Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

Carmella scrammed, wanting nothing more than to shake off Victor Brown. Not only was she worried about Victor pestering her, but she was also scared of his constant reminders that she wasn’t a true MacClain, but a daughter of a poor family.

She didn’t dare go back to work, so she rang up Yulia, telling her she needed to take a leave, then drove off.

Victor chased after her car for miles, his eyes gleaming with surprise and greed as he spotted the expensive Porsche. Carmella was indeed loaded!

After shaking Victor off, Carmella furiously called Estelle MacClain, “Estelle, isn’t this a bit too much?”

“Too much?” Estelle sneered, “Victor didn’t just pop up from nowhere. You’ve been living the high life in the MacClain family for twenty years, and you’ve forgotten your roots?”

“Stop with the nonsense. I grew up in the MacClain family. I have nothing to do with the Browns!”

Estelle replied, “It doesn’t matter what you say. You can’t change the fact that you and Victor share the same blood. It’s about time you paid off the Browns debts!”

Carmella gritted her teeth and said, “Estelle, did you bring Victor on purpose to mess with me? You’re trying to kick me out of the MacClain family and take over the property and the business. But I’m telling you, it’s not going to happen. Simone MacClain promised me everything, and you won’t get a dime!”

“I didn’t even want it in the first place!”

“Then why are you messing with me?”

Estelle replied coldly, “Carmella, blame your own greed! You have everything, and I never picked a fight with you. But you kept messing with me. I told you to stay away, but you didn’t listen. Why should I put up with you?”

Carmella spat, “Your mere existence is a threat to me. I can never have a moment of peace whenever you’re around!”

“That’s because you’re guilty and your heart’s not right!”

“Estelle, I won’t let this slide!”

Estelle laughed carelessly, saying, “You better think about how to handle your little brother.”

With that, Estelle hung up.

Carmella drove on, nearly going mad with anger. She had a hunch that Victor’s appearance would disrupt her life, and her good days were probably over!

Back at the MacClain house, Simone was concerned to see her return so early. “What happened? You look terrible.”

Carmella touched her face and lowered her head guiltily. “Nothing; I just came back because Yulia took leave today.”

Simone had a feeling something was wrong. “Did Estelle bully you again?”

Carmella’s eyes welled up, tears spinning on her lashes.

“I knew it! That woman!” Simone cursed: “Why must she always pick on you?”

Carmella sobbed, “I don’t know. I’m always careful, but she just won’t leave me alone!”

“We should keep our distance from her and quit the drama crew. Even if you do nothing, I can support you for life!” Simone said this

with concern.

Carmella just nodded absentmindedly, not in the mood to deal with Simone, and then headed upstairs.

Seeing Carmella treated so unfairly, Simone was getting more and more angry. She called Bennett MacClain and gave Estelle a good scolding.

Bennett, unsure of the truth, naturally sided with Carmella. He tried to call Estelle to confront her, but she didn’t answer after three calls.


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