Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

Gina immediately squealed with excitement, “For real?”

“You think I’m joking around?” Charlie snapped coldly.

“No, of course not, this problem can definitely be solved if you’re willing to help,” Gina said, excitedly. “Thank you, Mr. James.”

‘Don’t thank me, you should be thanking Emily, she’s the one who asked me to help!”

“Oh! I see,” Gina replied instantly.

“We are eating, let’s hang up!” Charlie said, ending the call and handing the phone back to Emily.

Emily still had a frown on her face, “You shouldn’t interfere. If needed, I will apologize to the Ferber Family.”

Charlie glanced at her, “Given the attitude of the Ferber Family, you think they’ll accept your apology?”

“Well, I don’t want to cause you any trouble,” Emily said uneasily.

“To get Martin’s help, you were even willing to pretend to be his wife, is this how you treat me?” Charlie sneered, speaking in a leisurely manner.

Emily was taken aback, “You know I had no choice that day!”

“I think you’re just messing things up, not knowing what to choose and what not to!” Charlie sneered.

Emily’s face turned red instantly.

Charlie sighed lightly with a hint of a smile, picked up his chopsticks to serve her food, “Eat first, helping the Ferber Family is just a piece of cake for me, you don’t need to complicate things or feel like you owe me anything.”

“But I do owe you,” Emily muttered.

“Do you think you owe me little? We have a long way to go, take your time to repay!” Charlie said calmly, “From now on, you cook lunch for me, don’t feel reluctant, considér it as a repayment.”

Emily stared at him, “When did ever feel reluctant?”

“So, you’re willing?” Charlie stared at her.

“Of course!” Emily nodded immediately.

A warmth flashed in Charlie’s eyes. He couldn’t help but smile but still grumpily said, “Then don’t look so down, you’re ruining my appetite.”

Emily giggled, ignoring Charlie’s sulkiness and started laughing.

After lunch, they both returned to the office. To their surprise, Gavin was sitting on the couch waiting for Charlie. Seeing the two of them entering together, Gavin gave Charlie a meaningful smile. Charlie ignored him, turned to Emily and said, “Go work, I’m giving you all of Frank’s cases. Ask me if you have any questions.”

“Alright, thank you, Mr. James!” Emily said respectfully.

Charlie nodded slightly and walked towards his office.

Gavin, from behind, flirted with Emily, “You can ask me too if you don’t understand, I’m always patient with beauties!”

“Get in here!” Charlie looked back at Gavin.

Gavin immediately stopped laughing and followed Charlie in.

Sitting in the chair in front of the desk, Gavin smirked, “Got her so quickly? No wonder you’re the invincible Mr. James!”


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