Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 739

Chapter 739: Devouring pythons and the Warcraft family (3)

stupid! These details in the illusion can be found by anyone who has previously entered the illusion! "

Jing clean mouth quickly, said Xiao Yan lingering there.

‘I can only say that you are daring! ‘Chaos never shook his head and sighed, then said,‘ However, these details are really not that important, just follow the reminder of the guardian. That ’s it. Before the illusion is closed, there will be a reminder of the guardian in the whole illusion, a total of two times: the first time is to remind everyone that the illusion is about to close, asking everyone to rush to the wasteland in the inner circle center; the second time It is a countdown reminder. At that time, all the teleportation arrays hidden in various places in the fantasy world will be opened, and those who have not yet arrived in the wasteland will be teleported. "

‘Why should everyone be driven to that wasteland? "

‘Is there any activity? "

Xiao Yan and Long Yan asked puzzledly.

activity? The chaos is immortal, the angry dragon and the pure dust are all smiling bitterly, the heart is really active, killing people for merit! Jing Jing explained heartily: ‘When the illusion is closed, anyone who is not on the wasteland will not be able to get out of the illusion, which is ... being obliterated ... this is the rule of the illusion. "

'what? ‘Xiao Yan and Long Yan opened their mouths in shock. Xiao Yan immediately thought of it, imagining the scene in his mind, and he couldn't help fighting a cold war, saying: 'So many people gathered in the wasteland, and there was the temptation of the former to receive the guardian's gift of killing merit, plus blood Does the influence of the full moon on the nature of the mind not equal to pushing everyone into an endless slaughter, whether willing or not? "

‘This is the cruelty of this illusion! How else could it be called a bloodshed for killing? If it ’s not for entering, to find treasures that are rarely seen outside, or to hunt high-end WoWs that are not so easy to find outside, in exchange for an inner armor made of seven-star Warcraft skin that can help them resist the five-star emperor ’s robberies, or Some geniuses need a life-and-death experience, or have a special purpose like me. Who wants to enter this blood-slaughtering blood cave, which can be lost at any time? Alas, the five-star emperor robbed, how many four-star peak fighting emperor's nightmare and unbearable hurdles! "

Chaos shook his head and sighed.

Jing Wuchen also sighed: ‘Yeah, if it was n’t for you, I ’m really not confident that the five-star emperor had died. I had planned to live until the fifty-thousand-year limit of the five-star emperor ’s death ... '

‘Too cruel! It's so cruel! This rule is too cruel for ordinary people! I always thought that after entering the inner wall after the **** killing on the outside, they could kill Warcraft and find treasure while quietly waiting for the fantasy to shut down and leave alive. I did not expect such a rule ... , And then turned to Jing Wuchen and asked, 'I know the purpose of your coming in, but those with ordinary strengths clearly know that coming in is a death, why should you come in? Wouldn't it be great to find a big influence or to live up to the 50,000-year limit that the five-star emperor hijacked like you? "

Jing Dian glanced at Long Yan with a contemptuous glance, and said, ‘Do n’t you just turn around and say that I ’m weak… How can the big forces rely on it so well? The emperor's most important thing in the mainland is the emperor. There is no outstanding ability. Which big force is willing to accept you? How can ordinary forces have the power to hunt Seven Star Warcraft? Besides, not everyone thinks like me, so I have to bet my life. After entering the inner circle, those who are not strong enough will basically form a team. Dozens, hundreds, or even hundreds of people can not only be a little less dangerous in treasure hunting and hunting advanced Warcraft, but also in the final killing One more chance to survive. If it weren't for you guys, I would find a team to join. "

Seeing that Long Ling still didn't completely let go, he patted Long Yan's shoulders cleanly and said, ‘Long Ling, the survival of the fittest is the rule of the Emperor ’s mainland.

‘Yeah, Long Yan, do n’t think so much. ‘Xiao Yan also persuaded Long Yu to say something, and then asked Xiang Chao to die,‘ Brother Chaos, what do we do now? "

‘Walk slowly towards the center of the inner wall, while hunting the encountered Warcraft, while waiting for the guardian ’s reminder. "

'it is good! "

As a result, the five men marched slowly towards the center of the inner wall. However, the closer to the center of the inner circle, the lower the level of Warcraft, and the more people encountered. As long as they don't provoke the five, they will not take the initiative to kill them; but there are also people who see Xiao Yan and others who only have five or want to win merits or loot, or want to rob the five who are hunting. He was not killed by five people, and was robbed of merit and loot.

