Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014

Estelle was driving home, with Manley goofing around with Kya in the backseat.

“Am I pretty?”

Kya looked at him bewilderedly, nodding, “Pretty!”

“Is Estelle pretty?”

Kya’s eyes sparkled as she replied, “Pretty.”

“Who’s prettier, me or Estelle?”

While Estelle was speechless, Kya answered seriously. “Im pretty!”

Manley burst into laughter.

Then he suddenly leaned towards Estelle’s seat, with a half-drunk look in his eyes and a slight smirk, “Estelle, with us both being so pretty, our kids would surely be cute as hell

Estelle rolled her eyes in exasperation, pushing him back. Take good care of Kya

Manley leaned back in his seat, looking at the sunset outside. His handsome face was bathed in golden light, making him look even more striking. Squinting his eyes, he mused, “When we have kids, I can stay home all the time and look after them!”

Estelle said coldly. “Spout any more nonsense and I’ll throw you out of the car!”

Manley groaned in pain, “You don’t let me speak usually, and you still want to control me when I’m drunk?”

Estelle frowned slightly but said nothing.

Although Manley was half-drunk, he still had some sense left. Fearing he would piss off Estelle again, he stopped talking and focused on playing with Kya.

Estelle said casually, “Give me your phone.”

Manley handed his phone over without a second thought

Estelle took it, intending to ask for the password, but to her surprise, the phone unlocked automatically. Estelle was taken aback, only then realizing that Manley had set up her face as the unlocking feature at some point.

His trust in her was so profound. Estelle felt a little touched. She found Manley’s assistant in the recent contacts and dialed his number.

“Mr. Scott! The assistant picked up immediately with respect

“I’m Estelle” She said. “Manley’s drunk. Please come pick him up at Sunset Ridge

“Understood, Ms. Macclain. I’ll be there shortly!” The assistant responded instantly.

Estelle hung up and tumed to give the phone back to Manley, only to find confusion in his eyes. He complained. 7 can’t do anything to you when I’m drunk. Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me!”

Estelle took a deep breath, not wanting to engage in a pointless argument with a drunk, and focused back on the road.

Luckily, Manley’s mood swings were fast. He started playing with Kya again in no time.

By the time they reached Sunset Ridge, Manley’s assistant was already there. Manley got out of the car holding Kya. Despite being slightly drunk, he was still steady and bid Kya an affectionate farewell, “Be good. I’ll come see you tomorrow.”

Then he looked up at Estelle, with an even softer smile. “You also be good. I’ll bring you ice cream tomorrow”

in front of his assistant, Estelle could only suppress her annoyance and couldn’t smack him. She took Kya and instructed the assistant, “Get him in the car quickly. Drive carefully.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Mcclaint

The assistant answered, then opened the car door for Manley.

4 “Estelle, you should think about what I said.”

Manley was holding on to the car door when he suddenly turned around, a stern look in his eyes,”

Estelle murmured, “You better go now.”

Manley blinked but said nothing more, gently getting into the car

Estelle watched Manley’s car fade into the distance, then took Kya home

Emily hadn’t returned yet, and Ms. Simmons had already prepared dinner, but Estelle wasn’t hungry. She handed Kya to Ms. Simmons and went upstairs.

Entering her room, she didn’t turn on the lights, walking straight to the balcony. In the dim light, her gaze seemed somewhat lost


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