leaves for replacement." Xiao Yan said unhurriedly.

"All ?!"

But before he had finished spitting out the word "Ministry", a bunch of jade bottles just appeared in his eyes.

"What the **** are you? Want to blackmail my dear ... me?" There were countless stars bursting into Jing's eyes.

"Oh, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Yan laughed.

"I tell you, Master, I'm a principled person." Jing Wushen's mouth hardened, but he was thinking-"Well, how much can the leaves be worth? Master can pick it up when you go out! Earn a lot It ’s really a big money! Especially here, a bottle of Sanwen Qingling Liquid is probably the second life! ”The more his eyes widened, the saliva was about to flow out.

But when he looked up, he was clean and found that Xiao Yan had already begun to recover the elixir in a bottle and a bottle in Najie after listening to his own words, and he was specifically picking the clear liquid, and he couldn't wait to give himself two more. Big mouth. Why am I **** so mean? If you don't want to die, will you? One more bottle of Sanwen Qingling Liquid will give you a chance to survive.

Regardless of the image, I rushed up and covered a pile of jade bottles on the ground: "Don't recycle anymore, don't recycle anymore. I said, brother, shall we discuss this matter? You want to Knowing that this leaf is very precious, except for me, few people on the Continent can find it. "Then he took out a pair and said," Let ’s go, who will call our brothers? " I just want to take a bit of a loss and exchange half of my leaves for your elixir. "

"It's only half?" Xiao Yan shook his head slightly. "You have no sincerity at all. You should know that the prices of these elixir medicines are not low at all, and even here are good things that you can't buy without money. Just look for them casually." A few people can change a whole lot of babies. "

Xiao Yan wanted to see Jing Wuchen's anxiety, pretending to be contemplative, so that Jing Wuchen thought he wanted to change his mind of swapping leaves.

"Then why do you have to change the leaves with me?" Jing Wuchen suddenly found himself as if Xiao Yan was playing in a circle, angrily angered Xiao Yan.

"Hehe, you are also a strange commodity, and I seem to be in love with it. When I smoke it, I always feel good." Xiao Yan smiled calmly, without concealing his preference for the leaf.

Of course, he will not tell Jing Wuchen that he still has a lot to use, and he will not tell Jing Wuchen that he actually wants to give these elixir to increase the assurance of Jing Dustless existence.

"That ... Liu Cheng! I exchange Liu Cheng for you! This is the most! I only have a thousand roots in total, and I have to stay in the fantasy for a short time, you have to stay for me Click it. "Jing Wuchen was afraid that Xiao Yan would not change.

"I admit that I'm a little tempted." Xiao Yan still looked at Jing Wuchen with a smile and groaned, trying to test the bottom line of Jing Wu.

"... Okay, 70%! It's 70%, there can be no more!" The anxious Jing Dust stared at Xiao Yan's deep eyes, which could not help but add again. A sentence, "But once my 30% of my master is finished, you have to take yours for me."

"Then I'm not as good as 60%. You, I really don't eat at all. I looked at it and took it out. In fact, you took it back." Xiao Yan teased and was planning to say a few more words. Makes me clean and dusty, and suddenly my eyebrows tighten a little, my eyes freeze, and my expression becomes serious.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan waved his hand and rolled all the brain of the elixir on the ground into the clean room. He didn't have time to deal with the consternation of clean room and looked up at the sky above his head.

In the dark sky, the blossoming clouds formed a whole piece, and the thick cloud shadow was covered with mottled red mist, like a blood-colored puppet covering the sky, slowly sinking to the ground.

At this moment, almost everyone in the valley looked up in horror at the inexplicable change, because it was snowing.

Is it snow? How could snow be blood red?

Isn't it snow? But that is clearly the shape of snow.

The chilly chill began to emerge, and blood-red blizzards fell in this depressed world one by one, falling faster and faster, and spreading more and more densely, falling into all the fearful eyes looking up, and densely spreading On the yellow soil road, everyone covered, and there was a sudden red blood between heaven and earth.

However, there is no biting coldness in the imagination, nor the gradual melting in the habit. As soon as it comes into contact with the skin, it melts directly into it, and it seems to melt into the palpitations.

No one knows why, and no one can explain all this mysterious. When the unknowable and untouchable magpie spread from the bottom of the heart, those black eyes quietly turned red, and then gradually became red. blood.

At this moment, the full moon is over, and the Lord of Blood descends on the earth. The round Blood Moon is coldly ravaging the world, and the indifference of life with grass is a sign of the climax of the killing ...

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