Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Everyone in the ward turned their eyes to Emily. She looked at Charlie warly. “What are you doing here?”

Elott Sullivan frowned, “Emily, Mr. James is here to help us with the discharge procedures Whats with the attitude?”

Emily took a deep breath to calm herself, then asked Elliott. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work today?”

Ellott chuckled, “I took the day off. I handle the rest of the paperwork. You chat with Mr. James for a bi-

Emily responded immediately. Tve already done it all” She didn’t want to be alone with him!

Charlie said. “Then let’s get going”

Emily’s coldness towards Charlie made Elliott feel awkward. As soon as Charlie started talking, he quickly changed the subject and told Emily to pack her things.

Gina had already changed into her own clothes and prepared all her belongings. As they were about to leave, the ward door was pushed open again, and Dr. Martin walked in

He smiled and said. “Congratulations on your discharge, Gina! If you have any problems in the future, don’t hesitate to call me

Emily felt a bit uncomfortable when she saw Dr. Martin and kept her head down without saying a word.

Charlie’s sharp eyes swept over the two. What was that look on her face?


Gina quickly replied, “Okay, I’m really grateful for your help during this time?

Dr. Martin chuckled and looked at Emily with deep eyes, “I hope you can come when Gina comes back for a follow-up appointment

Emily was stunned and looked at him. In front of so many people, it wasn’t appropriate for her to say too much, so she just nodded vaguely

A glint flashed in Charlie’s eyes. He stepped forward and smiled, “No problem, I’ll bring Emily with me.”

Dr. Martin looked at Charlie in surprise, realizing that he must also be pursuing Emily.

He smiled politely but said nothing.

Emily quickly said goodbye to Dr. Martin and left with Gina.

At the parking lot, Elliott helped Gina into the car, then turned to Emily. “You ride with Mr. James. In case he doesn’t know where my house is, you can show him the way”

Emily was puzzled, “Is he coming home with us?”

“Maybe. Just go sit in Mr. James’ car!” Elliott pushed Emily a little, got in his car, and drove off.

Emily stood there, feeling a bit absurd. Elliott seemed a bit off!

Charlie stood by his car and called her coldly, “What are you standing there for, waiting for Dr. Martin to see you off?”

Emily bit her lip and slowly walked towards Charlie’s car, deliberately sitting in the back

Fortunately, Charlie didn’t make things difficult for her. He started the car and quickly left the hospital parking lot.

Emily sat stiffly, without a hint of a smile on her face.

Being with Charlie always made her feel an invisible pressure as if the air was thinning


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