Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

The assistant, startled, took this as a cue to leave.

Yulia approached, her voice cold, “If you have a problem, say it to my face. Don’t gossip behind my back. You’re a high society lady, not gossiping housewife, it doesn’t look good, you know?”

Carmella’s face darkened, “Have you ever respected me? I’m your designer, you had Estelle design your dress, where does that leave me

Yulia shot back mercilessly, “Your designs are crap. If it wasn’t for Finley Gould, do you think I’d still hire you? Now you remember, you’re my designer. So where were you last night?”

The color drained from Carmella’s face.

Recently, she’d been trying to cozy up to Yvonne, hoping to get some fashion resources from her. Last night, Yvonne invited her to a fashion banquet, which thrilled Carmella. She even went home to get all dolled up for the event.

But she ended up waiting outside the banquet for an hour without seeing Yvonne. She couldn’t get through to her on the phone and had no way of finding


Without an invitation, the banquet staff wouldn’t let her in. So, she waited outside for three hours, hounded by reporters who thought she was a Z-list celebrity trying to stir up some drama. It was downright humiliating.

When Carmella finally got home and called Yvonne, she casually brushed it off saying she had forgotten.

That’s when Carmella realized she’d been played by Yvonne.

She didn’t think she’d done anything to offend Yvonne and couldn’t understand why she was being treated like this.

It wasn’t until this morning when Carmella saw Yvonne talking to Estelle that she realized Yvonne was helping Estelle.

Bitterness swelled in her heart, and now that she was being scolded by Yulia, she was fuming.

“You’re only here because of Finley, otherwise who’d know you! You even tried to use me to get close to Yvonne, let me tell you, you’re not even worthy of carrying her shoes. You’re just a fool being played by her!”

Yulia’s temper was notoriously short, and she’s known for her sharp tongue. She didn’t hold back at all this time, leaving Carmella utterly humiliated. “Who do you think you are? How dare you insult Carmella!”

Suddenly, someone stormed over, stood in front of Carmella and started yelling at Yulia.


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