Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 865

Chapter 865: Weird crystal stone

As the chanting sound from the distance gradually became clear, a strange aroma rose from the lake, sweet, greasy, and comfortable to smell, giving a very sweet temptation, which made me want to deepen Sniff.

But everyone hurriedly held their breath and took a few steps back, just like the enemy.

The ball was very enjoyable. The little nose sniffed wildly, a very intoxicated look.

At first, the lake surface was a gentle breeze. As the energy fluctuations in the lake intensified, the wind became stronger, blowing off the cyan mist covering the lake surface, exposing a large lotus leaf in the lake. Swaying from side to side under the blow of the wind, little crystal water droplets sprayed along.

At this moment, the deep chanting sound suddenly became loud, and the numerous water drops flying from the lotus leaves strangely converged from all sides into the mid-air of the lake, where it quickly condensed into a huge crystal stone, clear and transparent Suspended in the middle of the lake. Immediately afterwards, a light yellow and golden beam of light burst out abruptly in the heart of the lake, immersed in the huge crystal stone.

The chanting stopped abruptly, the wind on the lake stopped, and the lake was calm again, as if nothing had happened, only the fragrance remained the same. But the huge crystal stone is no longer clear and translucent, and a faint yellow air stream is constantly tumbling at its core, which is extremely magical.

'this is? ‘Everyone stared at the huge crystal stone in the middle of the lake.

The ball slammed out of Qing Muer's arms when everyone was distracted, and 'plopped' into the lake.

‘Ball! ‘Qing Muer exclaimed.

But the ball was slap on the lake with his feet slap on the back of the lake, and that's how comfortable it is.

Xiao Yan looked at the ball in the lake comfortably. It seemed that there was no danger what happened just now. He breathed and passed on to Qing Mu'er: ‘Could you ask what happened to the ball just now? "

Yeah, ask the ball. Qing Muer immediately asked about the ball.

‘Guru Gum, Gum Gum…’ As the ball answered Qing Muer, he reached out his hand to greet everyone to enter the water.

Qing Mu'er's expression also changed from surprise to surprise, and she breathed and recounted to everyone: "Qiuqiu said that this place is the core of the ancient ruins. It is named Quehu Yangling Lake. The lake water can quench the body and the fragrance can nourish the soul It is the advantage that the people who built here gave to the emperor who entered here. "

‘Oh my God, there ’s such a spiritual lake! Let's get into the water! ‘As soon as the water in the lake can quench the body and nourish the spirit, Xiao Zhan yells and screams before going to the water.

‘Slow. ‘Xiao Yan stopped Xiao Xiao, and then ordered Qing Muer,‘ you ask the ball, why did n’t it say it before? "

Indeed, before asking it not to say, now that it has reached the lake, it must say that there must be some reason.

This time without waiting for Qing Muer to ask, the ball in the lake himself ‘gu rumbling‘ ground ’said‘ non-stop.

Qing Mu'er quickly ‘translate’: ‘it says, we ca n’t speak without we going to the lake. If we don't walk to the lake, it means that we haven't defeated the Warcraft Guardians here. The energy of the quenching body in the lake will not be activated, and the fragrance of nourishing spirit will not appear. "

‘Oh! It is a good way to build the ancient emperor here. It must be the Jiuxing Emperor, and it is not the ordinary Jiuxing Emperor. Go, get into the water, and quench your body and soul! "

When the doubts were cleared, Xiao Yan greeted them, and everyone jumped into the lake.

Soaked in the lake water with rich aura of heaven and earth, feeling the soft energy penetrating into the limbs and bones through the skin, everyone felt that their bones and muscles were slowly being transformed, and at the same time, the diffuse sweet fragrance passed through the breath Entering the sea of ​​knowledge of everyone, lingering in the sea of ​​knowledge to nourish their soul power.josei

‘What a godland! ‘Xiao Yancheng’ ‘big’ spread out on the lake, moaning comfortably. But he soon discovered that the quenching effect of the lake water was obviously inferior to Xiu Shen Dan, and only the nourishment of the soul by the fragrance made him satisfied. It is rare to have such an opportunity to nourish the power of the soul. If you can fully nourish the power of the soul here for a long time, although the realm of the power of the soul will not immediately rise, it will greatly improve the cultivation of the power of the soul and the promotion of the realm in the future. help. He couldn't help asking the ball softly: ‘How long will the fragrance that nourishes the soul last? "

‘Mum. ‘Small ball patted the swollen belly and replied casually.

‘Just seven days? ‘After listening to Qing Muer ’s translation, Xiao Yan and everyone were a little disappointed.

It seemed to see the disappointment and faint dissatisfaction of the crowd, the ball rolled and rolled its eyes, and murmured to Qing Muer again.

Qing Muer was full of regrets and said: "Ball ball said, don't complain, quickly absorb energy and breathe the fragrance, the energy and the scent that can quench the body in the lake can only be maintained for seven days at a time. It will dissipate. I am afraid that it will condense energy and fragrance next millennium. "

‘Then let ’s take the time to breathe as much aroma as possible! "

‘Yes, one more breath is one! "

Qing Muer's complaint made everyone immediately speed up the breathing and frantically absorbed the fragrance.

Long Ye is the most exaggerated, he actually turned out a hundred feet long Jiu Xuan Jin Thunder Dragon real body! A huge dragon's beak, that one, at least dozens of people.

Xiao Yan was still dissatisfied and felt that the ancient Jiuxing Emperor who built this place was a bit stingy. He lay on his back on the lake and looked at the huge crystal stone hanging in the middle of the lake from afar. He thought it was to maintain the energy and fragrance in the lake. When I looked at him, I suddenly remembered that there was a scent before the water droplets condensed out of this crystal stone. He could n’t help but got up and asked the ball: ‘what does that crystal stone do? "

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