Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066

Jonathan said in a nonchalant tone, I’ve already warned you to keep your distance from her.”

Gwen retorted in a husky voice, “Regardless, I’ve helped you in the past and you promised you wouldn’t let me suffer

Jonathan scoffed, his voice light and indifferent, “Have I caused you any loss? I asked Aaron to give you the best chance I used to help you block all the entertainment. You went from being unknown to being the focus of people. You became famous and made money. What are you not satisfied with? You cheated on me at your birthday party, deliberately showing off in front of Estelle. I let it slide, I warned you sternly to stay away from Estelle, but you didn’t listen There’s nothing I can do about that.”

“But…” Gwen choked out, her voice breaking.

Jonathan warned her to keep her distance from Estelle, but she later used Clarice to bully Estelle. He knew it was her doing but didn’t say anything She thought he didn’t care that much about Estelle, thought he would indulge her. Only when he handed her over to Mr. Kress did she male she had misunderstood him. But now, it was too late Tears streamed down Gwen’s face, her eyes filled with despair. “I get it. You did this on purpose, didn’t you, Jonathan? You used me to test Estelle’s feelings. You deliberately misled me to go against Estelle, so you could get closer and protect her. All along, you’ve been using me!“

She understood now, she understood everything.

Estelle was always the one in his heart!

Everything he did was to win her back!

Jonathan laughed softly, his laughter filled with mockery. “It’s your own greed that blinded you. I made it clear from the beginning, you just chose to forget! If you genuinely helped me and Estelle, you would have gained more than what you have now. But you insisted on hurting her. Did you really think I would let that slide?”

Gwen sobbed in despair, “Jonathan, you’re so cruel. How can you expect me to have no feelings for you? No woman can do that!”

“If you can’t do it you shouldn’t have agreed. If you agreed, you shouldn’t have broken your promise. It’s your dishonesty and greed that landed you here! Jonathan’s voice grew colder, “Goodbye, Gwen”

The call ended Gwen collapsed on the floor, her heart filled with despair

That afternoon, Gwen made the headlines once again, but this time for her suicide attempt.

She tried to slit her wrists with a fruit knife, but luckily Rena arrived in time and rushed her to the hospital, saving her life.

However, the news was met with little sympathy from netizens and fans. They either thought she deserved it or speculated if it was another one of her schemes.

After all, in the public’s eyes, Gwen was a woman full of deceit and dishonesty

In an apartment in J City, Mr. Kress anxiously looked at the two men behind him. “Cve posted on Facebook as you instructed. Can you let me go now?

One of them made a call to get Millard’s opinion, then handed Mr. Kress a plane ticket, saying coldly, “Leave J City and don’t come back.”

Mr. Kress was scared out of his wits. He knew his career was over the moment he made his relationship with Gwen public on Facebook. There was nowhere left for J City, let alone the whole country.

He nodded dejectedly, “I understand. Il pack up and leave right away.”

A bodyguard came over, lightly tapping his shoulder. “Mr. Lamont is already being lenient by letting you go. Once you leave, remember to be a righteous man and stop doing

bad things

Mr. Kress was sweating profusely, nodding repeatedly. “I won’t dare to anymore”

The bodyguards left.

Mr. Kress wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face pale. He looked at his left hand missing a pinky, trembling as he stood up.


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