Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280

Now, Carmella can no longer pretend, She can’t ask for Yulia’s help and there’s no chance that Yulia would help Corley She clenched the juice cup in her hand and whispered, “Sorry, I can’t help you. I’ve quit. I’m no longer Yulia’s designer.”

Her voice was very soft, but the lively hall immediately fell silent. All the laughter suddenly stopped, like a flock of geese having a grand old time suddenly getting their necks wrung.

Simone stared at Yulia in disbelief, “When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Leonie, who had been silent the whole time, finally found a chance to speak. She was eating fries and said with a smile, “What a coincidence! Just when you need Carmella’s help, she quits”

Corley’s face darkened slightly “Carmella, you’re not using this as an excuse not to help me, are you?”

“No, I really quit. It’s been three or four days.” Carmella said loudly.

Simone’s face gradually darkened. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Carmella bowed her head, unable to speak.

“What exactly happened? Terrence asked in a deep voice.

Carmella lifted her head, tears gleaming in her eyes. She choked out, “Yulia and used to be good, but Estelle was jealous of me for being Yulia’s personal

Yulia was misled by Estelle and designer. She conspired with the director to squeeze me out, and deliberately casued a rift between Yulia and me.

developed a lot of misunderstandings about me. I couldn’t handle it and had to quit.”

After hearing this, Terrence slammed his cup on the table, his face stern, “It’s Estelle again!”

Simone’s eyes were filled with hatred, “She won’t stop until she’s ruined Carmella

Natalia and Sabina exchanged a glances, “What’s going on?”

Suddenly, Sallie stood up, pointed at Carmella, and said coldly. “You’re talking nonsense! Estelle jealous of you? Are you making up stories? Look in the mirror, what’s so great about you compared to Estelle?”

Haps chimed in, “You’re always lying and deceiving people. You’re just taking advantage of the fact that Estelle is not here to expose you!”

Carmella’s face turned pale.

Leonie glared at Hans and Sallie, “What right have you to speak? Sit down!”

Sallie sneered at everyone, “Carmella is a liar. She never tells the truth: You all know that. Do you still believe her? Unless you’re all idiots!”

“Sallie!” Elizabeth snapped, “Who are you calling an idiot?”

“You disrespectful brat!” Simone shouted.

At first, Leonie scolded Sallie for talking too much, but when everyone started yelling at her daughter, she began to defend her, “Sallie’s words weren’t pleasant, but I don’t think she’s wrong. Carmella has lied and deceived more than once, right? Every time she messes up, she blames it on Estelle. I also think there’s something fishy about this. Is it really such a coincidence that every time she does something. Estelle can ruin it for her?”

Leonie gave Simone a cold look, “Some parents are biased, but don’t think you can fool us!”

Sallie immediately agreed, “Mom, you’re so right!”

Leonie winked at her, and for the first time, they were in total agreement!

Simone stood up, her lips quivering with anger, “Leonie, my family’s business is none of your concern. I can spoil whomever I want, and no one can interfere!”

Leonie didn’t back down, “Of course, she’s your daughter, and whether you spoil her or not is none of our business. But don’t bring a fake here, crying and playing innocent, insulting our intelligence!”

“What has that got to do with you? No one else is saying anything!” Simone said frustrated.

Leonie snorted, “Just because others keep their opinions to themselves doesn’t mean I will. I always say what’s on my mind!


Natalia immediately jumped in to mediate, “Hey, everyone, chill out, we’re all family here, no need to go at each other’s throats, right?”

Simone spat out in anger, “We need to clear things up today. Carmella has been hurt enough already, why does she have to come home to feel more guilt? Let me make this clear to you all, I only have one daughter, Carmella. I don’t give a damn about Estelle. If anyone wants to speak up for her, they

can take her with them!”

Carmella was both touched and hurt as she leaned against Simone, “Mom!”

Sallie chimed in, “Alright, if you guys don’t want Estelle, we’re happy to take her in, she’s my sister after all”

Leonie’s face changed slightly and quickly signaled Sallie as if to say, “It’s okay to speak up for Estelle, but there’s no need to actually take her in!” Simone sneered, Fine, call Estelle now, I bet she can’t wait

to hear the newst


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