Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Estelle didn’t say anything else, she grabbed her phone and headed back to the study.

Jonathan collected their dishes and went back to the kitchen. He loaded the dishwasher and tidied up the kitchen.

Once the dishes were clean, Jonathan set them aside, took a rest in the living room, then got up and headed towards the study.

He knocked on the door lightly, “I’m heading off, don’t worry, there shouldn’t be any issues for the next two days.”

Estelle sat at her desk, listening to the voice outside the door, but said nothing.

Soon, the footsteps outside the door faded away, and the whole room was quiet.

She put down her pen and slumped over the desk.

The next day, GK Jewelry studio issued a statement, unilaterally terminating its cooperation with Gwen. From that day on, Gwen was no longer the spokesperson for GK Jewelry studio and there would be no further cooperation in the future.

This move caused a stir. Not only Gwen, but other companies were also baffled by GK Jewelry studio’s intention.

Due to the “betrayal of her boyfriend and best friend, Gwen gained the sympathy and support of fans and netizens. Her popularity was soaring and the support from netizens reached an unprecedented height.

Many brands and even directors were fighting to collaborate with Gwen, hoping to win over her fans.

And just at this moment, GK Jewelry studio announced its termination of contract with Gwen.

Isn’t this a self-inflicted wound?

Remember, GK Jewelry studio was the first big brand advertisement Gwen endorsed, which greatly boosted her fame and popularity. They had been working together for several years, and it was indeed hard to understand why they would suddenly announce the termination now.

Fans quickly ignited a wave of boycott against GK Jewelry studio online, digging into GK Jewelry studio’s past, criticizing them for terminating the contract without giving a reason, breaking their word, and conspiring with the shameless Estelle.

Harriet was cornered by reporters outside the GK Jewelry studio building. She faced them head-on, and told them bluntly, “Gwen is not trustworthy and has serious character issues, GK Jewelry studio will not work with such a person, the rest I have nothing to say

This short interview immediately sparked public outrage.

The official website of GK Jewelry studio was hacked, and their offline stores were vandalized by enraged fans. Luckily, the security showed up in time to prevent any major incidents.

GK Jewelry studio’s fan base was far less than Gwen’s, they were powerless to defend GK Jewelry studio.

Within a day, GK Jewelry studio’s stock hit limit down, a major blow!

Snowy Studios also issued a statement, fully supporting GK Jewelry studio, and stated that in the future, none of the designers from Snowy Studios would have any contact or cooperation with Gwen

Snowy Studios and GK Jewelry studio had always been partners, and now both companies standing together supporting Estelle made Snowy Studios fans feel surprised and puzzled

Estelle, just a small designer in Snowy Studios, received such protection from both Snowy Studios and GK Jewelry studio. It was just too much!

Gwen’s fans continued to rampage online. After attacking GK Jewelry studio, they turned their attention to Snowy Studios, and started to clash with Snowy Studios fans: Fans believed they were defending their beloved idol, and for a time, their force was unstoppable. The whole internet was thrown into chaos by their quarrels, Gwen’s fans were everywhere. They accused Estelle, criticized GK Jewelry studio, and even attacked Snowy Studios.

If netizens did not join them in accusing they would be deemed not standing for justice by Gwen’s fans, which caused a lot of resentment from netizens who were not fans. Gwen turned a blind eye to the escalating online violence, did not step in, nor made any statement, which was seen as her tacit approval of her fans actions

At the peak of the online violence, the long-waiting journalists finally caught Jonathan. As he was about to get into his car after leaving the company building, they immediately surrounded him,

“Mr. Lamont, could you say a few words?”

“We heard you were about to get engaged to Gwen, given the circumstances, don’t you think you at least owe Gwen an explanation?”

“Mr. Lamont, did you really abandon Gwen in favor of Estelle? Where is Estelle now, have you hidden her?”


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