Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 852

Chapter 852: The special ability of the ball (3)

Xiao Yan got up straight and proudly said, ‘Okay, it ’s almost time, let ’s get into the vortex channel. "

Come back to Tongtian Vortex, wait a moment, and when the vortex is almost the lightest, Xiao Yan stepped in ...


A teleportation array deep in the ancient ruins was covered with thick dust because it had not been opened for too long. Suddenly, several figures rushed out of it. It was Xiao Yan and everyone looked around blankly after it was settled.

It was still afternoon when the crowd entered the Heavenly Vortex, but it was a dawn when they came here for a moment. I do n’t know if it was a place of their own. Although they did n’t feel a few breaths during the transmission, it had already passed a long time.

The drizzle of Lili brought a mist of mist, and it was a bit cool in the mist. As the sun rose to the east and the light rain stopped, the fog quickly quietened away, and the surrounding scenes gradually became clear.

The place where everyone stood was between the cliffs of a mountain slope. Looking out, the green hills on both sides were as high as ten thousand, winding continuously to the depths of the white clouds.

Beneath the crowd, there was a stream of 潺潺 Qingquan, with occasional stones blocking it, which sparked the sparkling water droplets, shining in the sun. The water flowed all the way down into a small clear water pond, and the inexplicable colorful flowers bloomed pretty around the water-grass-covered puddle, exuding a faint fragrance.

'so beautiful! ‘Qing Mu gazed at it all, her eyes full of envy, and she leaned slightly on the side of Xiao Yan's shoulder, a little intoxicated.

‘Yes, people ’s hearts have become ethereal. ‘Purple Shadow also admires softly, for fear of disturbing it all.

Everyone was fascinated by such beauty.

And the ball suddenly screamed '咿呀' but interrupted the intoxication of the crowd. The people found that the ball did not know when to leave Qing Muer's arms, and pointed out a small paw in front of the crowd, anxious Unexpectedly screamed again and again.

Xiao Yan was excited, and asked the ball with anticipation: ‘Is there another herb? "

‘Just thinking about herbs! ‘Qing Muer gave Xiao Yan a nasty look, and reached out to pick up the ball. There was a bit of confusion between his eyebrows.‘ The ball never called like that. Is there something over there? "

Looking along the direction of the ball, everyone found out that very far from the field of vision, near a green hill covered by white clouds, very light flashes from time to time, if it is not noticed, it is easy to be ignored.

Everyone was busy spreading the power of the soul to find out. After a while, everyone except Xiao Yan regained the power of his soul and looked sideways at Xiao Yan. For the place where the gleam of light is beyond the scope of their soul's investigation.

Xiao Yan, however, changed his face slightly, frowned, and murmured ‘strange’, without explanation, his expression was frozen, and the power of the soul spread again.

The result was the same as the first time, Xiao Yan's brow was still tight and said, "I don't know if there is something mysterious or strange formation on the other side of the mountain. Whenever the power of my soul tries to penetrate, it seems like It is the same as what is absorbed, it is completely impossible to detect. "

Upon hearing that, everyone frowned.

‘Go, go and see. "

Xiao Yan ordered, and everyone flew along the valley between the green mountains towards the land of colorful light.

After flying less than a quarter of the way, Xiao Yan suddenly made a gesture to signal that everyone should slow down.

'what happened? "

The crowd's inquisition just fell, and there was a faint crotch from the green hill on the right. Under everyone's attention, the fallen leaves on the mountain were rolled up by strong winds. Dozens of unknown Warcrafts covered with stone armor rushed down from the mountain and rushed towards the crowd. The thunder cried and the ground shuddered.

'strange. ‘Purple Shadow ca n’t help muttering when looking at the Warcraft group,‘ We ’ve probed with the power of the soul before. There are not many Warcraft on each mountain. How could it suddenly burst out to attack us? "

Xiao Yan said disdainfully: ‘No matter him, a group of five-star Pinnacle of Warcraft, just kill it. "

Then, Xiao Yan was as fast as lightning, and his clothes were still rumbling in the wind. The sky's flames had reached the top of the group of Warcraft, and the dull chopping sounded like a drum, with dozens of murmuring hums. All of Warcraft have been killed.

