Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

Charlie popped a slice of steak into his mouth and chewed slowly with apparent difficulty swallowing. He frowned, “Why is the food here so bad?” “Is it really that bad? Wasn’t it you who wanted to come here?” Waters forked off a piece of her own steak and tasted it, then said, “I think it’s pretty good”

Charlie put down his knife and fork with a puzzled look, took a sip of water and looked up, “What did you just say?”

Waters smiled warmly, her eyebrows slightly raised, “Come to my place tonight”

Charlie looked at her calmly, “Sleeping with someone you don’t love is like eating a steak that doesn’t suit your taste. Dry and hard to swallow.”

Waters’ face changed, “Charlie, what do you mean?”

“It’s not that you’re not good, it’s just that I really don’t like you, Waters. Stop coming after me, Charlie said seriously, “You’ve wasted two years on me, it’s time to stop”

Waters looked at Charlie with tears welling up in her eyes, “You know I’ve been chasing you for two years. A woman’s youth is limited, don’t you think I have other options?”

“Of course, you do. The line of men chasing you could stretch from your doorstep to your office, so you really don’t need to waste your time on me! “But I like you and I’m willing to pursue you” Waters’ tears started to fall, she quickly wiped them away, trying to maintain her grace. “You’ve had so many girlfriends before, why can’t I be one of them? Even if it’s just a three-month relationship like your previous ones, I can accept it. I just want closure for my


She stood up and walked over to Charlie, unhesitatingly took off her coat and put Charlie’s hand on her, “Am I not beautiful? Is my figure not good?”

Charlie pulled his hand away The woman in front of him was indeed beautiful, the type he used to like. But now, there was no spark in his eyes, even a hint of annoyance, I’m sorry, I’m just not interested”

Waters looked at him in disbelief, “Then why did you date me and give me hope?”

1 thought I could,”

Charlie frowned, a hint of impatience flashing in his eyes. He didn’t explain further, stuffing her coat back into her hands, Tve made myself clear. Don’t come looking for me again. I’m going to leave now.”

He stood up and strode out, not looking back.

Waters felt humiliated. She sat back down, pushed the plates off the table, covered her face and cried out in anger.

As Charlie left the building, he glanced towards the window. The person who had been sitting there was gone.

That night, Emily got a call from Gina after she got home.

As expected, it was about the medical equipment deal she was helping the Ferber Family with

Gina said excitedly. “Terry made it very clear that if we can get this equipment into South Hospital, we’ll make a killing! This money will be really useful when your brother gets married”

Emily flatly refused, “That’s against hospital rules Martin can’t help

Gina quickly said, “Emily, let me finish. if this deal goes through, I give you a big cut. I know you’re having a hard time raising your child on your own Terry has promised that Dr. Martin will also get a good deal”

“Mom!” Emily interrupted Gina, “That’s absolutely out of the question. If that’s what you’ve agreed to with the Ferber Family, then you can forget about having me as your daughter!”

Gina was taken aback, “Emily, that’s a bit harsh!”

“Mom, you should understand the seriousness of this. Are you really willing to please the Ferber Family at the expense of me?”

Emily’s voice choked, “When we were kids, you told my brother and me that we could be poor, but we must never lose our dignity or covet what isn’t ours. Have you forgotten?”

Gina was silent for a long time, whether in anger or touched by Emily’s words, she didn’t say


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