Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265

But that feeling only lasted for a minute. Emily quickly snapped herself back to reality, trying her best to forget about that night

Wasn’t this what she wanted, her relationship with him?

It was all good

A small smile curled up at the corners of Emily’s mouth, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It was just a passing smirk that soon disappeared without a trace.

On a Friday afternoon, while Charlie and Tracy were busy in a meeting, Waters suddenly showed up again.

She’d cut her hair short and swapped her style for a laid back, artsy vibe, donning a loose maxi dress and a deep blue scarf, still looking drop-dead gorgeous

She settled down on the couch, dropped her handbag, and said to Emily, “Help me pour a cup of coffee, will you? Thank you. Make it the way Mr. James kes n

“Sure thing”” Emily replied with a smile, pouring her a cup and placing it on the table.

Waters took out a certain brand of lipstick from a high-end brand from her bag and handed it to Emily. “Didn’t get you anything last time I was here. Consider this a belated gift.”

The diamond-encrusted tube twinkled under the light, screaming expensive.

Emily declined, “Thanks for the gesture, but I don’t really need it.”

Waters raised an eyebrow, “Why not? Don’t like it? It’s the latest model, their top-shelf product, pretty hard to get your hands on.”

“No, really, I’m good” Emily held her ground.

“Alright then!” Waters, seeing Emily’s sincere refusal, left the lipstick on the table and gave her a friendly smile. “Has any other worhan come looking for Mr. James recently? Or has Mr. James asked you to get gifts for any other women?”

“Not that I know of, Emily answered truthfully.

A look of delight washed over Waters’ face. She lowered her voice, if any woman ever comes looking for Mr. James, could you give me a ring” Here’s my business card”

She proffered a card to Emily, her smile growing warmer. And, of course, if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. I know a fair few people in J City”

Emily didn’t take the card and declined her offer politely, “I’m sorry, but I can’t get involved in Mr. James’ personal affairs”

Waters frowned slightly, laughing it off, “What’s so private about that? I just want to know who’s been hanging around Charlie, not prying into his business secrets.

“That’s still a no-go!”

Just as Waters was about to say something else, Emily stood her ground, her eyes darted to the approaching man, and she quickly pocketed her card, throwing him a smile, “Mr. James!”

“What are you up to here?” Charlie asked, a charming smile on his face.

Waters quickly picked up the lipstick from the table and said in a playful, slightly petulant tone, “Your assistant said she loved the colour of my lipstick today, so I gave it to her. We were just chatting, and you showed up.”

“Is that so?” Charlie turned to Emily, his gaze somewhat frosty

Emily felt a chill run down her spine under his icy stare. She knew Waters was lying, but she couldn’t blow her cover in front of him.


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