Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Emily said Im not that clueless, ya know. You were covering for me just now, why would I blame you?”

Charlie took a deep breath and asked, “Do you have a thing for that guy. Martin?”

“Nah not at all” Emily shook her head.

Then how do you explain calling him your hubby? Did you really tell the Ferber family that Martin is your husband?”

Emily felt more and more embarassed and had no choice but to spill the beans about what happened that day.

Charlie was both frustrated and angry, looking at Emily as if he were disappointed in her, his thin lips drawn into a tight line. “Emily, I thought you might be a bit of a pushover, but at least you had your principles.”

He suddenly didn’t know how to scold her and just turned his gaze out of the car window.

Emily’s eyes dimmed, and she hooked up an ironic smile, saying, “Disappointed in me, huh? I can’t just stand by and watch what’s happening to the Sullivan family. My mom might be biased towards me now but for the first twenty years of my life, she raised me, helped me grow up, put me through school, and took care of me. I wouldn’t be here if not for those twenty years.”

She lowered her head and whispered, “We come from different backgrounds, you may never understand the helplessness of ordinary families.”

For a moment, both of them sat in the car without speaking. Emily stopped thinking about anything else. If the Ferber family was upset about this, she would apologize.

She didn’t owe the Ferber family anything, she owed the Sullivan family!

“Let’s go, we’ll go to the supermarket and buy some ribs,” Emily said softly.

Charlie snorted, “You think I have an appetite now?”

Emily said in a small voice, “Actually, this has nothing to do with you. Why are you so angry?”

Charlie’s eyes were icy. “I’m bored, can I just be angry for no reason?”

“You haven’t eaten yet!”

Charlie was so angry that he was at a loss for words, his thin lips curling into a cold smile. “You only dare to act like this in front of me!”

Emily’s heart skipped a beat. She looked into the man’s inscrutable eyes and didn’t dare respond.

Charlie glanced around, turned the steering wheel, and said lightly, “There’s a restaurant ahead. Let’s not bother cooking; we’ll eat there.”

Emily didn’t object, nor did she dare to.

The restaurant wasn’t big, but it was elegantly decorated. The waiter led them to a private room and handed Charlie the menu. Charlie ordered two dishes, then handed the menu to Emily and said, “See what you want?”

The leather-bound, gold-embossed menu was heavy in her hands. Emily had a hunch that the food here wouldn’t be cheap. She flipped open the menu, and, sure enough, the prices were jaw-dropping. She flipped through two pages without finding anything slightly cheaper.

Charlie took the menu from her and ordered two more dishes and two desserts according to Emily’s taste.

After the waiter left, Emily said, “I’ll pick up the tab today. Even though you often scold me, I know you’ve helped me a lot; I am aware of that.”

“You’re aware?” Charlie scoffed. But since they just had a tiff, he didn’t plan to squabble with her during dinner; he just said indifferently, “Save your money for Kya!”


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