Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177

Estelle teased, “So, you still planning on sending someone to punish me?”

Yulia was taken aback, then chuckled. The person I’d send probably wouldn’t stand a chance against you!”

As they were chatting. Yulia’s assistant walked in, cautiously saying. “Yulia, Mr. Tucker knows you’re here. He’s asking if you can come to the set?”.

Yulia responded a tad annoyed. “Can’t you see I’m chatting with Estelle? Tell Mr. Tucker I’m injured and can’t film. I need a couple days off.”

Estelle interjected, “If it’s not a big deal, it’d be nice if you could cooperate with Mr. Tucker so we could get back to work.”

Yulia turned to Extelle, immediately breaking into a smile, “Okay, I’ll listen to your

Her assistant stood there stunned

Yulia tumed to him, “Didn’t you hear what Estelle said? Go tell Mr. Tuckert

“Alright, I’m on it!” The assistant finally snapped back into reality

“Hold on, don’t leave yet!” Yulia called after him, instructing. “Call everyone else over too. I’ve got something to say”

The assistant did as told calling over Yulia’s other assistants and Carmella.

Yulia stood up and seriously told the four TI only say this once, to listen up. From today onwards, Estelle is my best friend Treat her with respect. The fruit that gets prepared for me daily prepare a

portion for her too, Whatever she asks of you, do it right away. Any slacking, and remember, my temper isn’t the best. Don’t blame me for being rude?”

After hearing Yulia’s words, Estelle’s first thought was if she was still under the influence of medication?

Yulla’s assistant gave Estelle a cautious look. They were curious, but didn’t dare to say anything, just responding affirmatively.

Carmella stood in the back, hate flashing across her eyes. Her hands were balled into tight fists, her nails digging into her palm, a wave of pain washing over her

What on earth did Estelle do to make Yulia, who always disliked her, suddenly become so obedient?

Why was it so easy for Estelle to win people over? it was like this at Snowy Studios and it’s like this on set tool

She must have done it on purpose, deliberately getting close to Yulia to oppose her and embarrass her!

The more Carmella thought about it, the angner she got. She’ wished she could slap Yulia right then and there and just leave!

After giving her instructions, Yulia waved at Estelle in a friendly manner, Im off to shoot now. If you need anything, just look for me. Anything at all, don’t be shy

Estelle nodded, “Alright”

Yulia flashed a smile, then walked out

Something crossed Estelle’s mind, and she suddenly said. “I want to say, I don’t need anything in return. I just have one request”


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