Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1124

Chapter 1124

Chapter 1124

Chapter 1124

Half an hour later, the two were sitting in a VIP room of a restaurant. Carmella put the flowers aside and smiled, “Actually, I have a favor to ask Mr. Gould.”

Finley poured some red wine for Carmella, “You’re being too polite, just spit it out.”

Carmella replied with a smile, “Well, you know I have my own design studio. But the industry is having a hard time and we’re barely hanging on. Your cousin is the lead actress in Mr. Tucker’s play, I was hoping you could put in a good word for us. If I could become Yulia’s costume designer, it would be a huge honor for us.”

Finley pretended to be surprised and said, “I guessed as much. But I think they already have a costume designer.” Carmella replied, “Yulia has a big influence, and it wouldn’t be too much to have her own designer, right?”

Finley laughed, “She’s new to the team, having a special designer might upset the director, but,” he changed his tone, and put his hand on Carmella’s, “If it were anyone else, I might not bother, but you’re different. I’ll definitely help you.”

Carmella tried to keep her smile, “Thank you so much, Mr. Gould.”

Finley held her hand tightly and said affectionately, “Are you still being polite with me?”

Carmella’s arm got goosebumps, but she was afraid Finley might use this as leverage in the future, so she had to ask with a smile, “Could Mr. Gould make a call to her now?”

“No problem, she always listens to me.” Finley grined, pulled back his hand and dialed Yulia.

Carmella exhaled in relief and placed her hand on her lap.

The call went through. Finley asked, “Yulia, how’s the costume designer in your crew?”

Yulia complained, “She has no taste. The clothes she picks are cheap and outdated. She claims it’s to highlight character traits and the director even supports her, it really pisses me off! She doesn’t look like a professional designer. I don’t know how she got in.”

Finley laughed at Yulia’s complaints, “I have a friend who owns a design studio. She’s designed costumes for many plays. and is quite famous. I could introduce her to you as your personal designer.”

Yulia asked, “What’s her name?”

Finley replied, “Her name is Carmella,”

Yulia frowned, “I’ve never heard of her.”

Finley glanced at Carmella, feeling a bit awkward, “You’re not into this field, so it’s natural you wouldn’t know.”

Yulia asked, “Is she really good?”

Finley confidently said, “Of course, why else would I introduce her to you?”

Yulia replied, “Alright, let her come to the set tomorrow, we’ll meet.”

Finley said, “it’s a deal then.”

Yulia replied, “Okay.”

After hanging up, Finley tossed his phone on the table and said with a smile, “Done deal!”

Carmella was over the moon, “She agreed?”

Finley grined. “Of course, would she dare refuse when I’m the one asking?”

Carmella poured herself a glass of wine, “This one’s to you, Mr. Gould. Thanks for helping me out!”

Finley leaned in and looked at Carmella affectionately, “I told you, you don’t have to be polite!”

Carmella blushed.

Finley looked at her downing the glass of wine and raised an eyebrow, “I have a friend who owns a bar, how about we go have some fun?”


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