Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Craig’s lengthy article sparked a lot of buzz online. First of all, Gwen’s fans criticized Craig accusing him of intentionally spreading rumors, just to take advantage of Gwen’s popularity to become famous However, most netizens stayed level-headed. They compared Gwen’s old photos with her current look and noticed Gwen had indeed changed Her eyes seemed bigger her nose more refined, looking more and more like Estelle

Meanwhile, Estelle’s appearance hadn’t changed a bit

So in the end netizens found out who performed the plastic surgery. Gweris fans went back on the offensive, accusing Craig of doctoring the pictures and insisting Gwen was naturally beautiful.

Soon enough, some netizens posted movie stills from Gwer’s previous role in Mayfield’s movie, shutting Gwen’s fans up.

Now that Estelle was being framed for being fake, other things needed to be carefully considered. Who was framing Estelle behind her back? if Craig’s telling the truth, could it really be Gwen?

Netizens thought this was impossible. Gwen had money and status, so why attacked Estelle, an unknown designer of Amiee? The mality was, Gwen had been spreading the rumor. In interviews, she repeatedly insinuated that Estelle was jealous of her beauty, leading people to believe Estelle had plastic surgery to look like her

Guess Gwen’s not as genuine as her fans made her out to be!

Then, people dug up her past where she used KING’s fame, flaunting a dress designed by KING, only to be exposed later

By that point, the tide of public opinion was turning

But wait there’s more!

A user named “AmiWhisper” posted screenshots of chat logs and a phone recording.

The chat logs showed Gwen’s manager hiring people to spread rumors about Estelle, instructing them on how to smear Estelle and manipulate public opinion. The screenshots also included proofs of payments made by Rena to those spreading the rumors.

The phone recording was a call between Gwen and Rena. Gwen sounded cold and ruthless, ordering Rena to take down Estelle and not give her a chance to retaliate, even suggesting to stir up fans to harass Estelle at her home.

After these screenshots and recordings were released, the entire Internet was boiling, various media reported overnight, and Facebook and other video platforms were almost overwhelmed. The truth finally came out. First, according to Jonathan, he and Gwen were not in love, so there’s no way Estelle stole Gwen’s boyfriend. Second, Estelle never had plastic surgery and her relationship with the crew was nothing beyond friendship.

All of this was orchestrated by someone behind the scenes, and that someone was Gwen

Netizens felt like their world was turned upside down. Gwen stood out among celebrities with her acting skills and sweet looks. She was scandal-free and won over fanit with her work, her pure and kind image deeply rooted in people’s hearts

Who would have thought that the real Gwen was so cunning, volatile, and nasty, treating a friend who had helped her in the past like this?

Netizens were outraged. Those fans who have been swearing all over the place suddenly went silent.

Netizens did not accept this kind of behavior, and asked Gwen to apologize publicly, and also asked those fans who committed online violence against Estelle to come out and apologize.

An innocent girl was wrongly accused and bearing the brunt of internet hate. If anything happened to her, Gwen can’t escape responsibility!


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