On this day, five people just finished killing three five-star fire leopards in the late stage. They were clearing and distributing loot. The voice of the guardian suddenly sounded over the illusion-

‘Phantom is about to close, please everyone to rush to the wasteland in the inner circle! Those who did not appear in the wasteland before the illusion is closed will be wiped out when the illusion is closed! "

‘Phantom is about to close, please everyone to rush to the wasteland in the inner circle! Those who did not appear in the wasteland before the illusion is closed will be wiped out when the illusion is closed! "

The words of the guardian were repeated twice, like the sound of thunder through the whole illusion.

‘Haha! Finally waited for this moment! "

The angry dragon suddenly collapsed.

Xiao Yan was also agitated, and his fighting spirit was ignited in his eyes-‘Go, go for merit! "

'go! "


When the five people came to the jungle on the eastern edge of the wilderness, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. They hurriedly stopped their bodies and found a high place in the jungle to observe.

When you look at it, the huge wasteland is empty! But outside the edge of the wasteland was crowded with people who killed each other. The cold moonlight was eclipsed by the sword light sword shadow, and the pungent blood smell spread around and was disgusting. The whole situation is like a huge football field. The game has not yet started, and the fans on both sides first played in the stands.

How could this be? Why is it so fierce to kill outside the edge of the wasteland, but there is no one on the wasteland? The faces of everyone were full of astonishment and incomprehension.

Xiao Yan observed for a while and understood what was going on, saying, ‘No one can be a fool who can become the emperor and live to this day. Although they have arrived, they are not willing to rush to the wasteland to become the target of public criticism. However, when there are more people gathered outside the margins, whether for merit or because of friction between each other, it is easy to fight, and naturally it is the situation it is now. "

‘It seems to be the case. Everyone is waiting for the countdown reminder of the guardians. "

Chaos, Immortal, and Dragon are all in favor of Xiao Yan's analysis.

Xiao Yan asked: ‘Do you know how long it takes from the countdown reminder of the guardian to the closing of the fantasy? "

‘Unclear. Some say four or five days, some say three or four days, and some say they are within two days. There are different opinions, as if each time is different. ‘Chaos answers, and then asks Xiao Yan,‘ Do you want to judge if the guardian can kill enough merits after the countdown reminder? "

'Ok. So many people, if the time is too tight, if we don't win the merits now, we will be afraid that time will not be enough. ‘Xiao Yan nodded in recognition.

‘Then we will kill now! "

The angry dragon was spurred by the killing outside the edge of the wasteland, and the eyes of his eyes flashed with excitement.

‘Go kill it now? "Xiao Yan Jianmei looked closely at the killings outside the edge of the wasteland, and looked at the crowd who continuously rushed through the dense forest to the edge of the wasteland, looking a little dignified, 'There are more and more people coming, we are only five people, If we do n’t pay attention, we will be surrounded by a large number of people. Although we are strong enough, the ants will kill the elephant, only we will be troublesome. "josei

‘So what? Stand here and watch? ‘I ’m anxious in the words of the angry dragon.

Xiao Yan kept his eyes on the outermost edge of the fringe, thinking for a moment, and said, ‘Since it ’s here, how can I stand here and watch? In this way, we start to clear from the edge of the edge area where there are few people. Chaos and I are in front of me, and I can attack and defend. Long Yao and Ronglong are facing me and Chaos are in my back, the same is offensive and defensive. I am in the middle of the team and responsible for killing the fish that missed the net. Isn't Qingling Liquid enough? Drink the vindictive spirit. Also, this will be a protracted battle. We must maintain our physical strength and vigor, and we must not do our best at the beginning. Therefore, the immortal chaos, the true body of the dragon, and the beastization of the angry dragon must be left to the end. And everyone remembers that once the guardian's countdown reminder sounds, we must avoid being crowded near the center of the wilderness by the subsequent crowds. "

‘That makes sense. "

Chaos Immortal and Fury Dragon nodded in agreement.

‘Come on, everyone, be careful. "

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