Xiao Zhan praised: ‘Shao Xiao is getting more and more powerful. "

‘I ’ve almost touched the edge of the middle of the six stars, and my fighting skills have improved. If you ca n’t even kill these five-star peak Warcraft, that ’s too much to say! ‘Xiao Yan smiled, turned around and motioned to Qing Muer to pick up the magic core.

‘Yeah, another magic core has been picked up! ‘Qing Muer laughs while picking up the magic core,‘ I ’m happy as soon as there is a magic core, I now hope that the more these Warcraft come, the better! Hey little liar, otherwise, let ’s go to each mountain and kill those Warcrafts. "

Xiao Yan was full of black lines, ‘this mountain is so big, everybody is going to kill it. "

‘Look at you, so seriously? ‘Qing Mu’er who collected the magic core laughed,‘ I ’m playing. "

The crowd continued to move forward, and from time to time, Warcraft struck. Although they died under the hands of everyone, the number of magic cores picked up by Qing Mu'er was gradually increasing, but Xiao Yan's brows gradually narrowed. The closer you are to the place of colorful light, the more the number and number of Warcraft come in. Now it is half way away from the place of colorful light, and there are hundreds of World of Warcraft that are destroyed by Xiao Yan. It is also getting higher and higher. At the beginning, most of them are five-star peaks. In the back, most of the early six-stars, and occasionally there are six-star middle and late. Fortunately, Warcraft came from various hills, and they were scattered. Their pressure was not great.

But as the sun was getting lower and lower, the mountains became darker and darker, and the sense of ease on everyone's faces gradually disappeared. Although there are not many World of Warcraft from each mountain, many mountain of Warcraft are coming together one after another, the number is increasing, and the pressure of everyone is increasing.

The spear pierced and killed the last Warcraft around him. Nan Erming worried: ‘We have only walked a little more than half the distance, and the number of Warcraft has increased several times. "

‘No way. ‘Although Xiao Yan ’s heart also has waves, it ’s still calm,‘ the rolling green hills have no other path. Unless we are willing to be stuck in the valley on the other side of the teleportation array forever, we must always set foot on this path. Anyway, we have to face it, and we kill as much as we can. "

After speaking, Xiao Yan led everyone to kill the past.

On the road between the mountains, fragmented Warcraft corpses were everywhere, and scarlet blood splashed from the cliff to the ground, stained with rubble and dust. In one day, so many Warcrafts were killed. Rao is everyone's strength, and his strength is gradually showing up, and his face is a bit pale.

‘Xiao Shao, should n’t we move forward and recover? ‘Storm advises. He has the lowest level among the crowds, and he has been exhausted by the storm.

'Ok. ‘Xiao Yan nodded and promised, then sat cross-legged in the air, Tianhuo ancient ruler crossed in front of him, while recovering while protecting the law for everyone.

Strangely, Xiao Yan stopped their footsteps, and the World of Warcraft flew quietly. It seems that there is an invisible rule in the place that is restraining all this.josei

Waiting for a while, no more Warcraft guilty, Xiao Xiao face happily said: ‘It ’s so good, we can rest while fighting, so that even more Warcraft can not stop us. "

‘I explore. ‘Before being in a fierce battle, Xiao Yan had no time to investigate with the power of the soul. Now he has a little rest, and the power of the soul has spread again.

At this moment, there were dark clouds over the green mountains, and even the distance between the green mountains could not be seen even a few feet away, but Xiao Yan's soul could detect the green mountains clearly. There are Warcrafts in all the mountains and mountains, but these Warcrafts did not rush in as fearlessly as they did before, but pulled away from Xiao Yan and others, and started to move closer to each other. The sea of ​​beasts, even at first glance, will feel frightened. The most terrible thing is that with so many Warcrafts, they are not messy at all, as if the army is gathering!

‘Your sister, Warcraft is gathering! This is tricky. ‘Xiao Yan sank in his heart, but was very confused,‘ how can WoW know how to assemble like a human? "

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