Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136

Emily was spooked by his gaze, taking a deep breath, “You didn’t do anything wrong I’m the one who owes you?”

“Don’t play innocent with me Charlie suddenly grabbed her shoulders, his face stem, “If you really feel guilty, treat me right. Stop trying to dodge your duty! I won’t let anyone who crosses me off the hook easily!”

Emily winced at his grip but didn’t dare to dodge. She stared at him, “Fine, I won’t dodge. I’ll do whatever you say, but at least give me a des

“Deadline?” Charlie scoffed, “You actually have the nerve to make demands is a lifetime enough? Or maybe, when I get married, have kids, and live a happy life, i might forget the unpleasantness you caused me, and then you can rest easy!

Emily shivered involuntarily. Why had Charlie, whom she once trusted and respected, become so terrifying?

Charlie finally let her go and sat back down, giving her a cold glance

“You make me sick!“

Emily trembled, looking pale, but gradually regained her composure. She sat up straight, looking out the window, feeling engulfed by darkness

That’s alright! She would repay her debt. Then, she could finally relax

Even if her life no longer had love or affection, She still had Kya and she still had Estelle.

The car started again. Charlie seemed to have vented all his anger and didn’t say anything else, driving her back to Sunset Ridge.

He parked the car. Ms. Simmons and Kya were coming out of the building. Kya was on her scooter, apparently about to go out and play.

Seeing Kya, Emily instinctively tensed up.

Charle also saw them. He hadn’t seen Kya for several days and felt somewhat indescribable at the sight.

Kya was Emily’s child with another man. He should despise her, but he found himself deeply fond of Kya. He didn’t understand why he felt this


Emily undid her seatbelt and got out of the car, but Charlie got out first. Seeing him walk towards Kya, she was stunned.

Kya heard someone calling her and turned her head to look.

Under the sunlight, Charlie clearly saw Kya’s eyes light up, her whole face beaming with surprise. She dropped her scooter and ran towards Charlie with her arms wide open.

Charle squatted down and caught her in his arms!

Kya clung to his neck, asking in a soft voice, “Uncle Charlie, are you still busy?”

Charlie chuckled, “What?”

Kya looked up at Charlie innocently, “Mommy told me you were very busy recently, so you couldn’t come to see me. Are you not busy now?”

Charlie felt a pang in his heart. He stroked Kya’s hair and whispered, “Yes, I came to see you as soon as I finished my work How’ve you been?”

Kya nodded cheerfully, “I’m good. I didn’t make Mommy and Estelle mad.”

“What a good girl!” Charlie couldn’t help but pinch her soft cheek.

Seeing their harmonious interaction, Emily felt a pang of pain and bitterness in her heart. Did Charlie really like kya so much?

Blood relations were indeed a phenomenon hard to explain.

Ky also saw Emily and proudly announced, “Mommy, Uncle Charlie came to see me!”


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