Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058

Estelle’s phone was switched off, and she was using another one to stay connected with the world

She was all in for her work, completely oblivious to how serious the online drama had become, barely even checking her phone.

Only when Magdalen called would tell her what Owen had said again, and Jonathan hadrit made any comment until now Estelle was pretty calm, often spending the whole day in the study. Sometimes, she’d get an urge to cook. Not that her cooking skills had improved much Her dishes always tasted off, but she’d eat everything she made

Her life mantra was “No food waste!”

Jason and Harriet along with Xavier would video call her every day. They were relieved to see that she was doing well and taking care of herself. When Gwen’s fans scolded her the most, Jason wanted to disclose Estelle’s identity as KING. After all, KING also has many fans, so maybe they can speak up for her. Estelle refused. She would not use her fans to protect herself and let them get involved in this online violence for no reason. The abuse would end, and she was innocent and would not be disturbed. But in all this, she realized how little power an individual really had.

With modern technology so advanced and netizens not as naive as before, rumors and slander could still bring someone down.

For those with weak, psychological endurance, if they suffer from such online violence, they may only choose to commit suicide. At noon, Estelle cooked a pot of pasta.

There were more pasta and less salt, and the grilled chicken was a bit burnt. In the end, she didn’t know whether it was the taste of pasta or the burnt smell of grilled chicken. Estelle felt she was

seriously untalented when it came to cooking, which was a real bummer.

As she was munching on the pasta, the doorbell rang.

She thought Magdalen must have sent something over and got up to answer the door.

Opening the door, there stood Jonathan,

The guy was wearing a simple yet high-quality white shirt, his slender figure and handsome face wearing a slight smile. He looked at her calmly and said with a smile. “You seem to be doing well!”

Estelle tried to close the door.

Jonathan stopped her, smiling. “There might be paparazzi following me. The longer I stay outside, the higher the risk for you”

With a cold demeanor. Estelle asked, “What do you want?”

“Of course, there’s something!” Jonathan nodded.

Estelle opened the door wider to let him in.

They sat in the dining room, Estelle continuing her meat, indifferently said “just talk about it.”

Jonathan glanced at the pasta in her plate and frowned slightly. However, he asked. “I haven’t eaten yet, can I have some of your pasta?”

Estelle didn’t even look up, “Sorry, I only made enough for myself”

Jonathan gave a helpless smile and went into the kitchen himself,

There was still some pasta left. Although it tasted awful, Jonathan didn’t mind and served himself some.

Back in the dining room, sitting across Estelle, Jonathan started eating.

Jonathan took a bite and immediately stopped. He looked at Estelle in astonishment, “How do you manage to make the food taste worse each time?”

Estelle wasn’t too upset at seeing him, but his comment made her angry. She looked at him sternly, “I didn’t cook for you. You can choose not to eat.”

Jonathan frowned at her, then suddenly stood up, grabbing his plate and Estelle’s, heading back to the kitchen.


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